Attention Panhandlers...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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You may have better luck if you are not standing on the side of the road wearing brand new Nikes, with a cup of overpriced Starbucks Coffee in one hand and a cigarette hanging out of your mouth....just saying.....
The ones by me all hang out at an intersection with a Wendy's .... guess they can't see the help wanted sign in the window behind them.
They arrested a few around here a few months ago. Put their stories on the news. Panhandling, then getting in nice cars, going home to nice places. Not sure what drove the investigation whether media , complaints It was getting bad. They seem to have scattered.
I told my boss I was thinking about getting a part time job, but there was too much competition. All the good street corners are taken. I see one guy standing at an intersection all the time, looking at a McDonalds and Wendy's both with "now hiring" on their road signs. Guess working fast food is beneath them, but begging isn't. Maybe I'm a jerk, but I won't give any of them a dime.
they don't want to work,most will said make more by begging. I don't give these people any thing.
I just ask the dude if he would me to take him to my place and buck a few hundred bales. pays pretty good, free lunch and gator aide. see how fast they run to the vehicle behind me.
o caasionally you will find a guy that wants to actually work. occasionally.
Guy came up to me on the streets in Pontiac and said...." I'm not gonna bullshit Ya, I need $2 to buy a jumbo"!! I gave him the $2, that's the kind of honesty I can deal with!!!
I assess the person, and consider the likelihood of true need vs BS.
I then count my blessings, and consider that there but for the grace of God, might be me one day. So I have given money in the past more than a few times. I myself am having the most difficult financial situation I have ever been in, and pray I am not reduced to this to stave off hunger. Despite working 6-7 days continuously for the past 7 years to make a living for my "entitled" family, and perhaps because of it, my wife divorced me.
My employer lost a huge contract at exactly the same time, and I was part of the 25% laid off two weeks later. A person who sabotaged production equipment and destroyed equipment I was repairing (smashing it with hammers and throwing it in the trash dumpster) remains employed.
My child support order cannot be changed to reflect one child graduating high school and loss of income until July 27th, and the debt is mounting fast. The house has been sold, and I won't have a spare penny until closing August 16, I must try to pack and move all my belongings 50 miles away with no help from my family and no money to rent a truck or storage unit. I have been selling things as fast as I can, have a job waiting for me as soon as I get moved, but they understand I am trying to sell and move and are willing to wait.
Unemployment pay is being swallowed 75% by wage garnishment. It is more important that I continue packing than take a job at one third my pay rate. To say I am discouraged is a massive understatement.
I have given money to panhandlers when I sensed real need, this economy can turn on you in a split second.
I now go to bed hungry and wake up hungry.
I am supposed to move with zero cash somehow. One child is helping me a small amount, because teenagers today have no sense of responsibility. I'll have lots of cash on August 16, but am supposed to be out of the house on that very same day.
Then too, I cannot qualify for any house purchase with current employment, but returning to work now will not permit me any time to pack for moving, as soon as I start work I will likely be back on straight 7 day a week schedule, which IS expected in my industry.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.
I did some math. Fifty cars a day "donate" $2.00. That makes $100. He works a 5 hour shift. That's $20 bucks and hour. I don't gross that, much less tax-free. I donate to those less fortunate, or at least to those that "look" less fortunate.
On the otherhand, if she washes my windshield, and squashes her softness all over my windscreen, well that's got to be worth more than just a stare......I don't care how ugly she is, I mean How would I know what she looks like.After that, I'll be lucky to see the light turn green
I won't give money. If you're hungry I'll buy you a sandwich. If you need something, I'll buy it for you.

Had a kid come up to me while I was last in Florida.

"Ex..ex..excuse me, sir..." he said through false snifs. "I was sitting in church [nice touch, choir boy] when my mom called and said she'd been arrested. Well, sir, I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday and I don't have a place to go [so, unless your mom is there you can't go home?]. A friend is coming to get me, but that won't be for a few hours and I'm awefully hungry, Sir. Can I have a few dollars to get something to eat?"

So, my cousin comes walking around the corner and the kid repeats the long rehearsed story - word for word - to my cousin.

We all agree that the kid is "hungry." But the kid doesn't agree with him how I'm gonna feed him. He wants a few dollars. I'll buy him a sandwich. Finally, he realizes that's all he's gonna get after a few minutes of debating that he just wants the money.

So, I hand five dollars to my cousin to walk into the store with the kid to buy a sandwich.

From around the corner I hear a very loud, "well, f*** you, then!" and my cousin stalking back to the car.

Once they got around the corner the kid kept going on about how'd he still just wanted the money. "Y'all don't trust a ***** with a dollar."
I assess the person, and consider the likelihood of true need vs BS.
I then count my blessings, and consider that there but for the grace of God, might be me one day. So I have given money in the past more than a few times. I myself am having the most difficult financial situation I have ever been in, and pray I am not reduced to this to stave off hunger. Despite working 6-7 days continuously for the past 7 years to make a living for my "entitled" family, and perhaps because of it, my wife divorced me.
My employer lost a huge contract at exactly the same time, and I was part of the 25% laid off two weeks later. A person who sabotaged production equipment and destroyed equipment I was repairing (smashing it with hammers and throwing it in the trash dumpster) remains employed.
My child support order cannot be changed to reflect one child graduating high school and loss of income until July 27th, and the debt is mounting fast. The house has been sold, and I won't have a spare penny until closing August 16, I must try to pack and move all my belongings 50 miles away with no help from my family and no money to rent a truck or storage unit. I have been selling things as fast as I can, have a job waiting for me as soon as I get moved, but they understand I am trying to sell and move and are willing to wait.
Unemployment pay is being swallowed 75% by wage garnishment. It is more important that I continue packing than take a job at one third my pay rate. To say I am discouraged is a massive understatement.
I have given money to panhandlers when I sensed real need, this economy can turn on you in a split second.
I now go to bed hungry and wake up hungry.
I am supposed to move with zero cash somehow. One child is helping me a small amount, because teenagers today have no sense of responsibility. I'll have lots of cash on August 16, but am supposed to be out of the house on that very same day.
Then too, I cannot qualify for any house purchase with current employment, but returning to work now will not permit me any time to pack for moving, as soon as I start work I will likely be back on straight 7 day a week schedule, which IS expected in my industry.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

