Are our Slants "Unsafe"?

70 Dart sedan: no. Not smarter at all. Just my own observations. Hated to see that car destroyed when the result was preordained. And those Mopar crash tests with the 60s Plymouths were scary. Glad to have the improvements in steering, brakes, construction and all. Vehicles are better than ever in a lot of ways.

Just not a fan of calling attention to the obvious like that. What a waste of both cars to prove the obvious conclusion.

And I could ride a bike in this town and "Save the Earth" and wind up being killed by some dillweed on a cell phone in a 4x4.

Always something bigger out there.
70 Dart sedan: no. Not smarter at all. Just my own observations. Hated to see that car destroyed when the result was preordained. And those Mopar crash tests with the 60s Plymouths were scary. Glad to have the improvements in steering, brakes, construction and all. Vehicles are better than ever in a lot of ways.

Just not a fan of calling attention to the obvious like that. What a waste of both cars to prove the obvious conclusion.

And I could ride a bike in this town and "Save the Earth" and wind up being killed by some dillweed on a cell phone in a 4x4.

Always something bigger out there.

That's true, and I do suppose, like you say, that life is a crapshoot. We face risk everyday, just tune to SpikeTV and listen to the intro for 1000 Ways to Die, and it makes perfect sense. :glasses7:
And no, this could not "happen to anybody". It could happen only to someone so suicidally, deliberately careless as Mr. Rosenthal doing 70 in a 45, no seatbelt, futzing with his computer. :roll: Willful stupidity doesn't have consequences nearly as often as it should, it's just a shame it's his poor family who have to pay the consequences instead of the perpetrator of the willful stupidity.

I wonder the same thing about people who jayrun across a busy intersection, because they might miss their bus, and god-forbid, they arrive to work a little late.

People like that have no sense of self-preservation. And sadly, they probably didn't teach any of that sense to their kids either.
I wonder the same thing about people who jayrun across a busy intersection, because they might miss their bus, and god-forbid, they arrive to work a little late.

People like that have no sense of self-preservation. And sadly, they probably didn't teach any of that sense to their kids either.

When I was a little kid, about 1975, a girl ran between two parked cars trying to get to her school bus, right out in front of my dad's car. Now being that we were in Germany, students are suppose to be at the bus stop, there are no flashing red lights, and traffic does NOT stop (if you do stop and sit, you will get a ticket for impeding traffic). My dad was not speeding, and was not cited for the collision- the little girls parent's had to pay to repair the dent in the fender and were held accountable. My dad never got upset, was concerned for the girl, and even visited her in the hospital- if you do that around here, some ***-suck lawyer would try to convince the parents to sue...:wack:
When I was a little kid, about 1975, a girl ran between two parked cars trying to get to her school bus, right out in front of my dad's car. Now being that we were in Germany, students are suppose to be at the bus stop, there are no flashing red lights, and traffic does NOT stop (if you do stop and sit, you will get a ticket for impeding traffic). My dad was not speeding, and was not cited for the collision- the little girls parent's had to pay to repair the dent in the fender and were held accountable. My dad never got upset, was concerned for the girl, and even visited her in the hospital- if you do that around here, some ***-suck lawyer would try to convince the parents to sue...:wack:

That's just it, another point society has reached: "Oh, it wasn't my fault!"
People these days will try to find anyway to weasel and wiggle out of being held of responsibility. The lady that put the MikeyD's coffee between her legs and her thunder thighs burst the cup. It was hot coffee and she burned herself. She sues because it did. Lady, you shouldn't have won that, your an idiot! So now, that's why coffee cups say "Caution Contents Maybe Hot". :roll:
While I believe that our cars are inherently unsafer than newer cars, I also believe that being an aware driver adds to my personal safety by preventing accidents. Anyone that is conscious of what's happening around them while they're driving will be paying attention to what other drivers are doing, how they are driving, etc. IMO 90% of prevention happens with the driver behind the wheel. I've been commuting on a bicycle since 1997, and everyone keeps telling me riding a bicycle is a death sentence. You don't have a single thing protecting you except a helmet, your lights, and keeping your wits about you. If you knowingly remove one of your senses to say, listen to your ipod while riding, you knowingly endanger yourself. That's really it.
The most dangerous thing about our old cars is the nut behind the wheel.
I agree. While new cars have much improved safety features, I suspect the biggest reason for greatly decreased death rates is public understanding. I remember bouncing around on the back seat as a kid in the 60's, and once flew into the windshield when my dad rear-ended a car. I recall being ridiculed by a girl for buckling up in 1978 (no 2nd date). I remember idiots (invariably men) who had to pass every car in front of them, despite oncoming traffic, on the 2 lane highways of the time. Enough deaths in the family and people learn.

