all chippin in

A $10.00 dollar donation to a worthy cause shouldn't hurt any member here, and I think something such as this could be pulled off. If there is a group of people who could pull something like this off, it would the the gang here at FABO!!

How to do it?? Try finding the best example of a particular car, based on value so it will have a good resale. Then find a trusted member who is willing to do the work based on the needs of the vehicle and the donation total, which would be set as a goal based on the needs of the vehicle.

In order to keep the process simple, the donation would be the same for everybody, like the $10.00 mentioned. No parts or anything else, just the $10.00. That way nobody gets hurt or feels taken, everybody has donated the same nominal amount. Items the car needs could be purchased from members who would like to "sell" items to the project, again to be fair to the members.

What is to be done to the car can be propositioned to the FABO community as one of those poll threads, and the outcome should please the anomymous majority. Same with the charity, it could be suggested to get a list going, then polled from the list and everybody should be happy with the outcome.

Think of the publicity the FABO community could get by spreading the news of the build and sale out everywhere it can be!! It would be nice to have a vehicle worthy of auctioning off at one of the big auctions, you know that would drive the price up, and big spenders like nothing more than to throw the big bucks around for charities!!

And despite the actual site not being involved at all, all the publicity this could generate would be a way to give back to the site that gives so much to us...well, me anyway!! I think this could work, with the right approach, and the right people doing the work!! Heck, I blow more than $10.00 a day doing stupid stuff alone!!! JMO, Geof
A $10.00 dollar donation to a worthy cause shouldn't hurt any member here, and I think something such as this could be pulled off. If there is a group of people who could pull something like this off, it would the the gang here at FABO!!

How to do it?? Try finding the best example of a particular car, based on value so it will have a good resale. Then find a trusted member who is willing to do the work based on the needs of the vehicle and the donation total, which would be set as a goal based on the needs of the vehicle.

In order to keep the process simple, the donation would be the same for everybody, like the $10.00 mentioned. No parts or anything else, just the $10.00. That way nobody gets hurt or feels taken, everybody has donated the same nominal amount. Items the car needs could be purchased from members who would like to "sell" items to the project, again to be fair to the members.

What is to be done to the car can be propositioned to the FABO community as one of those poll threads, and the outcome should please the anomymous majority. Same with the charity, it could be suggested to get a list going, then polled from the list and everybody should be happy with the outcome.

Think of the publicity the FABO community could get by spreading the news of the build and sale out everywhere it can be!! It would be nice to have a vehicle worthy of auctioning off at one of the big auctions, you know that would drive the price up, and big spenders like nothing more than to throw the big bucks around for charities!!

And despite the actual site not being involved at all, all the publicity this could generate would be a way to give back to the site that gives so much to us...well, me anyway!! I think this could work, with the right approach, and the right people doing the work!! Heck, I blow more than $10.00 a day doing stupid stuff alone!!! JMO, Geof
So let me get this straight, you are thinking that people that will not donate to help keep the site running are going to donate to this car project?? Let me know how that turns out......I am not saying it is not a good idea, just executing it will be a nightmare. I recently asked people to donate to help fight cancer. There was a very generous bunch of people that did, which I am very grateful for. If you can not get people to donate funds to a disease THAT will affect someone in there life at some point do you really think they will donate to this?? Take you for example, did you donate anything in the thread I put up? Not trying to start a war, just prove a point......
Donating to a big organization like the American Cancer Society is not the same as helping out an individual on one.

Some of those "charities" don't channel the funds sufficiently IMO :-\"
Donating to a big organization like the American Cancer Society is not the same as helping out an individual on one.

Some of those "charities" don't channel the funds sufficiently IMO :-\"
Justify it however you chose, same could very easily be said about donating to something of this nature on here. Remember, this has been tried in the past and FAILED how do you explain people not donating to help this site out?? You really think these people would donate to this??
yep we need more publicity and more nut jobs and more spam. Personally I liked the site when it was smaller.The bigger it gets the less of a personal feel it has which was its charm.
Even without the engine, it's still a factory big block A body, and can be verified by the VIN. If it's an early build, it may never have had a VIN stamped on the block.

If everyone wants to donate it and pay the shipping to me, I can guarantee in writing, I'll "restore" it to driver condition, and drive the hell out of it.

