Acid reflux?



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Just curious what some of you do for acid reflux. Now I am not just talking about "just acid reflux". I get that and it sometimes wakes me up at night. I'll go take a Prilosec and like 3 tums and it's gone.

What I am talking about usually happens first thing in the morning just before you get up. It's about 10x worse than normal and leaves you coughing and gasping for breath and you feel like the bottom of your esophagus is on fire. It's like that this morning. With every exhale I feel like I am going to choke. I have tried milk, ice water, tums. Nothing has touched it. This only happens this bad maybe once or twice a year. Usually during stressful times. Yesterday for me was one of those days.

There was an incident regarding a member here and the benefit thread and he would have no other way than to call me and have his say. I tried to hang up telling him nicely I didn't want to talk then but he called right back and I just gave up. From there, it was all downhill. My stress level is through the roof and my acid reflux is off the scale.

Do any of you have any remedies at least for the pain? Thanks.
Just curious what some of you do for acid reflux. Now I am not just talking about "just acid reflux". I get that and it sometimes wakes me up at night. I'll go take a Prilosec and like 3 tums and it's gone.

What I am talking about usually happens first thing in the morning just before you get up. It's about 10x worse than normal and leaves you coughing and gasping for breath and you feel like the bottom of your esophagus is on fire. It's like that this morning. With every exhale I feel like I am going to choke. I have tried milk, ice water, tums. Nothing has touched it. This only happens this bad maybe once or twice a year. Usually during stressful times. Yesterday for me was one of those days.

There was an incident regarding a member here and the benefit thread and he would have no other way than to call me and have his say. I tried to hang up telling him nicely I didn't want to talk then but he called right back and I just gave up. From there, it was all downhill. My stress level is through the roof and my acid reflux is off the scale.

Do any of you have any remedies at least for the pain? Thanks.[/QUOT

Sorry to hear your having problems.for me the only thing I have found that works for me is nexuim( the little purple pill) I have GERD
Quickest way I know to settle the acid down is to dissolve a little baking soda in water and sip it.
I've read that eating an apple every day will prevent GERD or acid reflux from bothering you. I have GERD myself and until recently, I used Prilosec every day. Until I heard that it causes brittle bones if you even use it for two weeks in a year.

I have recently heard that apple cider vinegar will cure it too, but I don't know how much to take, or if you need to mix it with something. Maybe someone else here knows?
Here is a link to a website:

It suggests using 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons mixed with 8 oz. of water with meals or when you have heartburn. You can mix in 1-2 tablespoons of honey if desired to make it taste better. If you prefer to drink it straight, know that it will erode your tooth enamel, so it's better to sip it thru a straw.

I'll be starting this myself today.
I drink apple cider vineger every day,just add alittle to about 32oz water 3 to 4 times a day. I don't get heart burn or indigestion.It also has other benefits .Flushes out your body and the limphatic sys. also.My pap just turned 90 and he swears by the stuff .
Do you take any of these drugs for any conditions Rob

And Baking Soda – So many people have heard of the many benefits of sodium bicarbonate, and one of the benefits of this amazing substance is helping to treat acid reflux and heart burn. It is actually one of the ingredients in antacids, and it can help to prevent stomach pains just by adding a spoonful of it to a glass of water and chugging it down before the fizz stops. This is how I do it when I have hart burn.

One more idea Rob and I keep a gallon of it here at home at all times is Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, which is one of the best fat burning substances. However, the vinegar will also help to calm your poor roiling stomach, and will help to prevent the very acute pain that is caused by acid reflux. It is a fast-acting remedy that can reduce and prevent the pain.
I drink apple cider vineger every day,just add alittle to about 32oz water 3 to 4 times a day. I don't get heart burn or indigestion.It also has other benefits .Flushes out your body and the limphatic sys. also.My pap just turned 90 and he swears by the stuff .

