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Don,t once think it,s your fault,you seem to have your chit together.Wait til she hooks up with a real looser,than she will see that she,s screwed up.
There are some wise folks on this site, when you you talk to just one person you kinda think.... "ya ya whatever", but when you hear the stories of many from all over the states you HAVE to listen and understand its not just you that is going through and has gone through this stuff. I have a story too, most of us do, I wish I had the good folks on here to chat with back then. Mosty I wish I had 1968FormulaS340 to talk to ...... that made me laugh, that was good. Everyone has some good advise, Ill throw mine in there........ Pray, go to church, Get real with God, open your heart to him, he will bring the Right girl to you that will want to be with you. Be patient.
buying things probably will just make you more sad. You will spend your money and get nothing in return.

It might seem like the end of the world, but it might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Most all of us have been in the same situation, we have moved on.

Sue and I have been together for 19 years married for 17. She has no problem with me spending money on the cars, keeps the house clean, likes to mow the grass and she learned how to cook like I like, (well better than she did 20 years ago).

The one that left me in the state you are in didn't care for the cars, boats or my friends, WHAT THE HELL DID I SEE IN HER? Much better off now.

What I have seen lately that causes the most break ups is this thing right in front of my...........................THE INTERNET

If it was meant to be she will call you, be there ................ listen to her. If not go on with your life, it will get better.
A guy I worked with would go out "hoggin" when he would split with a lady.


Form Urban Dictionary……….
Getting Drunk and picking up fat chicks cause its a easier and a much faster process than trying to pick up a hot girl with higher self esteem when you are hammered and horny. Plus there is almost always food in the fridge for in the morning at a fat chicks house. Also Fat chicks don't get picked up as often so they are a lot more apreciative and less likely to have an STD.

I personaly, have never been Hoggin.
A guy I worked with would go out "hoggin" when he would split with a lady.


Form Urban Dictionary……….
Getting Drunk and picking up fat chicks cause its a easier and a much faster process than trying to pick up a hot girl with higher self esteem when you are hammered and horny. Plus there is almost always food in the fridge for in the morning at a fat chicks house. Also Fat chicks don't get picked up as often so they are a lot more apreciative and less likely to have an STD.

I personaly, have never been Hoggin.

Just make sure that you don't drive a lifted pick up if you plan on " hoggin ". Because fatchicks cant climb lol
Thanks everyone for your kind words...I'm trying to stay busy...this morning I went on a 10 mile bike ride...took like an hour and a half...I took a couple water breaks...I'm doing it again this evening...I'm really gonna try to get back in shape, I just have a belly to work off...I ate some tuna, a banana, almonds and water. lol..So no more fast food, and no more drinking....I know I still have some Army discipline left in me to keep up my diet and working out plan...It's still hard to keep my mind off of her though...Nights are the hardest, when I'm alone....Still, when I work on the cars, it's hard...We were supposed to go drive together when it was done...I just don't like nights....
mopardude318 I just put some pics up in the blue forum just for you. I thought you were a gold member. Man you need to get a membership and check out the type of furniture you need to get. LMBO It draws attention for some reason. LOL dude if I rode a bike 10 miles i would croak. Stay cool
A guy I worked with would go out "hoggin" when he would split with a lady.


Form Urban Dictionary……….
Getting Drunk and picking up fat chicks cause its a easier and a much faster process than trying to pick up a hot girl with higher self esteem when you are hammered and horny. Plus there is almost always food in the fridge for in the morning at a fat chicks house. Also Fat chicks don't get picked up as often so they are a lot more apreciative and less likely to have an STD.

I personaly, have never been Hoggin.

Now that doesn't sound very appealing:wack:

And you do seem quite knowledgeable about the "whole" deal:disgust::toothy10:
Now that doesn't sound very appealing:wack:

And you do seem quite knowledgeable about the "whole" deal:disgust::toothy10:

Worked with the guy for 12 years, he had some great stories.

This is another one of his…….

He was in bed with his wife (they sleep in the nude)…. He got up when the alarm went off and realized he had to fart….. He turned his back to his wife, called her name and sprayed the bed in poo……. It wasn't a fart…….

He said she was just a little more than mad…….
Forget about the outher and stick it in anouther,works everytime.

Forget about the outher and stick it in anouther

Forget about the outher and stick it in anouther :toothy10: I about lost it lmao :toothy10: What a bumper sticker :cheers:
Now that doesn't sound very appealing:wack:

And you do seem quite knowledgeable about the "whole" deal:disgust::toothy10:
X2 mega 8) A man getting hurt because of love :read2:that was a bit out of place for this post. I liked what 72DemonTB3 said 8) It's good to get help from more than one or two folks, FABO has some info here for sure and allot of stories of reality :happy10:

I must say I have never heard what Snake said before and I lmao :toothy10:
Laughter can sure repair a few things :-D
Sounds like you are already on the road to getting over her. She did you a big favor by letting you know now rather than after you had invested more of your life with her or even started a family.

Here's something to try: take some time by yourself and write down everything you would tell her if you saw her. Really get into it and keep writing til you get all your pain and anger out. Then that evening or one evening soon go outside and build a fire and burn the papers. Sit and watch the fire and the stars and think about how great life is.
Sounds like you are already on the road to getting over her. She did you a big favor by letting you know now rather than after you had invested more of your life with her or even started a family.

Here's something to try: take some time by yourself and write down everything you would tell her if you saw her. Really get into it and keep writing til you get all your pain and anger out. Then that evening or one evening soon go outside and build a fire and burn the papers. Sit and watch the fire and the stars and think about how great life is.

That is what I do :-D go outside and build a fire and burn the papers. Sit and watch the fire and the stars and think about how great life really is :happy10: Some good words of wisdom goldfish :happy10:
I would have to join the Gold Member group to tell most of my stories;)

I can not think I have ever met someone who hasn't have there heart broken at least once, its just a part of life you learn and move on.

Would anyone rather love and get hurt or just never take a chance and always wonder what may have happened.

To me love is like life neither comes with a guarantee.

PS anyone notice how all the women folk on here are mighty quiet:toothy10:

Wingman lol

I would have to join the Gold Member group to tell most of my stories;)

I can not think I have ever met someone who hasn't have there heart broken at least once, its just a part of life you learn and move on.

Would anyone rather love and get hurt or just never take a chance and always wonder what may have happened.

To me love is like life neither comes with a guarantee.

PS anyone notice how all the women folk on here are mighty quiet:toothy10:

Wingman lol

Never to be loved then not ever loved :rock: I see your point mega =D>
I stand corrected, reality can hurt and that's the best way to learn some times :happy10:
thanks getting a little better...its funny how one moment she loves you and wants to be with you forever..then after the break up, your an asshole, a horrible person, and wants nothing to do with you.....this morning we got into a texting argument, for like 20 minutes.. it got pretty crazy..i just can't believe how she turned into a hateful <delete> so quick...
thanks getting a little better...its funny how one moment she loves you and wants to be with you forever..then after the break up, your an asshole, a horrible person, and wants nothing to do with you.....this morning we got into a texting argument, for like 20 minutes.. it got pretty crazy..i just can't believe how she turned into a hateful ***** so quick...

You dodged a bullet. Be grateful you saw her other side now, and dont even bother communicating with her. Ignore her calls and texts. Just move on. What ever is meant to happen, will.
...this morning we got into a texting argument, for like 20 minutes.. .

I don't understand this concept, turn the phone off, arguing one sided only last a short time.

Do Not ENGAGE in arguments with her

No matter what she said agree with her, this will really frost her chops

This is how I treated my daughters mom, she'll blow up, you keep your sanity.
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