AMD bumpers?



Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
Yakima, WA
I see AMD has new chromed bumpers that will work for my 68 valiant. $530 for the pair shipped to my door from a ebay vender. I wondering if anyone has used them before and if so how was the quality and chrome finish? How has the chrome held up?
I'm sure they are the same quality as GM and Ford bumpers from AMD.
I was totally pleased when I received my '69 Dart Bumpers !! A local chrome company wanted $1,009 to rechrome my stock bumpers.Wasn't happening ! But as others have said,time will tell !!I'd say go for them !!!
I have them on my duster, and so far so good, and the finish is decent and is as good as a factory bumper. There not triple chrome type finish but fine for most restorations.
I have them on my duster, and so far so good, and the finish is decent and is as good as a factory bumper. There not triple chrome type finish but fine for most restorations.

Could you post a pic please? Im not looking for the triple plated crome look just some nice driver quality.
I have them on my cuda. I have had them on it about a year now. no problems they look nice and are holding up well. I would buy and recommend them especially in comparison to re-chroming old bumpers.
I ordered the later model with jack slots for the front by mistake, the rear is correct. they're pretty nice but i haven't had them for very long.


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