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shes lookin to start fights and get you to be an a hole so she can justify what shee's doin, cease communication.....pack all of her stuff neatly and git it out.....imagine your dumping her and all will be better :cheers:
thanks getting a little better...its funny how one moment she loves you and wants to be with you forever..then after the break up, your an asshole, a horrible person, and wants nothing to do with you.....this morning we got into a texting argument, for like 20 minutes.. it got pretty crazy..i just can't believe how she turned into a hateful ***** so quick...
dont stress bro, lots more fish in the sea, i broke up with mine after 4 years because she developed a drug habbit, she also stole $20,000 from me,,oney i had saved from my own buisness that i was going to use to move in abigger shop and purchase a hoist. after that she took off with one of my friends...who she is now sleeping with..

the nightmare is over, and ive found a new gf a few years older then me,shes great, doesnt do rugs, is independent, and we just hit 1 year, we are settling down and talking about getting married/kids, i couldnt be happier.....when i look at her, its alot easier to forget about my EX

just remember, everything happens for a reason, i hope you find someone better.

good luck buddy!
Take a picture of yourself with a blow up doll.
Send it to her.
Tell her you found someone with a better personality....:snakeman:
Go hook up with some other chick and snap a pic with yer phone of all the 'fun' you r having with her 'replacement' and send it to her.

That is a terrible idea! Have you not heard the expressions 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?' You NEVER want to provoke a woman's vengeance.
She is probably upset...........want's to get married is all!!! Know's it is the next step and is pissed that it hasn't happened yet...........
married?? yeah then she can yer sht too when she bails next time..

If it's bad enough to split, it aint that strong nor a match made in heaven and you'd/'ll be doing major life/personality/priority changes to stay together.

That don't seem like good chemistry or very natural selection.jmo
I can't believe this...why does she instant message me on Facebook??? Like just a little bit ago today, we started talking through instant messaging, after we hadnt talked for a few days......she engaged me first..and says

"lol all trying to act like youve been all active for a long time your a totally changed to james...its only been a week and a half lmao....annnyways
im glad your doing good for yourself though im not tryin to be a hater"

"im just done being a broken record, we werent what i wanted and that was a problem....we always faught about it..i didnt see us doing any better...

yadda yadda yadda...and the conversation goes on and on between us...I just dont get why she messaged me...what the hell...she says something about this dude that was in her car with her, and i saw him with her driving her car, like i used shes trying to hurt me even more...
Sounds like she is out to play games and like another member mentioned earlier she is trying to justify the wrong she did to she is probably trying to stir the pot and get you mad enough to lash out so she can make you look like the bad guy and make herself feel ok about what she did.

By the sounds of it....if she is the type to be playing games than you are probably better off without her.....just be glad she only wasted a year or so of your time and not 2 or 3 or 4 years and so on.

I think you may find that it will be easier on your heart to delete her as friend on facebook and to maybe block her phone number so she cant try to screw with your emotions any further.

I would say try to work it out if maybe the two of you had mutually came to an agreement to separate and that you two needed to work on some things.

But it looks like its not that way and maybe she just does not want to be tied down and maybe it doesnt bother her to be cold hearted.

all you can do is be better than that and do the best you can to move on and focus on you and your happiness.

good luck and don't let her get to you with the games
Do not talk to her. Do not read her texts.

This will be a very hard thing to do. She is playing the game. Do not play her game.

Playing this game will just mess you up more.
Do not talk to her. Do not read her texts.

This will be a very hard thing to do. She is playing the game. Do not play her game.

Playing this game will just mess you up more.

This is good advice....she can only control you if you ALLOW her to.
Dude I know it sucks. About 10 years ago I was burned big time by my first wife. I lost 30 lbs when I didn't have 30 lbs to loose. I was tore up for about a year and got mixed up in some bad stuff for a while. I finally came to my senses and met the perfect woman about 8 years ago and now have a great marrage and 4 great kids. Although before we got married I told her "If you ever want to leave me I will pack your bags for you". I meant that and still mean it. No more games for me. I love my wife and work hard to keep her happy, but I never want to go through that again. Keep your head up.
I can't believe this...why does she instant message me on Facebook??? Like just a little bit ago today, we started talking through instant messaging, after we hadnt talked for a few days......she engaged me first..and says

"lol all trying to act like youve been all active for a long time your a totally changed to james...its only been a week and a half lmao....annnyways
im glad your doing good for yourself though im not tryin to be a hater"

"im just done being a broken record, we werent what i wanted and that was a problem....we always faught about it..i didnt see us doing any better...

yadda yadda yadda...and the conversation goes on and on between us...I just dont get why she messaged me...what the hell...she says something about this dude that was in her car with her, and i saw him with her driving her car, like i used shes trying to hurt me even more...


Dude, believe me....turn your head and dont look back brother.
I went through the same **** when I was younger. Ended up taking a ride downtown...

All this chick did was screw with my head and same thing....saw her around with all these retards and whatnot. We had a lot of the same friends too so I was constantly hearing ****...

I'm a boxer for over 20 years it's nothing to make a huge mess if I freak. One night the wrong button was pushed and I found her at a party drunk (I cant stand an out of control drunk and she was) and slutting it up with some punk. When I went to tell her what I thought of her, some tough guys intervened and I freaked, wrecked them and half the place too...

