Bad members,that can,t ship to canada



Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
St.Lazare Quebec Canada
It is interesting that some apples can make a whole barrel go bad,if not corrected quickly.I have bought thousands of dollars for parts from members from canada and the USA,and never a problem.I have bought heads,valve train parts,short blocks,diffs,you name it I bought if it was a good deal for me.The amount of paper work involved in doing so comes down to a customers forum with simple info,who is sending ,who is getting it,what it is,price,the bullshit info.But it still takes time from the info I am getting back from a certain member,all of about a 1.5 minutes,which is a extreme amount of time in this fast past world,when you have a Canadian with a crap load of money to send via paypal so its there in a matter of few minutes,which is to much time for some members to understand.Even though the Canadian is paying the full shot for shipping,handling,and what ever B/S item these members come up with,but still pay the shot.Can a member get screwed,YES,the person recieving the parts,not the person getting the money,as they are using paypal or money order or bank transfer,they have all the cards on there side of the table.So if a members can,t fill out a forum,there are a few possabilitys,lazy&dump,and wants to screw people over,can,t read or write,go and take a coarse and learn,and get a freind help you,has some thing against Canadians,as we are probably the worst nation of people put on the planet,as some members think,would like to see the list and talk about it with them face to face.If you have been screwed by some one here,do you now put all 35 million people in the same jar and every one is **** head and only wants to screw the US of A,right away I believe there is a problem,and its not on this side of the boarder,the bathroom mirror is a good place for you to reflect,your thinking,and your life.Your willing to sell parts to make some cash,all for it,100%,but now that you have so many people knocking at your door to buy your parts,you can now pick only the black hair blue eyed people that you want to have your parts,you must be really proud of your self,you have mad it to the big time,now to can afford to dig out the dirt to put that new basement in under the trailer home,good luck,your going to need it,mrmopartech
Whoa, sounds like someone yanked your chain pretty good. Let me tell you a 3 minute story on a sale I made to Canada and you can defend it, or correct me: I sold a $40 old Mallory ECU to a customer in Calgary (I think). He won the Ebag auction and told me to ship it to Canada best way for me the shipper. since I had a FedEx account and I could do all this stuff from home, I got him a quote online and he Paypalled it lock stock and barrel. So far so good. I sent it, he got it and it was a done deal...Not so fast. 2 Months later I get an Email from FedEx telling me they are back charging my account $26 bucks for unpaid brokerage fees..WTF? I call them up and inquire about this mystery fee. They tell me they made numerous attempts (written and calls to phone number given to me by buyer) to collect the fee from the shipped to party to no avail so they reversed the charges back the the shipper. I was stumped. I call the guy and ask for a little help on the additional fees with an explanation and he politely tells me, "that sounds like your problem aye, no one called me". What did I do wrong? Ever hear of this nonsense? Im a little gun-shy when it comes to Canada buyers now, set me and the rest of us straight.
Some don't want to send to Canada, their choice.

Bad members? Bad members would take your money and say they sent it, only to rip you off.

Find someone local that can help and get it done if you need something that badly.

I got screwed by someone from Canada using paypal, so guess what, no more paypal.... Call it what you want, I won't get screwed over again using it!

Yeah we all suck here in the US... LMAO...
I have shipped many items through the post office to Canada with no issue. Yes there is a little more paper work involved, but like you stated earlier it only takes a minute.
I found this rant very hard to follow and all jumbled together.

not really sure what the heck its about lol.

But I did slightly pick up some bashing of folks in the US and stereo typing them as putting basements under there mobile homes LOL.

I guess thinking like that would shy alot of US members away from wanting to strike a deal up.

I personally don't think canadians are any better or any worse of people and the biggest stereo type associated with canadians that most folks here in the US may have it the accent of AYE HOW ABOOT IT....LOL.

but I am sure canadians could pick on the US just as much so no big deal.

as for shipping....I PERSONALLY would rather no deal with over the border transactions ....not because of the person or because I would rather sell to a US member because I think they are better because they are in the US lol.....but for the simple fact that I have heard of to many soured deals that shipped over the border rather it be like mentioned about and getting back charged for shipping or it be there is a huge delay in ship time due to the shipping services going from one country to another and taking there time which in turn makes the seller look slow to ship or look like a bad seller. or rather it be lost in shipping or customs opened a box up and parts ended up getting damaged or lost because of it.

to many risky situations and I personally just prefer not to deal with out of the country transactions......again this is just my opinion, not sure what the "scoop" is on the failed deal you posted this thread about and what the exact situation was...but I think alot of folks don't deal internationally for alot of the same reasons I just mentioned.
Yeah I hear ya MrMopartech. I've bought a s-load of goodies and never had a problem paying for everything. Even paid $150 for a rusted out half-assed 4spd pedal setup that looked worse than the crap I could have found here in our salt-laden boneyards lol..

What this subject AGAIN! Crackedback said it all, it's the sellers choice weather they want to ship to Canada or not! Why are you so upset about that?
Why don't you just have the item sent to another member in the US that will in turn ship it to you? Everyone is entitled to their "own" reasons for shipping or not out of the country.

