Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

A couple of fellow AbodiesOnly members shared these 2 videos on Facebook. Although this would scare the bejeezus out of me, it's cool as hell! I tried to imbed the videos here but wasn't able to get it to work. I think you'll really enjoy these.

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That was insane! And I thought the wheel standers from back in the 60's and 70's were exciting to watch! Good post!
I swear I'm going to lose my mind! The number of flies has slowly been shrinking. I even left the big garage door open today with the new screen blocking new entries. Now it's only a matter of time until I hunt down the rest.

But as I've been cleaning I've been constantly distracted by the sounds of rustling papers. It must be mice! All day long I've been searching but whenever I get close to the source of the noise - it stops. I'd swear it's coming from my new tool box. I've got drawers full of decals, templates, instruction manuals and such.
I've gone through them several times and can't find anything.

I even put one of the house cats out here. It was attracted to the same areas that I believe the noises are coming from but couldn't find anything either. If I get to within 6 feet of the noise it stops.

Not only does it sound like a mouse, but it must be one helluva big one. - And it must be really busy. I don't think a squirrel would make this much noise. Some of you may think that I'm exaggerating. But Teresa heard it too. And she couldn't believe how noisy it was. She wouldn't help me track it down because of some weird mouse phobia. - Women!

But then again, if this thing is as large as it sounds it might actually be sort of scary. But it must be invisible. Some kind of evil ghost rat thing.

I guess I'm buying mouse traps, moth balls, and poison tomorrow. Maybe I should stop by the church for some Holy Water while I'm at it.
That was insane! And I thought the wheel standers from back in the 60's and 70's were exciting to watch! Good post!

I'd be totally freaked out about losing traction with one rear tire and getting sideways. A little air under the front tires doesn't spook me but this?? Fun as heck to watch though. I had to watch it several times.
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I think I can hear it breathing. At first I thought it got quiet when I'd approach because it was afraid. Now I think it may be stalking me and trying to lure me closer.


Success at last! I caught the little bastard. OK, he wasn't nearly as big as what I thought he'd be, but I got him. He's not actually a rat. - Or even a mouse. He's a pocket gopher. It got into a waste basket which acted like a megaphone whenever he rustled around inside it. I had planned on a quick finish for the varmint I was searching for but I think I'll let him go (far away from the garage!).

I may be a wuss but those front teeth of his look like they could cause me some agony. Ya, I know he looks really tiny in the pictures but I tend to inflict enough pain on myself with the regular shop work. He ain't leavin' that basket until he reaches his new home. And then he's going to embark on a ten foot flight while I go back to contend with the flies.

It's too late now to take him anywhere. Until then (some time tomorrow) I think I'll name him.



I don't want to give him a cutesy name. I think it should be something sinister sounding so when I tell my buddies about the fact it creeped me out they won't laugh at me for being afraid of 'lil _____' (you fill in the blank). Maybe GOPHZILLA or FANG or HANNIBAL or LUCIFER.

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Got another one to work. The '72 Dart is sweet!

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It's a sad day for gophers around here. Last night I tossed the little bugger some green beans thinking that it would give him something to chew on during the night if he got the munchies. This morning I found him lying chisel teeth up. In hindsight I should probably have removed the plastic sack from the basket that he wrapped himself up in. I guess he committed suicide. Funny, he didn't seem depressed last night.

As promised, he did take a flight after leaving the garage. If I were still living out at the farm there would have been a cremation ceremony. He is (no doubt)
survived by a pack of siblings.



Donations can be sent to the 'Let's put a Hemi in the 'Cuda Foundation'.


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While I've been cleaning the garage I decided that I should go ahead and put up some of the wall art that I've accumulated. I have a lot of work to get done as I try to figure out a way to cram all of these parts and tools in here and still have enough room left to work in. Normally I'd be storing half of this stuff at our farm but I'm too afraid of more things getting stolen.


I had wanted to do an automobile graveyard theme for Halloween this year. Teresa didn't object but I think that she believes that's the theme we have for our yard year-round. So I kept it fairly traditional with the addition of the PLYMOUTH and CUDA tombstones. The zombies are wearing the obligatory car themed caps.









