Another Craigslist flunkie...

It looks to me that they were very close to the crack monsters when this idea was hatched. (i.e.; Looks like a small block chevy motor, Lambo door kits, & a tilt nose on it.) My thought is someone is a "real" *** clown. As Dennis Miller used to say, "that's just my opinion, I could be wrong".
I'd almost give him that for the sequential taillights. I'd have to scrap the rest, though.

Funny you bring those up. I have a story about them. Went to high school with a guy one year ahead of me. I had already been working on cars about 8 years when we met. lol

Anyway, he had a 69 Cougar XR7, factory 351W, 4 barrel, 4 speed. Midnight blue metallic and cragar five spokes. REAL cool ride.

One day I saw him turn in to school. All the lights on that side flashed. We had a science class together, so I told him that his turn signals didn't work right. He had no idea how they were supposed to work.

So, he brought it down to the auto shop during my period and I fixed them. Someone had bypassed the control box to install a trailer connector. We 86ed that and I wired it all back like it was supposed to be. He couldn't believe it and we stayed good friends until he graduated and moved away.
I once saw an idiot who had a 59 buick for sale and he had customized it and cut the fins all the way off and just left it rounded on the sides. No small task since the fins begin at the door. To make matters worse the car was a two door hardtop and he cut the roof off to make it into a convertible. I don't know if he ever sold it. It probably wound up in the junkyard.
Some people shouldn't be allowed near old cars.
He said it was missing the rims and tires and I think this is what it's supposed to look like when it's done and with that said if it was done with the big rims there would be lots and lots of dumbasses lining up to give big money for it.
View attachment 1714882254

There, I fixed it for you.
X2 j par. The local snoop dog crowd around here would be all over it with some serious rims & tires.
Of course I also just passed a dude in lavender suit with matching fadora and walking stick headin to church in downtown Suffolk, LOL.
It turns heads all you don't throw up on your shoes.
Looks as if the front framerails have been removed completely, and the rear framerails hacked off just above the leaf bushings.

Quite a project to reverse that (not to mention the doors), though it looks as if it may be an unusually solid candidate.

Sad, and what a waste. Sadly I've seen this a lot, put a car on a 4x4 frame and no you have a POS no one wants.
"it's a projected the car" - in English please.. unless that is what he meant.. it is/was projected to be a car... and then this and that happened
Thats tacky bro...This any better?