Well-Known Member
I'd say 1/2", its actually sticking out the bottom of the hole just slightly, maybe 1/8"
Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can get ahold of the bottom end with some small vice grips or something and see if I can turn it, if so I could screw it on through and out the bottom.
Tried the punch ground to a point to try and get it to turn, but its down in the hole enough that I can only hit it in one place, cant go back and forth across the flutes.
If you try and grab the bottom with vice grips the tap will crumble, it's just not soft enough for the vice grips to bite into, it's like trying to grab a hold of a piece of glass with vice grips (won't work). Can you use your pointed punch to try and make it back out from the bottom?? Remember, once you get it to break loose you're halfway home if you take your time.