ALERT !! Tragedy !! 67Dart273

I started a thread on PhantomBullet, another forum where Del posts a LOT.
I mentioned the PayPal and the possible GoFundMe account and encouraged the members to add any information they may have to share.
Thanks for posting Rob. Damn I was on the phone with him a week or 2 ago helping me exercise my electrical demons. Had a good chat.
Strength and positive thoughts sent!
I'll keep an eye on this thread to help out.
Horrible news....Glad he's alright. It sucks, but the other stuff can be overcome.

Following this thread as well.

Perhaps an online sale of donations....proceeds to Del?
Damn, so sorry to hear that, I dont know Del personally, but he seems like a nice guy, he helped me out tremendously with my wiring issues. Insurance can always replace the house and belongings, but I hope he didnt lose too many non-replaceable sentimental items. Im glad everyone involved is ok.
I saw a news clip of a house fire in Coeur d'Alene. Had some boats in the foreground. First thing I thought of was Del. Sometimes these things can be a blessing.
I'll be praying for him.
I saw a news clip of a house fire in Coeur d'Alene. Had some boats in the foreground. First thing I thought of was Del. Sometimes these things can be a blessing.
I'll be praying for him.
Yup. That was probably it.
Not good.... At least no people appear to have been injured... Hopefully no pets or Mopars were harmed..
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I just watched that one, pretty much useless. I tried searching for any other information but couldn't find anything other than that 10 second clip.
Sorry, that's all I could seem to find.
Wow, that is awful, awful news. We appreciate you sharing. Del is one of the most helpful members we have and I'm relieved to hear he wasn't hurt. Sucks about his house though. Keep us updated, Rusty.
What a terrible thing to experience. Hope Del comes out of this OK, he has been a great asset to many here over the years.
Sorry to hear this. Del is a great guy and I pray that he will come out the other side of this experience in a better place.
Terrible thing. Del has helped me with at least a couple issues that I would've never figured out.
I hope there's something I can do.
Thanks for the info Rusty.
If everyone he has helped over the years (so very many people!) can see his needs in this awful time, and be able to donate just what they can, it could be a wonderful happening. Small amounts can add up quickly from enough people. Hopefully, a GoFund page can be set up?
Here's the thread Rob started with Dels email/PayPal. He's helped us thickheads an awful lot. This is one way to return the favor, not sure if he has family local or not, but we could step up in a small way. Every little amount will help.
Del 67Dart273 Help Thread!
Alright yall. I am wanting to start up one of our famous benefit auction threads, but I honestly don't have it in me to do alone. My forgetter works overtime and my health is kinda suckin right now. Kitty has said she'd help keep up with things, but I want another member in on it. So if you're willing to help please let me know and we'll get him one going. Thanks.
Very sad. I hope he gets through this ok. hHe is a great contributor to this forum.
Very sad news. Hopefully he’s able to pull through this. Prayers for Del.
Thanks to all you have helped. Every bit, large or small helps!!! And get this. Randy, "missing linc" came down on vacation from Alberta and put in some hours. We made a HELL of a big hole in part of it. And in the rubble, he dug out my dirty and somewhat damaged but very likely fixable, stainless, Colt 380DA they call a "Pony". Similar models are Mustang, and Pocketlite. Parts of it are not stainless, the hammer, rear sight, mag release, and other parts of the trigger system.

Making some progress, and found a temp guy who is a real worker. Got the living room down to wood, along with the smaller bedroom, kitchen, and laundry, yesterday. It was the worst mess. Should get the main bedroom carpet out today. THEN it's on to the basement. Some photos

Below, laundry. The "clean" walls were somewhat shielded by the large counter/ cabinet at left, and the washer dryer at right

Old Hallicrafters receiver, not pretty

Into the kitchen and on towards the laundry. Ahead is a sled we built I hope to be a big help hauling heavy items out of the basement. HF winch visible at right of door at very top

Living room was clean, has now sort of become a staging/ work area. Tools and some salvage

The small bedroom, one of the worst. The smoke just settled there. Bottom is antenna feeds, the panel is access to shower fittings. Had a huge corner multitier desk for the amateur radio stuff. Lots of that went away

Hy-gain antenna rotator control, and Ameritron AL-80 linear amp. They are a mess

Used to be a very nice Hallicrafters SX-101 receiver. These were top of the line of Hallicrafters and expensive. It may be junk. This was on top of a chest in my main bedroom, so not even that escaped.

Living room. Ceiling was brought down by water. I'm pretty sure I can clean and repaint (hi temp) the gas heater

This wall of the kitchen was fridge and range, about where the ladder is. You can imagine how THEY looked. We tore the compressor out, rope tied the doors shut, and carefully dollied it out and tipped it down on it's back in the trailer. Never opened the smelly thing!!

Winch for the sled project
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