I just talked to my wife in Indonesia where the death rate per passenger mile is 50x the U.S. Her family was driving to the mountains. I asked if my 9-yr old daughter was wearing a seat-belt. No, and neither was she. She said one doesn't need to wear a seat-belt there. I ask her to please buckle up our daughter. I am terrified every time I travel the roads there. The attitude is just like in the U.S. of the 1950's.
Here in Illinois, seat belts are being brought up, but is school busses. In Illinois there is a new law that says the passengers must be buckled up now, not just the driver. This was enacted on the 1st. This law is what is stirring up the school bus issue. We are not required to wear the belts, not that the school busses we ride even have them to begin with.
Here in Illinois, seat belts are being brought up, but is school busses. In Illinois there is a new law that says the passengers must be buckled up now, not just the driver. This was enacted on the 1st. This law is what is stirring up the school bus issue. We are not required to wear the belts, not that the school busses we ride even have them to begin with.

think about all the different people that would touch those belts...
Jeeze, I've never seen a Pinto crash test, thats scary. I've only had one accident with another car pulled out on a illegal left hand turn and was not enough time for me to react, locked up my 1962 Tbirds breaks and slid into the new car and ripped there front end off and my chest smacked the steering wheel that hurt but the Thunderbird was fine just a scratch, my car had no seat belts but after that I installed lap belts.
I rather be in a old heavy car or truck and win the battle but must have lap belts now after that experience.
Was just involved in a car accident the day after new years. Was driving a 68 slantsix driven mopar. A lifted full size bronco with about 38 in tires crossed the intersection and spun around on the ice planting his backside dead center between my headlights. The reason he gave for losing control was not seeing the stop light and swerving to miss the honda civic that would have ended up getting caught about the time it hit the Dana 44 in the front.

Guess what happens when you plant anything in the front end of an old airforce powerwagon. Yep 68 four door step side with a slant six, 4 speed, dana 44 birfield front end, dana 70 in the rear and a two stick divorced t case. Bounced me back pretty forcefully about two feet but with no ill effects. I drove home after that and he didnt. Three kids in the bronco under 10 were thankfully not hurt (scared though). The driver separated his shoulder and has massive back pain and his wife was more histeric than anything.

Basicly trashed the old power wagon, front end grinds when in 4X4, grill guard and grill are mangled, hood bent and wont latch or unlatch(but did get into it fron underneath to undo the bolts after pulling fan and radiator, cant do that with a scion) radiator is cracked and odly th frame is tweaked and the drivers door wont open.(luckily I had three other doors to chose from).

Safly though the Power wagon is a loss. It was in bad shape to begin with and this puts it over the top. It was an amazing drive for a year and the engine is still strong. Sad day.

Traded it for a 71 demon with a siezed 198 slant that is in ok shape.
After watching the video,to me it seems a lot of bolts could have been missing/taken out of the 59.
I also noticed that the video was from the Insurance Institute For Hwy Safety.
I guess anything to do with Insurance institutes or companies is going to make our lives better.
After watching the video,to me it seems a lot of bolts could have been missing/taken out of the 59.
I also noticed that the video was from the Insurance Institute For Hwy Safety.
I guess anything to do with Insurance institutes or companies is going to make our lives better.

Again, excellent point, the insurance companies are in cohoots with the New Car manufacturers, they say that old cars are less safe just so they can push crushing old ones and selling new ones, look at the big picture.
Again, excellent point, the insurance companies are in cohoots with the New Car manufacturers, they say that old cars are less safe just so they can push crushing old ones and selling new ones, look at the big picture.

Are we still doing ignorant, armchair, quarterbacking on this?

Spend some time in a collision repair facility and you will quickly realize that what you just said is false.
Well considering that businesses are made for the purpose of making $$ not really.
I feel much safer driving my 1997 ram 3500 4X4 dually turbo diesel six cyl
than I do driving my V8 1966 barracuda
I only responded because i also have a red 66 Barracuda and a 97 Dodge dully Cummings Thought it was a post i made till i seen the name on the left
take care
You guys also need to realize that the 59 Chevy has the infamous "X Frame" known for having low stuctural rigity and being a poor design.

Picture here Chevrolet Impala/1959 Chevrolet frame-lg.jpg

Also this car was a mostly orginal 60k mile survivor details here.

Interestings, its almost as if they picked this car on PURPOSE, strange, right?
Its all about engineering and advances. You can compare all you want too! Cars are safer now then ever! With safety comes other problems......Like why didnt the air bag go off! My abs failed to keep me from crashing! I am too stoopid to back up cause my back camera didnt work! ..... Its just common sense! Just me being a service writer listening to my customers complaints! My Duster and my Dart all work just fine. My 1977 F250 also works just fine...So does my Mustang GT! .... Some people just need to figure out driving is risky and so are people!
This is the stupidest fuckin thread ever and I cannot believe it is still goin.
Yes it is. It shows how engineering has evolved over the decades. That's the point.

You are just saying stuff to spite me, I'm done.

This is the stupidest fuckin thread ever and I cannot believe it is still goin.

I agree, with some points here, but all in all you got the most valid one here, and it's gettin' pretty boring.
A car is no more dangerous than the idiot driving it.

Back when these cars were made, people weren't trying to do 20 things while driving. They were driving. Not texting, not dicking with a GPS or any other stupid bs. Different times then.