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You my friend have way to much time on your hands like I do LOL!!!! great decorations! Congrats on taking out the Minnie-mousezilla! He was terrifying!
You my friend have way to much time on your hands like I do LOL!!!! great decorations! Congrats on taking out the Minnie-mousezilla! He was terrifying!

I gotta keep busy while I'm waiting for the new shocks to arrive. I'll probably put everything on hold so that I can swap converters and shock absorbers. I think I might try to make another run on the 1/8 mile at Mid America Motorplex yet this year. It'd be interesting to see how big a difference it'll make compared to last time. If I get her to the track again I'll try to post better videos this time. I've got my son's Go-Pro now.
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I gotta keep busy while I'm waiting for the new shocks to arrive. I'll probably put everything on hold so that I can swap converters and shock absorbers. I think I might try to make another run on the 1/8 mile at Mid America Motorplex yet this year. It'd be interesting to see how big a difference it'll make compared to last time. If I get her to the track again I'll try to post better videos this time. I've got my son's Go-Pro now.

You will be happy with those shocks,you got a good deal. That & the converter should help with launch & 60's. Have had good luck with Comp.Engineering shocks, up front on my turd.( when I last drove it)
Good luck. (And f.w.I.w,1st video: That little orange Gremlin ,is owned by Brian Ambrosini. And 2nd Gen Hemi powered.).......
You will be happy with those shocks,you got a good deal. That & the converter should help with launch & 60's. Have had good luck with Comp.Engineering shocks, up front on my turd.( when I last drove it) Good luck. (And f.w.I.w,1st video: That little orange Gremlin ,is owned by Brian Ambrosini. And 2nd Gen Hemi powered.).......

You're kiddin'! There's a Hemi in this Gremlin?


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I ordered a DVD copy of American Nitro a few weeks ago but it hasn't arrived yet. I used to own a VHS copy of it years ago and it's been awhile since I've seen it. Sometimes rather than listen to music in the garage while I'm working, I like to let videos like this run.

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The mailman was very good to me today. Not only did the racing shocks from DragonDan64 show up but so did the copy of American Nitro. (THANKS DRAGONDAN)





I'm still cleaning the garage. When you've got parts from a half dozen projects crammed into two stalls along with all the tools and engines it's hard to find room to get anything done in. During this past year I've been shoving everything to one side or the other each time I've needed to get a car inside. It's total mayhem now. And it's made worse by the need to move stuff here that might be tempting to the thieves that have been targeting the farm. I've still got several goals to achieve before the snow starts to fly. I want to finish the interior of the Duster, get the drive train in and running in the 'Lil Red, prep the 'Cuda for another run, fix the fuel injection issues on the Roadrunner, and get the Charger moved inside. I don't think it's all possible. But at least I've got that American Nitro video running in the background to keep me inspired.

Oh yeah, I also want to have the plating equipment up and running too.

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Very cool my friend! I hope they work for you! Are you going to post some clips from the new video or dvd???
The mailman was very good to me today. Not only did the racing shocks from DragonDan64 show up but so did the copy of American Nitro. (THANKS DRAGONDAN)

Hey buddy! The mailwoman was nice to me today a well, the payment came for the shocks! I also got all the rest of my brake lines and hardware to install my rear end!!! Going to be a busy week next week!! Enjoy your weekend I will post pics of the progress this next week.
The mailman was very good to me today. Not only did the racing shocks from DragonDan64 show up but so did the copy of American Nitro. (THANKS DRAGONDAN) Hey buddy! The mailwoman was nice to me today a well, the payment came for the shocks! I also got all the rest of my brake lines and hardware to install my rear end!!! Going to be a busy week next week!! Enjoy your weekend I will post pics of the progress this next week.
- Sounds like the shocks shipped faster than the envelope with the check. Sometimes I think that I live in the mail Bermuda triangle.
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Very cool my friend! I hope they work for you! Are you going to post some clips from the new video or dvd???

I'm always struggling to get videos to display when I want to share them. I uploaded a few clips to my facebook account and here are the links. I'm not sure if they will work.

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