Bacon prices going way up



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Just seen that pigs are being found with a vires and pigs and piglet's are
dyeing. .. get your freezer filled before the prices go way WAY UP..
It's already gone up quite a bit. I use bacon mostly as a seasoning. Keep it in the freezer and cut pieces off as I need it. Smithfield is now Chinese-owned. Stockholders cried all the way to the bank.
Bacon prices going way up? Oh boy wait till Keith finds out..... all the stores within a 50 mile radius will be sold out! LOL
It is already way up. We have quit buying bacon. Probably better not to eat all that fat anyway.
Same here Oklacarcollecto, It may have already went up here and I would have not known it :coffee2:

It's already gone up quite a bit. I use bacon mostly as a seasoning. Keep it in the freezer and cut pieces off as I need it. Smithfield is now Chinese-owned. Stockholders cried all the way to the bank.
I use it on my dear Strap backs when I cook it on the grill :coffee2:

Bacon prices going way up? Oh boy wait till Keith finds out..... all the stores within a 50 mile radius will be sold out! LOL
I think this is why I posted it Captain :D
Well this just put a damper on my day.
What ISN'T going up and what HASN'T gone up? Geezus. We have drought all over CA, fuel costs, on and on.
I was going to buy a pig last year but my brother(who works for a hog confinement company)told me to wait. It was still cheaper to buy it in the store. I just texted him and he said it's still cheaper to get it in the store right now. He said wait until late might make sense then.
What ISN'T going up and what HASN'T gone up? Geezus. We have drought all over CA, fuel costs, on and on.

Yeah, tell me about fuel costs.

We're already at $4 per gallon for the cheap stuff, and we aren't into the "summer blend" yet.... :rambo:

They have a special "summer blend" here that is supposed to help keep from getting smog like in L.A., but they make us pay dearly for it each year.... :banghead:
They have a special "summer blend" here that is supposed to help keep from getting smog like in L.A., but they make us pay dearly for it each year.... :banghead:

That's that "re-formulated" stuff right?
I think the only "re-formulating" is in the pricing.
This should not be allowed to happen. Bacon is one of the most useful products available on the market today! How many other things can be used for breakfast / lunch / dinner / dessert / housewares / clothing etc?
For example:


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This should not be allowed to happen. Bacon is one of the most useful products available on the market today! How many other things can be used for breakfast / lunch / dinner / dessert / housewares / clothing etc?
For example:

All this did is make me think about having a frosted mug of beer :banghead:
I guess a class of red wine will have to do for a while..

Anyone hear about all the pigs that are dyeing ?
There is a virus, and from what I have heard, it is from China. No idea as to how it got here. As usual, the news media is making it sound way worse than what it actually is. News is reporting a 10% death rate, but my sources, tell me it is really closer to 3%. I am told, it has mainly affected the smaller packers, and their likely will be a correction in the market. (Wholesale pork prices have skyrocketed) We should see a little relief soon, but then it is expected that it will affect Smithfield, the largest pork producer, who in effect, controls the pork market, and then it will really get bad. Guess who owns Smithfield. The Chinese!! My suggestion---if you see some decent prices on pork, stock up, fill your freezer, and then when the prices go crazy, don't buy it. I'm still selling some bacon in the $3 lb range, but replacement cost will go up at least $1 lb. I am in the business.
The mandatory use of ethanol has driven up the price of food for humans as well as animal feed. It is a misguided policy with its' origins in the 1970s oil embargoes. There is really no reason for North America to import oil for auto fuel if our resources could be utilized without governmental interference.

The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus that is killing baby pigs only exacerbates the problem with pork/food prices. Ignorant politicians in the USA have forgotten (or ignored) the fact that access to reasonably priced food and water should trump the concerns of energy firms, huge corporations who thrive on farm subsidies (ADM) and environmentalist wackos that drive up the price of basic family subsistence. Using grain for fuel greatly increases the cost of animal feed and the cost of every source of food for human nutrition directly or indirectly. Nowhere else on Earth is such idiocy employed.

The basic problem lies with unqualified politicians who have entrenched themselves to preserve the interests of themselves and their financial backers, and that applies to both major political parties.

There's no reason why hard working citizens should be forced into government assistance to feed their families. The politicians have stacked the deck to make everyone dependent upon them.

Sorry about the rant, but please think about it.
Doing our part here at the cosgig compound!! No room for pigs, but always room for bacon!!


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^^^^^^The best way to cook bacon IMO bake in non-preheated oven^^^^^^^

The bacon stays big. Another tip, crumple up foil before laying out on baking sheet, bacon comes out even better on the rough surface, and no mess.