Then I had to hear my dad telling me how he told me she wasnt worth it and how stupid I was while walking out of the police station with those idiot cops telling me how I should listen to my dad.....and then feeling bad at how dumb I was.:angry7:

They'll do anything they can to make you look like the bad guy, and you know, if you play into it, you won't end up with much of a leg to stand on now will you.

Finish your mopar....and you'll have a bunch of new ones lined up!!!
You wont even think about this crap afterwards.:-D

I'm happily married for like 14 years now just the other day.
And every time I think about stuff like this, I wonder just what the hell I was thinking.:angry7:

One more time brother...forget it! Don't look back!
Sounds like she is out to play games and like another member mentioned earlier she is trying to justify the wrong she did to she is probably trying to stir the pot and get you mad enough to lash out so she can make you look like the bad guy and make herself feel ok about what she did.

By the sounds of it....if she is the type to be playing games than you are probably better off without her.....just be glad she only wasted a year or so of your time and not 2 or 3 or 4 years and so on.

I think you may find that it will be easier on your heart to delete her as friend on facebook and to maybe block her phone number so she cant try to screw with your emotions any further.

I would say try to work it out if maybe the two of you had mutually came to an agreement to separate and that you two needed to work on some things.

But it looks like its not that way and maybe she just does not want to be tied down and maybe it doesnt bother her to be cold hearted.

all you can do is be better than that and do the best you can to move on and focus on you and your happiness.

good luck and don't let her get to you with the games

Good advice.

Absolute non communication is your best bet. Next she will post pictures of him with her on Facebook watch and see. You viewing any pics of her is only going to stir those emotions up again as well as communication. Women will try to hurt you more and more after they leave you. They get their jollies out of it. I've been down this road bud so I know what I'm talking about. I was pushed and hurt so bad once by her continued antics I started planning a way of killing the stupid ***** and anyone that gets in my way. Luckily I had some good friends that said and did the right things in order for me to return to sane thinking. Yeah I'm a crazy S.O.B. You don't believe you will ever think like that? Well continue talking to her and such and see what happens.
Any time I went through a breakup, I stuck to one hard fast rule. It's over. Dont look back. Dont go back. Dont give her another chance to do what she did, again. If she doesnt care enough about you to try and work it out without leaving, she's not the right one.

It hurts, but it only hurts one time, so you might as well get it over with, and never have to worry about it again. You cant trust her now. She might come back, and then do the same thing again, and again. No matter how you feel about her, that thought will always be in the back of your mind.

The only reason for her contacting you is selfish. She misses you, and wants to keep in touch to make her feel better while she find someone else. She also wants to control you, and find out of you are seeing anyone else, also a form of control.

By her own admission, she doesnt like you the way you are. So in other words, she want you to change. You deserve someone that loves you for who you are, not who you should be, could be ,etc.

Completely ignore her. You WILL find someone else. A clean slate is the best way to go.
here you go:

[ame=""]YouTube- Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love (Official Video)[/ame]
I can't believe this...why does she instant message me on Facebook??? Like just a little bit ago today, we started talking through instant messaging, after we hadnt talked for a few days......she engaged me first..and says

"lol all trying to act like youve been all active for a long time your a totally changed to james...its only been a week and a half lmao....annnyways
im glad your doing good for yourself though im not tryin to be a hater"

"im just done being a broken record, we werent what i wanted and that was a problem....we always faught about it..i didnt see us doing any better...

yadda yadda yadda...and the conversation goes on and on between us...I just dont get why she messaged me...what the hell...she says something about this dude that was in her car with her, and i saw him with her driving her car, like i used shes trying to hurt me even more...

1# shes trying to make herself feel better and confirm she made the right choice.
2# shes a dumb <delete>, now complete the kicking to the curb of her immature ,<delte> and go find a real women and quit chasing them young one, they have no sense about them and change lanes faster than asian driver.
3# next time she IM's you..tell her you are busy and thats it over already....yeah make her look/feel like the one who needs to step off..and tell her if she comes around with some dude trying to be friendly that you'll knock the <delete> out & ruin her evening.

Been here done this.
Good advice.

I was pushed and hurt so bad once by her continued antics I started planning a way of killing the stupid ***** and anyone that gets in my way. Luckily I had some good friends that said and did the right things in order for me to return to sane thinking. Yeah I'm a crazy S.O.B. You don't believe you will ever think like that? Well continue talking to her and such and see what happens.

I have felt this too...Planning a way of killing her, thinking it out in my mind......But, don't worry guys, I totally won't do it. I would be done for good...I get pissed off each time I see her Facebook...I know you guys tell me to stop looking at her page, but I get these little notices marked in red at the top of the screen...(you guys who have facebook know what I'm talking about) I just read all the hate mail and negative comments about me on her page this morning...Lots of "lol's, and "yea, i like ur status, because ur not with james", and she's agreeing, and saying "hahaha YEA!!!" What a frickin <delete>! Gets me so mad...Anyways, you guys are right...I will not look at her page.. I'll try to delete her....
Like others have suggested break all ties to her, she's just trying to screw with your head now.And all the negative **** about you just shows what kind of person she and her friends are....

The tit for tat thing gets real old fast, give it time and you will start to notice all things that were wrong with her and the relationship!

I sure you have heard the saying "blinded by love"
You should totally delete your page on Facebook. I did the same thing with MySpace so I know it can be done... you have do it bud!
OK. I did it... I didn't delete my Facebook, but I blocked her for good, and she can't even look me up, and I cant look her up either...:)
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