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Hot? Sure.
Too hot? Nah.
As long as the a/c is working in the shop I'm good.
Besides, its too hot to be doing a lot of yard I've got the time:thumbsup:

AC in the shop!? I am jealous.
I was just happy to finally have a garage even without the cooling. Nice to have the shaded environment that I can close off from the public.

Growing up when I worked on cars with my dad we were excited once we finally got a concrete driveway (no carport). It was such a step-up from the dirt driveway haha
Yup, got tired of always having to pick up the tools from the driveway:rofl:

Built the shop myself about 15 years ago. 20x30 well insulated with a small a/c unit. :thumbsup:
OK....its been awhile and i'm getting cranky...need to get to a couple swapmeets soon!!!
I'm shooting for the 16th...3rd saturday and all ya know...should be a bit cooler :thumbsup:
Built the shop myself about 15 years ago. 20x30 well insulated with a small a/c unit. :thumbsup:

What type of materials is it built from, wood, metal or block? Did you need to get a permit to build it?
I had to go to the city for a permit, yes.
2x6 frame 24" oc. 9' ceilings.
osb sheathed with Hardiplank siding ext.
painted osb interior.
2 roll up doors, 8x12 front and 8x8 rear.
(behind the palm trees)
It was a lot of work but worth every drop of sweat.
I spent enough time on my back in the dirt changing transmissions, etc. when I was younger and didnt think about it.
Now that I'm older....I think about
It was a lot of work but worth every drop of sweat.
I spent enough time on my back in the dirt changing transmissions, etc. when I was younger and didnt think about it.
Now that I'm older....I think about

I have rebuilt and painted my car in my garage. But it was messy. had to clean it every night so I could pull at least one of my cars in there for the night. It would be nice to have a dedicated workshop

Did you put a lift into yours? know...some things just have to be thought through...a couple least :p:D
Seems like Saturday it is going to be a high of 94°. Any one going to a show?

I am thinking of 67th and Bell
at the pavillions!!!!!
Think I need to pass today. Took a stumble in the garage and landed on a pile of wooden blocks. Going to the dr monday to see how many ribs I broke
ouch, dude!
hope your and seek medical assistance!
Wish I could make it! Just moved back to Tucson though.

Any shows down here?
Hey all, is the Mopar night at 67th and Bell every Saturday or just once a month on a certain Saturday?


I am putting together a list of Mopar owners in my town and some of them have never heard of it.:realcrazy:
It's getting close to that time of year (not hotternell) and I want to give accurate info.