Hell, I'll even take a donation of 1/2 or 1/3 the price plus shipping.
The idea is great but not possible. You would be lucky to get .5% participation on this.The logistics would be so far out there even if you had some money it still wouldn't help. It's unfortunate that with so many members we should be capable of almost anything,but,it just doesn't work that way.
I think you guys are setting yourselves up for a disaster. Even if it went well to almost the end, through some quirk I will call random chance, the guy who built it will win it and everyone will say, "was this rigged?" What if it gets half done and the building burns to the ground with car in it? You will have to carry insurance for the total cost of project. And how many of you will go to Yuma (or wherever) to see if the car that burned is the correct one? Then you have the problem of the car burning to the ground when the guy who wins it goes to start it. Since you took his money for the raffle, he expects to get what is advertised, and he will be right. This has happened before. That's why cruises usually just raffle money. People will get together and build a house in a week just to give it to the poor. This is a great thing if you are into it, but the houses usually are disasters and the people in them will sue you to get it right. Find a major corporation to sponsor this. They can take all sorts of hits.
I would rather send money to a struggling drag racer to race at all the big races.with the FABO logo on the car with maybe the donors names on the trunk lid.because I have seen that most charities only 20% of the money gets to the cos..........Artie
Well I ain't doin it. That solves it for me.
Do a poll. Take the ratio of the people who answer, and it apply it to the 25000 members. This will give you an idea of the popularity of the idea. My guess is the poll will be one sided. All will think its a worthy idea, but few will actually do anything.
So let me get this straight, you are thinking that people that will not donate to help keep the site running are going to donate to this car project?? Let me know how that turns out......I am not saying it is not a good idea, just executing it will be a nightmare. I recently asked people to donate to help fight cancer. There was a very generous bunch of people that did, which I am very grateful for. If you can not get people to donate funds to a disease THAT will affect someone in there life at some point do you really think they will donate to this?? Take you for example, did you donate anything in the thread I put up? Not trying to start a war, just prove a point......

Nope, didn't donate to your thread. But that wasn't out of spite or any other reason other than I didn't see the thread.

However, maybe you don't know about my own "cudagirl" Nella, her afflictions or the many causes we donate hundreds of hours to help out, or the many fundraisers we attend every year to help out others in need. We as a family have raised thousands of dollars to the many causes that we are involved with, and if I could get everybody here to donate something in Nella's honor to even one cause I would.

But, with that being said, I don't put it out there because I don't want to endure condescending attitudes and all the drama that posts like yours represent. It ain't worth it!!! I donate my time and money freely and without strings or expectations, and once I do I move on to the next thing in line. If $10.00 is gonna kill the members here to donate, thats fine with me!!

Don't take any of my post as a bash on you or your position, my feathers are not ruffled by your post, and I am just responding in kind!! To me, thats what makes this site great, that we can all express ourselves and move on without making enemies, well, most of us at least!! It's not a site to raise money for worthy causes, it's just a car site with great people to share a common interest!! Geof
i wasnt around for the last attempt at this...but it sounds like there are still some bitter people over the end result of which i do not know any details or what happened. it sounds like a large group of people came together and pitched in for a cause that went south and someone bailed out and ended up with everything and pissed a bunch of people off. i would really hate to see that happen again...and as said in the Shark Tank "and for that reason, i am out"
I wasn't aware of the Shriner's deal but I do remember helping a couple of young guns out that turned disasterous. I get the impression sometimes that when things are given and not earned they are not appreciated as much.
I love drama. lol

Nothing worse than a veiled threat, if a seller can't get what they want, they will crush it. Lets see an end to this movie, it's not that good of a production. If the car get crushed, the world will still turn. It's a shell of it's former self and obviously now a burden upon the car community.

I love my positive attitude! lol
I love drama. lol

Nothing worse than a veiled threat, if a seller can't get what they want, they will crush it.

Yup. Seems to me if he wants it gone so bad then pull the parts that he's trying to sell, now, and then send the rest to the crusher. Be easier to store the parts on a pallet or two with a cover over 'em than to let the car take up space in the driveway. Parts would still be around to sell...

As for the idea of buying this an raffling it off. Sorry. But I would be out.

Buy it, ship it to someone for restoration. What's the expectations? Gonna have someone like Gibson do the work or someone who says he can, but uses an old Wagner and a tarp under a shadetree?

Who comes up with the consensus on who should do the work? Who comes up with the consensus on how much to spend for parts? The treasurer needs to cut checks for parts. Who decides on what parts are being bought for the best money? If the parts aren't equal to the restorers standards then yet another pissing match gets started with everyone who's pitched in $10 caught in the middle.

And someone's math is off. 25,000 members, yes, but maybe only 2000 really active on the site. I mean really active. Get maybe 500 of those (maybe) donating $10 and you've just bought the car, no money for parts, no money to help offset the cost of the restorer, who has his or her own customers and projects to work on already. Sorry, someone might, might, be willing to donate time but not at the cost of being able to do business and not being able to cover overhead. That's a lot to ask of someone.

Seen cars go up for raffles quite a bit and wind up bringing in less money on the raffle than it actually took to build the car. At that you're better off just donating the money outright to said charity.