I have been drinking it (a couple tbs) after any fatty or food or Meat for many years X2 :coffee2:
Actually Mike, I have been taking aspirin lately because I have been trying to get OFF of acetaminophen. It's been the only thing over the counter that touches my headaches, but I know prolonged use boogers up the liver.
Hey Rob watch your eating habits also my GI dr told me to stop eating before I go to bed so now no late meals for me and it seems to help I also take nexium not every day though just when needed. Hope you get to feeling better.
Actually Mike, I have been taking aspirin lately because I have been trying to get OFF of acetaminophen. It's been the only thing over the counter that touches my headaches, but I know prolonged use boogers up the liver.

Everyone in my family and many friends and doctors know I can not take aspirin Rob, I need to get me a bracelet I guess :-k I am never to take anything with
aspirin in it :shaking2: How do you spell Elergick :-k You know what I mean :sign7:

Fiber – That’s right, fiber is one of the most important things to add to your acid reflux treatement.
Dietary fiber helps to soak up the acid in your stomach, and will send it on its way down the intestines. Make sure that you get fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that won’t irritate your heartburn or acid reflux, and try to avoid the food items that contain lots of starch and sugar.
If I eat anymore fiber, I'll crap myself silly. I'm bout as regular as you can get. I love me a good poop but I don't wanna live in the bathroom. lol
Just curious what some of you do for acid reflux. Now I am not just talking about "just acid reflux". I get that and it sometimes wakes me up at night. I'll go take a Prilosec and like 3 tums and it's gone.

What I am talking about usually happens first thing in the morning just before you get up. It's about 10x worse than normal and leaves you coughing and gasping for breath and you feel like the bottom of your esophagus is on fire. It's like that this morning. With every exhale I feel like I am going to choke. I have tried milk, ice water, tums. Nothing has touched it. This only happens this bad maybe once or twice a year. Usually during stressful times. Yesterday for me was one of those days.

There was an incident regarding a member here and the benefit thread and he would have no other way than to call me and have his say. I tried to hang up telling him nicely I didn't want to talk then but he called right back and I just gave up. From there, it was all downhill. My stress level is through the roof and my acid reflux is off the scale.

Do any of you have any remedies at least for the pain? Thanks.

Wish i could help but i got bad acid reflux myself, and havent quite figured out how to fix mine besides popping sone chalky as hell antacids
No one has mentioned caffeine,, Do you drink a lot of coffee, or do you drink pepsi, or coke?

I was on Prilosec, or similar, for 15 years. Then about 6 months ago I gave up the Pepsi and Coke, basically made no other changes, and I'm almost totally off the Prilosec.
Maybe once a week I'll take one, but that beats every day.
I've been dealing with acid reflux for 20 years. Now I am hooked on prilosec.
Sometimes I wake from a dead sleep with what I refer to as choking-hot-puke-in my throat. For the first couple seconds I feel like I'm dying. Just two days ago, I had an Endoscopy for the first time. It's an imaging tube they stick down your throat and check out your esophogus (sp) and stomach. Nothing showed up!
Sooo. either I stop smoking and significantly change my diet, or just keep taking Prilosec. It blows.
Never had quite what you're describing, but I used to get bad heartburn in the afternoons. I did some reading and found that the general recommendations included cutting back on (or cutting out) eating the following three classes of things:

1) Carbonated beverages - D'oh!
2) Fried food - D'oh!
3) Spicy food - Just kill me now and D'oh!

I cut back on all 3 and my (admittedly more mild) symptoms went away.

Not sure if this is related at all to what you're going through, helped me!

Yeah so Lemmie just quit eatin and drinkin everything I like. I might as well eat cardboard.
Rusty it is acetamenophen (Tylenol ) that kills your liver if you exceed 3 grams per day (FDA reduced reccomended dose from 4 grams to 3 grams on 24 hrs). Aspirin will cause stomach ulcers and make your reflux worse. The aspirin blocks secretion in your stomach that produces a covering on the inside of the stomach to protect it from the acid. No secretion no protection from ulcers. Tylenol is much safer when taken correctly. If you are on blood thinners aspirin is a terrible idea. Major bleeding will occur.
Well this may sounds silly but try sleeping differently. One way is to sleep with your throat higher than your stomach. If you cant do that sleep on your right side because that keeps the stomach opening lower than your throat.