if we could just know the ones that deserve help ve the ones that don't.

I feel for your predicament. I have been up and I've been down. yes you can find yourself sleeping in your truck, been there, done it.

get a credit card to tide you over till the sale closes.

take steps and do your kids a favor. they are NOT entitled!!!! YOU tell to go down the street, house to house, till they find some jobs mowing grass with the owner mower, weed eating, washing cars etc.. for whatever the owner wants to pay! that is a start! they owe you some HELP. just my humble opinion.
Heard a preacher tell a story about how people would come into hosting office looking for a hand out
So he bought a pile of bricks and put them behind the church
From that moment on, anytime a beggar came in he would tell them, there is a pile a bricks in the back I need to have moved to the front.
Move them and I'll give you 50 bucks

In 20 years, that pile never moved
To say that we have never "helped" would be a lie. Lynn was a "regular" at the end of the exit to the post office. She had a pooch with her. Ernie never gave her cash...she would often get her something from Jack in the Box. More often it was a bag of dog food for her furry buddy. Was very appreciative. I seen a young guy in Spokane with his dog. I was on my way to Petsmart, grabbed him a bag of food for his friend...he had tears in his eyes when I gave it to him.
We were recently approached by a young lady when we pulled into the Napa parking lot. Job on the coast, $8.52...guy in the back offered me $30, but I "ain't no hope so I wouldn't give him a ********". "I don't want money, follow me to the gas station and I will wash your truck". thanks...she got extremely agitated when I asked her if you don't want money than why are you talking to us?
We have seen a pair of older guys for the past 7 years or so. Standing on various corners near the Costco on Division...sometimes by the Safeway on Francis. Both guys have the same sign..."family struggling...will work". Hmmm....these guys look to be in their late 60's. My head docs office is on the corner of the Costco parking lot. Peter has told me that they will often use the restrooms in his building. He said that they both reek of booze. Ernie mentioned the other day that she hasn't seen either of them in a few weeks...hmmm....
......On the otherhand, if she washes my windshield, and squashes her softness all over my ..............

Of course nowadays you can't always be sure that "she" is a "she" LMAO
I have good friends, cousins and my brother helping look for a resolution to my predicament.
One day brings hope, the next, crushing despair. I continue trying to help others, but the best advice I keep getting from others is to focus on helping myself, so I will take their counsel in foremost consideration.
Prayers are appreciated.
guy comes over to my truck with a gas can and asks for a few bucks for gas. I asked him where his car was, he told me down the street. I then asked what did he drive, he said an old Dodge. I asked him to show me the keys. He showed me the keys all right, I guess he starts it with his middle finger!
guy comes over to my truck with a gas can and asks for a few bucks for gas. I asked him where his car was, he told me down the street. I then asked what did he drive, he said an old Dodge. I asked him to show me the keys. He showed me the keys all right, I guess he starts it with his middle finger!
I saw a guy on the same corner for a week with a gas can before he moved on. Guess he finally got his gas! We used to have a guy at various intersections around town, he would walk with a god awful limp between the rows of cars, when the light turned green he would walk off the street with no limp. Truthfully though I usually wont give a dime but a couple weeks ago I was in Subway and this old guy came in and asked me in a very soft voice, almost like he was ashamed, if I could buy him a cheap sandwich. I went off track and told him to order what he wanted. He refused when I asked him if he wanted a drink also. When I left. he was on the curb outside eating the sandwich.
Some years ago my wife and I were in Santa Barbara for a weekend away and while walking to our car after dinner at a nice restaurant an older guy asked for a little money so he could get something to eat. We both just walked right on past him.
We got about 10 feet when he hollered, "But I'm hungry!"
We got to our car and I looked back just in time to see him start to dig through a dumpster.
Yeah, I went back and gave him a few bucks.
There have been other times I've stopped and other times I've driven right past. It all depends on how the person and the situation hits me.
Well-dressed with clean clothes and wearing jewelry won't get me to stop and help.
I feel the same as some of you do except about tips for service. The definition of gratuity is - ---------- a free will offering for service above and beyond expectations . When a restaurant tells me a *** percent will be added I cringe. I think they should pay their employees a decent wage and add it to the posted price of their offerings. The end cost to consumers should be approximately the same.
I saw a guy a couple of weeks ago begging. He had a sign that said Viet Nam vet. Tugged at my my heartstrings for a few seconds, then I realized this guy should be my dad's age if he was there. This guy was like 45. Totally pissed me off at that point.
I saw a guy a couple of weeks ago begging. He had a sign that said Viet Nam vet. Tugged at my my heartstrings for a few seconds, then I realized this guy should be my dad's age if he was there. This guy was like 45. Totally pissed me off at that point.
