ALERT !! Tragedy !! 67Dart273

Couple more of the sled project HF winch mounted above, with a snatch block about knee level to allow more room when "up." and a small block on the sled. The return line does not actually move, is anchored to an eye at the floor level


Looks like you're making some good progress. It will be good when you get to the point you are putting stuff back. I realized I haven't had enough coffee when I was reading your explanation of the workings of the sled. I got to the part about 'small block on the sled' and was looking for a 273/318/340/360!! :BangHead: :realcrazy: Glad you're making progress.

Making some progress, and found a temp guy who is a real worker. Got the living room down to wood, along with the smaller bedroom, kitchen, and laundry, yesterday. It was the worst mess. Should get the main bedroom carpet out today. THEN it's on to the basement. Some photos

Below, laundry. The "clean" walls were somewhat shielded by the large counter/ cabinet at left, and the washer dryer at right
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Old Hallicrafters receiver, not pretty
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Into the kitchen and on towards the laundry. Ahead is a sled we built I hope to be a big help hauling heavy items out of the basement. HF winch visible at right of door at very top
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Living room was clean, has now sort of become a staging/ work area. Tools and some salvage
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The small bedroom, one of the worst. The smoke just settled there. Bottom is antenna feeds, the panel is access to shower fittings. Had a huge corner multitier desk for the amateur radio stuff. Lots of that went away
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Hy-gain antenna rotator control, and Ameritron AL-80 linear amp. They are a mess
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Used to be a very nice Hallicrafters SX-101 receiver. These were top of the line of Hallicrafters and expensive. It may be junk. This was on top of a chest in my main bedroom, so not even that escaped.
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Living room. Ceiling was brought down by water. I'm pretty sure I can clean and repaint (hi temp) the gas heater
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This wall of the kitchen was fridge and range, about where the ladder is. You can imagine how THEY looked. We tore the compressor out, rope tied the doors shut, and carefully dollied it out and tipped it down on it's back in the trailer. Never opened the smelly thing!!
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Winch for the sled project
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Good to see you making some excellent progress Del.
Thanks to all you have helped. Every bit, large or small helps!!! And get this. Randy, "missing linc" came down on vacation from Alberta and put in some hours. We made a HELL of a big hole in part of it. And in the rubble, he dug out my dirty and somewhat damaged but very likely fixable, stainless, Colt 380DA they call a "Pony". Similar models are Mustang, and Pocketlite. Parts of it are not stainless, the hammer, rear sight, mag release, and other parts of the trigger system.

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Good Man, Randy!

A little closer to the finish line :thumbsup:
Actually we are just getting a little closer to the starting line. Once the basement is cleaned out, or at least to the point we can maybe cover the lathe, etc, it will be time to demolish. Pull out ALL sheet rock insulation, and at least the upstairs wiring and maybe the basement. Clear out to the studs and rafters

I have had a hell of a time getting reliable help. I've got just one guy here and he had to go to another job on the 23rd
Sort of a progress report. have had a LOT of trouble finding independent, square people who will WORK. Just fired a guy the other day, but that is a good thing, he was a twitchy twink.

Anyhow, ALL the ceilings and wall board is gone except a small amount in the basement, behind the work bench in the electronics room, all insulation is out except above the bathroom, which I'm "keeping going" as long as I can, for toilet, for washing dishes, and for showers!! Electric heaters (maybe more than one!! later!!) and a dedicated cable from the garage to water tank for hot water

All belongings and electronics are out and stored except what was in the "lathe room" (furnace room.) Some of that will stay because that was and will remain unfinished.

Big issue now, is getting people (and the damned city!!) for scheduling and permits and so on, and of course the weather is getting colder and will be getting wetter.

I still have the use of the loaned dump trailer, and am likely working on the very last load right now. Day before yesterday, had a neighborhood helper over here and we picked up most of the mess in the side yard. Fire guys through glass and junk all over the side yard. That actually went faster than I'd figured. No idea if and how to get rid of the broken glass. Maybe next spring, a walk behind bucket rig or something, and scrape up some soil.

I bought another pellet stove, and will temporarily set it in the living room in place of where the wood stove and later, the free standing gas heater was. The city can't say **** as with it "just sitting there unplougged" it is, well, "just sitting there unplugged." And I already have one in the basement which I had not used in years. I had bought it as a "booster" when I thought I had some work lined up, and was going to do down there. The f'ing city will NOT turn the gas meter back on, very annoying. (I used to do HVAC service work, so it's doubly annoying)

They cannot say **** about the pellet units because, with them unplugged (from extension cords) and maybe rip the vent loose, it's technically not installed and operational.

And yeh, the city now requires a permit for a wood heater.

Insulation coming out of the ground floor








Also, I came up which seems to be a fairly workable, well regulated, and I hope dependable heating "system" for the trailer. The only actual system in the trailer is an RV type furnace, which operates actually on 12V, supplied by a 120V to 12V power supply which charges the batteries. Do not want to use that except emergencies, or maybe very cold days

So I built this box...........

The trailer requires one 30a 120V circuit. I had a couple "too short" large gauge extension cord for the 50A welder circuit, and bought a nice 6 ga. 80ft cord, which required different connectors, from the neighbor. This get me 240V 50A to the trailer.

This feeds an old breaker box, temporarily mounted to the rear bumper, and an RV connector mounted off the side of it which then connects to the trailer supply

BUT I ran two X 120V 20A, no 12 circuits separately into the trailer from the box. These are separate from the actual trailer wiring.

These directly feed the box below. Each leg of the two 20A circuits feed an AC contactor, controlled by a wall stat and 24V transformer.

Each T stat switched leg then feeds separate, dedicated, temporary receptacles.

Plugged into these are two portable "milkhouse" heaters, both with tip switches, and for now, set on low power, about 1KW each. Also off one receptacle, I ran a GOOD quality heavy extension, to run a small heater up on the shelf by the bed. It is on low power, nominal 850W. Last two nights I had the T stat down to 65, and during the day and last evening, it maintained a nearly perfect temp in the trailer.

The poor quality T stats on the heaters are twisted up above the set point of the wall stat, and thus serve as "hi limit" protection

This is an T stat I had, which did work, but it chatters the relay. So last night I spent 27 bucks on a non programmable but digital. Works very well


Good to see you making progress Del, but very unfortunate that you have so much trouble finding anyone who is actually willing to work. That sucks!
Glad you have heat at least. I know it gets cold as a witch's tit up there.
So far we've actually been a bit above average, and had a heck of an "Indian Summer."
Del, I've got a new propane RV type furnace that came out of a 400 sq. ft. park model if it will help you. I'll never use it and you can have it if it will help you keep things warm. I'll box it up and ship it to you if you can use it.