Some of our Canadian members have US postal addresses for this reason......
If it were small parts I'd ship to Canada, large parts-------- I wont even ship those in the U.S... Shipped a cam to Tennessee the other day through the post office, $15.00 and Tennessee boarders North Carolina..
I'm with DD72,a little confused as to what you are saying.Is this not a 2 way street? I'm sure some of our American members could say the same thing,but I don't hear them bashing all Canadians.You had some problems with certain individuals,you can't paint them all with the same brush.:angry7: So much for the good night I was having here.Too much of this type of post going on.What a shame.:angry7:
I see it this get bad apples in every barrel, but DO NOT paint them all with the same colour. OK this is very Canadian (Diplomatic) of me right guys? But I mean it!
It's a very simple form to fill out and can be done at home or at the post office, our canadian members don't mind shipping to us so what is the big deal???? :angry7:
I found this rant very hard to follow and all jumbled together.

not really sure what the heck its about lol.QUOTE]

Yea, I tried to read it too but I can't, I don't have time.....I need to finish digging out my new basement :bootysha:
Why don't you just have the item sent to another member in the US that will in turn ship it to you? Everyone is entitled to their "own" reasons for shipping or not out of the country.

Some of our Canadian members have US postal addresses for this reason......

This is what I'd do if I lived in Canada.. I can understand why some of you feel the way you do, I'd be frustrated also if 50% of the sellers would'nt ship parts to me...
Isn't this horse dead yet, or are we beating it some more?

I, too, have been back-charged by FedEx, twice, to the tune of $70 for items Canadians refused to pay their border fees on.

Yes, I can ship through the USPS, and the form isn't the biggest deal to fill out, but the hour it takes me to drive to the post office, stand in line, and drive back from the post office makes me not want to deal with it. Plus, each time I have done it, the person on the other end has complained about the price and tried to talk me down. I don't set shipping costs, I just pass them along.

And why exactly am I not allowed to have a choice as to who I sell my parts to?
Mrmopartech, CHILL.

I've shipped tons of stuff to Canada. I'll say it's always a pain getting correct shipping quotes. Some of the problems I've had selling are that once a part is bought, the buyer isn't happy with the costs involved with shipping, or they get impatient with the time it takes to get there. I can only do so much.
Also every time I sell a car I get at least one Canadian guy who thinks I should discount the price of my car the amount it takes him to import it, plus the duty fees.

That being said, I still do sell to Canadians and also people in other countries but it's not my first choice. I'm sure this is a two way street for you guys dealing with US buyers.

My suggestion is to not let it bother you and buy the part from someone else.
Just send money to a willing/known member to pay for the item and ship it.Easiest way and everybody,s happy.I,ve only had 1 bad deal gone wrong,due to address screwup.Other than that all deals have gone smooth.:cheers:
Why don't you just have the item sent to another member in the US that will in turn ship it to you? Everyone is entitled to their "own" reasons for shipping or not out of the country.

Some of our Canadian members have US postal addresses for this reason......

Yup and I mostly ship to those dam Yankees using there own dam cheap shipping services.:toothy10:
Well, this looks beat to death already, but I won't let that stop me!

First off, to my American friends, please don't let the fact a Canadian started this poopstorm make up your mind about selling, or shipping to Canada. For those who already have made up their mind that dealing across the border is not in their best interests, well I don't think there is any argument that supports your notion either.

The real problem is with Fedex and UPS who hold us hostage with their ridiculous brokerage fees. USPS does not need to do this, why do the others?

I've bought plenty of items across the border and I've found if you contact the seller, they usually will listen and even if they did not intend to sell outside the US, they are pleasantly surprised to hear there is a market out there and there are reasonable people who understand that shipping costs can be somewhat higher and understand the customs process. Sure, sometimes poeple get burned, but that seems to happen regardless of nationality. One of the worst deals ever to go bad on me involved another Canadian. (Import car part, never trust anyone who thinks a soup can is a muffler.)
Well, this looks beat to death already, but I won't let that stop me!

First off, to my American friends, please don't let the fact a Canadian started this poopstorm make up your mind about selling, or shipping to Canada. For those who already have made up their mind that dealing across the border is not in their best interests, well I don't think there is any argument that supports your notion either.

The real problem is with Fedex and UPS who hold us hostage with their ridiculous brokerage fees. USPS does not need to do this, why do the others?

I've bought plenty of items across the border and I've found if you contact the seller, they usually will listen and even if they did not intend to sell outside the US, they are pleasantly surprised to hear there is a market out there and there are reasonable people who understand that shipping costs can be somewhat higher and understand the customs process. Sure, sometimes poeple get burned, but that seems to happen regardless of nationality. One of the worst deals ever to go bad on me involved another Canadian. (Import car part, never trust anyone who thinks a soup can is a muffler.)

A voice of calm reasoning; I salute you ! BTW, everyone knows you need a large juice can to make a muffler.
Mopartech. as you obviously know, you have bought from me before and though I took a little longer than I should have shipping the item to you. I feel the deal worked out. I would be willing to ship items to you if you needed them shipped to someone in the US. I am honestly not sure what the weight regulations are though. Anyway, feel free to PM me anytime you need help.
Exactly two weeks, isn't it?

And I have shipped to Canada, and I'm sure I will again. I just list my auctions to US only because I don't like dealing with people who win and then argue shipping costs after the fact.

I have shipped to Norway and Australia, too.