833 Gear Pitting... Help!

My old man always said every lesson in life has a price tag, some are more expensive than others. With all due respect, if you continue down the road you have apparently chosen, you are going to get a lesson. Again, with all due respect.
I finally got pictures of the Transmission from xLurkDogx So, it looks like A Go if he doesn't blow me off...
I concede, I will part out the case and go forward with his trans if it all goes well. Wish Me Luck!
Okay, Yes of coarse you are right... :-(
Dude, let it go! You are going to have more money in that when you are done than if you bought a fully rebuilt one with a warranty from Brewers. What you are doing with that transmission is like buying a horrible, wrecked, rust bucket 69 Dart GTS Convertible and then spending $75 restoring it when you could have bought a nice one for $40. You have several very smart guys on this forum telling you to to stop throwing money at it. Proceed at your own risk!
Dude, let it go! You are going to have more money in that when you are done than if you bought a fully rebuilt one with a warranty from Brewers. What you are doing with that transmission is like buying a horrible, wrecked, rust bucket 69 Dart GTS Convertible and then spending $75 restoring it when you could have bought a nice one for $40. You have several very smart guys on this forum telling you to to stop throwing money at it. Proceed at your own risk!
HELLOOOOO!!!! I Said I Concede! I Said You Were Right! I Said I was Buying Another! I said This Thread has ran it's coarse! I said Thank You!
I've Let it Go!
I don't have another transmission... I have This transmission. I'm not wealthy, I'm broke.
I like seeing things thru even when the odds are bad.
I guess this thread has ran it's coarse, Thank You guy's!
I'll post Pic's when it goes back together!

Even financially challenged, if you can do all the work, you can afford it. none of the parts are super expensive. The labor to do it is what costs. Keep on pluggin dude. You got this.
I have a complete good internal set for that trans. Start a conversation if the other trans falls through.
Good luck and I hope that this all works out for you. Make sure that you get a copy of Jamie Passion’s book on 833’s as it is very helpful. I rebuilt my 833 earlier this year because it was noisy and it turned out to have pitted gears like yours. It cost me a little over $500 to rebuild it and that was having to use some parts out of another transmission that I had laying around.
Is it True that the A-833's 1st and 4th gears are nearly the same as my current A-230's 1st and 3rd gears???
If So, Wow!
Is it True that the A-833's 1st and 4th gears are nearly the same as my current A-230's 1st and 3rd gears???
If So, Wow!
If by nearly ,you mean ratios, yes and no.
The most common A833 ratios, with splits in (), are;
----2.66(.722)1.92(.729)1.40(.714)1.00 ... And the Commando is;
3.09(.621)----1.92(.729)1.40(.714)1.00 ...and the A833od is;
3.09(.542)---------1.67(.599)--------1.00-------.73od .. the A230s are;
3.08(.552)---------1.70(.588)--------1.00 and
-----2.55(.584)----------1.49(.67)---1.00 (short third)

But you only have to bang thru the gears once with an A833, to want to throw the A230 away.The extra gear and tight splits make all the difference,especially the smaller your engine is, or the less power it has, or the more narrow the engine's powerband is..
For example Say you had the 3.08low A230
And say you had a cam that power peaks at 5200/ shifts at 5500.
When you outshift 3.08 first into 1.70second, the Rpm will drop to .552 or 3036, making your powerband requirement to be 5500-3036=2464 .. That's pretty wide..... The 5500rpm engine is not gonna make much power down at 3036.

But if you had an A833/2.66low, the common trans;, then outshifting 2.66first into 1.92 second, the Rs drop from 5500 x .722=3971 for a PB of 5500 less 3971=just 1529.... or 935rpm less! That's about 61% of the former, so more average power to the pavement. and 4000 will be just above the torque peak, so this engine is gonna really motor now. In fact,this could be a whole nuther combo. With the tight split, you can run a bigger cam with a more narrow LSA, without worrying much about anything below ~4000rpm .
If by nearly ,you mean ratios, yes and no.
The most common A833 ratios, with splits in (), are;
----2.66(.722)1.92(.729)1.40(.714)1.00 ... And the Commando is;
3.09(.621)----1.92(.729)1.40(.714)1.00 ...and the A833od is;
3.09(.542)---------1.67(.599)--------1.00-------.73od .. the A230s are;
3.08(.552)---------1.70(.588)--------1.00 and
-----2.55(.584)----------1.49(.67)---1.00 (short third)

But you only have to bang thru the gears once with an A833, to want to throw the A230 away.The extra gear and tight splits make all the difference,especially the smaller your engine is, or the less power it has, or the more narrow the engine's powerband is..
For example Say you had the 3.08low A230
And say you had a cam that power peaks at 5200/ shifts at 5500.
When you outshift 3.08 first into 1.70second, the Rpm will drop to .552 or 3036, making your powerband requirement to be 5500-3036=2464 .. That's pretty wide..... The 5500rpm engine is not gonna make much power down at 3036.

But if you had an A833/2.66low, the common trans;, then outshifting 2.66first into 1.92 second, the Rs drop from 5500 x .722=3971 for a PB of 5500 less 3971=just 1529.... or 935rpm less! That's about 61% of the former, so more average power to the pavement. and 4000 will be just above the torque peak, so this engine is gonna really motor now. In fact,this could be a whole nuther combo. With the tight split, you can run a bigger cam with a more narrow LSA, without worrying much about anything below ~4000rpm .
Yeah, All that. (Thank You!) I just meant that it's the same Vroom vroom outta the hole and the same 1 to 1 at the end...
The Case came out of Electrolysis today, It looks a Whole Lot Better!

Progress is Made! She Will come back to Life despite all the negatives.
Thanks to All the Members with Positive Insight and about $800 bucks in parts...
It's Goin' Back Together!

