ALERT !! Tragedy !! 67Dart273



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
No, Del Ain't dead. I won't get into specifics, because I don't want to get anything wrong, but basically he lost his house to a fire last night. I just got off the phone with him. He doesn't have any way of gettin on here now and he wanted me to let the few guys know that had wanted a copy of the 1974 service manual that that's not going to happen now. Del is a stand up guy so if he owes you anything, don't sweat it, it'll get to you. Let's all keep Del in our prayers. I'll update with more as I know it. Hopefully, he'll find a way to get on. If you need to get in touch with him, I have his number.
No, Del Ain't dead. I won't get into specifics, because I don't want to get anything wrong, but basically he lost his house to a fire last night. I just got off the phone with him. He doesn't have any way of gettin on here now and he wanted me to let the few guys know that had wanted a copy of the 1974 service manual that that's not going to happen now. Del is a stand up guy so if he owes you anything, don't sweat it, it'll get to you. Let's all keep Del in our prayers. I'll update with more as I know it. Hopefully, he'll find a way to get on. If you need to get in touch with him, I have his number.
Oh no! That's not good news for sure. Let us know if we can help somehow. Thanks Rusty.
Dam, sorry to hear this. U r in my thoughts and prayers. Del is a great guy. Hopefully he lets u know if he need something. Kim
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Sorry to hear about this ROB. That's a bummer.
Keep us all posted.
Damn, that's a real shame, Del is one of the most knowledgeable people here, particularly in electronics. Thanks for letting us know Rob.
Can`t imagine losing a lifelong collection of things of sentimental value, pictures etc. and being suddenly homeless.
I hope Dell had homeowners' insurance and they quickly pay the claim, so he can rebuild. Good luck buddy.
I just talked to Del again. Yup, he's gonna need some help. He has a paypal address, which I think would be best and easiest for him, but he doesn't remember which email is associated with it until he gets back online and that's gonna be a few days, because he doesn't think his laptops survived and he doesn't have a smartphone. When I find out, I'll post his address. I don't know if he wants a gofundme, but if he does, I'll post that too, when it's up. As far as he's concerned, he's ok, but he sounds tired and really hoarse.
Glad to hear he’s OK and his family, how’s his pets?
That's awful news, but thankfully he wasn't hurt!

And like Randy pointed out in Post 8, he seems very knowledgeable, and always willing to share it.

Rusty: Where does he live...roughly? Not "exact", but rather just what part/region of the country?
That's awful news, but thankfully he wasn't hurt!

And like Randy pointed out in Post 8, he seems very knowledgeable, and always willing to share it.

Rusty: Where does he live...roughly? Not "exact", but rather just what part/region of the country?
He's in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. He's said it many times on here, so I know he won't mind it being repeated.
Damn, thoughts & prayers with Him, glad He is seemingly OK.
He's in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. He's said it many times on here, so I know he won't mind it being repeated.
Thank you. I drove right through there about 6-7 months ago (Portland, OR to Mpls trip), so I'm somewhat familiar.

Unfortunately I don't have any "connections" out there, otherwise I'd make some calls, see what I could do to help.

I'll keep my eyes peeled on this thread for a GoFundMe or what-not.
That's horrible. Glad he is safe and hope he can get his housing and stuff back in order.
Hopefully he has some nearby family.
I couldn't imagine losing my house to a fire or any kind of **** that's horrible, I don't know del but I hope everything works out better than it was before.
Very, very sad. I don't know Del personally but only know him through his postings and the expertise he shares. And he shares quite a bit! Pray he can get back on his feet quickly.

Keep us posted with updates.