9 hours without one!!

Thanks Snake! Glad I am well over 6' tall to be able to distribute the weight evenly....kinda like externally balanced.....
Great to hear you are still a quitter. Us fellow quitters are pulling for you. Keep up the great job!
...........Hey Steve............r u like me and dont know the meaning of the word...EXERCISE............Kim.........

I know that word...even saying it makes me hungry!! Been so busy at school and its been so darned cold out...well thats my excuses anyway LOL
thanks for all the positives everyone!! It really is touch, but not as touch as I thought it would be. This is the longest I have gone without a smoke in 10 years.

Agreed with the diet, get the quitting smoking down pat, then work on the lard-arse!

Just stop counting the hours, and change your mindset to accept the fact that you're no longer smoking. In other words, get it out of your head.
I stopped smoking while in the middle of a 3 pack a day habit. That was in 1983. I haven't smoked since, and I haven't thought about it since I stopped. Control your mind, break the habit.