'All-American' Car Show Rant - What's Your Opinion?



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
I received a car show pre-registration form in the mail yesterday for a car show about 90 miles from me put on by the city's local Mopar car club. The show benefits several local military family charity organizations and I'm all for that.
The thing that bothers me is that the show has always been, and still is billed as an "All-American Car Show". However, it seems this year that this show is no longer All-American.
The show flyer reads, "The [car club name] is expanding our annual All-American Car Show to include all two and four wheel vehicles, foreign and domestic, that personify the All-American spirit." I fully appreciate that their show benefits military families through several military charity organizations, and also that they want to maximize the amount of money they can raise for both organizations, but opening up a show titled "All-American Car Show" to both 2-wheel and 4-wheel ricers just seems wrong to me.
Sorry for the rant.
By the way, even if my Mopar was finished, I wouldn't be making the 180-mile roundtrip drive to show it against a bunch of bowties, blue ovals, and assorted rice-a-ronies.
Now I'm curious - how do y'all feel about this?
I received a car show pre-registration form in the mail yesterday for a car show about 90 miles from me put on by the city's local Mopar car club. The show benefits several local military family charity organizations and I'm all for that.
The thing that bothers me is that the show has always been, and still is billed as an "All-American Car Show XII". However, it seems this year that this show is no longer All-American.
The show flyer reads, "The [car club name] is expanding our annual All-American Car Show to include all two and four wheel vehicles, foreign and domestic, that personify the All-American spirit." I fully appreciate that their show benefits military families through several military charity organizations, and also that they want to maximize the amount of money they can raise for both organizations, but opening up a show titled "All-American Car Show" to both 2-wheel and 4-wheel ricers just seems wrong to me.
Sorry for the rant.
By the way, even if my Mopar was finished, I wouldn't be making the 180-mile roundtrip drive to show it against a bunch of bowties, blue ovals, and assorted rice-a-ronies.
Now I'm curious - how do y'all feel about this?

depends on the type of imports allowed at the show. IMO the sports cars/popular japanese cars and bikes from the late 60s/early 70s are just as worthy of show car/bike status as any muscle car of the the same period.
I agree with you ocdart. Call it an "American Car Show" and there letting in the foreign cars wouldn't fly good with me either. They might as well call it another car show for all makes.
an American car show with foreigners in it....kind of sounds like our border issues are seeping into the car show scene.....:bs::wack:
All American is All American, not ricers, and just because they are built here don't make them All American
I don't go to car shows period no matter what make it is,"all-american" my *** everything in this country has been sold out..rice burners:bootysha::bootysha::bootysha:
its all about the money man. most shows are. car count has probably been down so they open it up to more cars and hope to line their pockets more.
I have been going to car shows for 30 years and I never care what shows up. I'm just there to look at cars, chicks and hang out with other car people.
don't have the time to sit from 9am to 3:30pm for a fee, when i could be driving my car. i do like the local cruse spots.
Funny thing here....
NONE of my Darts are American cars! ALL built in Canada.
My PT Cruiser?? Built in Mexico...

Go Figure,
Bruce B.
I think it's fine to include all cars. It's popular to bash foreign stuff nowadays...but this is a CAR SHOW...people aren't there making any kind of political statement. There are plenty of interesting car brands from many countries, not just Japan. The more cars that enter, the more money for this worthwhile cause. Sometimes I think people should lighten up and enjoy life...how would it be if there weren't ANY car shows? There are few enough as it is.... That's my rant:happy10:
I realy only like to go to Mopar only car shows. Don't care to look at any other makes but thats just me.

The car club may be donating some of the money to charity but they also do it to raise money for the club.
I find it amazing and amusing that you guys can get your shorts all in a bunch over the name of a car show.

When some one says to me "All-American Car Show" I think of lots of restored, customized and special interest vehicles, music, food, a burn-out contest and maybe a bikini contest. Never occured to me that a customized Civic or Harley wasn't welcome.
so dont go.

I received a car show pre-registration form in the mail yesterday for a car show about 90 miles from me put on by the city's local Mopar car club. The show benefits several local military family charity organizations and I'm all for that.
The thing that bothers me is that the show has always been, and still is billed as an "All-American Car Show". However, it seems this year that this show is no longer All-American.
The show flyer reads, "The [car club name] is expanding our annual All-American Car Show to include all two and four wheel vehicles, foreign and domestic, that personify the All-American spirit." I fully appreciate that their show benefits military families through several military charity organizations, and also that they want to maximize the amount of money they can raise for both organizations, but opening up a show titled "All-American Car Show" to both 2-wheel and 4-wheel ricers just seems wrong to me.
Sorry for the rant.
By the way, even if my Mopar was finished, I wouldn't be making the 180-mile roundtrip drive to show it against a bunch of bowties, blue ovals, and assorted rice-a-ronies.
Now I'm curious - how do y'all feel about this?
I have been going to car shows for 30 years and I never care what shows up. I'm just there to look at cars, chicks and hang out with other car people.



BTW...I hear ya though OC... without chrome on the bummers...just doesn't appeal to me....
I dont mind having foreign cars and bikes at a show as long as they keep them segregated
When I had a Miata back in 97 I went to a Miata show. Damn that was the worst thing ever. 100+ cars that were all the same except color.

That is time from my life I will never get back.
They should call it "American pride no more." car show.

Instead of music , they should play United nations propoganda video's.
When I had a Miata back in 97 I went to a Miata show. Damn that was the worst thing ever. 100+ cars that were all the same except color.

That is time from my life I will never get back.

What was the name of that car show "Coming out of the closet?" LOL.
Just kidding, just kidding.=P~
Wast of my time.... sit around all day and listen to idiots ..run down peoples rides...