Bad news for jpar


yellow rose

Overnight Sensation
Jun 19, 2015
Reaction score
Central Washington
I just checked my email and what do I see????

That's right, a tracking number for my can!!!!!!!!! Whooooooooo Hoooooooooooo.

Shipping after only 15 days after paying for it and being told it was shipped.

Anyway, doesn't matter. I feel better having the scatter shield on there. Never felt comfortable even driving around with the stock bell on there.

So...technically 5 business days from today the pig should be here. And I'll know if it's the can I sent of a replacement.
So, is this a can of whoopazz?

Yep. Bright red whoopazz. At least it was red when I shipped it. It may be black now or whatever color the other brand of scatter shield is they sell.

Now that I think about it, the place that put the window in it is a third party. My luck that beeeeeeotch will come back pink.
Now that I think about it, the place that put the window in it is a third party. My luck that beeeeeeotch will come back pink.

Well, since you don't post pictures, if it does it will be like that movie where the baseball players wore panties...nobody will know but you!

Well, since you don't post pictures, if it does it will be like that movie where the baseball players wore panties...nobody will know but you!


When it shows up next Tuesday I'll post some pictures of the hunk of steel. You guys and your fetish with pictures is hilarious. It's a big, heavy, nasty assed scatter shield. It's not even something cool like Titainum. That I would be proud of.
Well, since you don't post pictures, if it does it will be like that movie where the baseball players wore panties...nobody will know but you!

So are you saying yellow rose wearz women's underbritchez when he races and we don't know it!??
I think it was called Summer Catch.
it had Jessica Biel in it. I could give a **** about baseball, Jessica Biel in a bathing suit made it worth watching, though.
I think it was called Summer Catch.
it had Jessica Biel in it. I could give a **** about baseball, Jessica Biel in a bathing suit made it worth watching, though.

In that case...Ill ask the wife for permission to watch it. And I'm not going to wear her panties while watching it either.
Man when I put my first scattershield on forty years ago it was a night mare getting it indexed in right. I was working on my back and didn’t ave the proper tools. Still working on my back but at least I have tools now and was smart enough to switch over to an automatic
Man when I put my first scattershield on forty years ago it was a night mare getting it indexed in right. I was working on my back and didn’t ave the proper tools. Still working on my back but at least I have tools now and was smart enough to switch over to an automatic

If they send back my can I checked it and it was good. If they sent out a new can, I'll be pissed.
I'm waiting for QuickTime to send my bell back. They machined an opening for mine as well. I'll surely post pics, and in your other thread too. Once it arrives. :)
OK, I don' get it.........why is this "bad news for jpar?"

You have to get his attention. If I just posted a thread about my can, jpar would pull a looooooong suck on the bong and fall asleep.

This way, I get his attention.

FWIW my can is still in Iowa and they just billed my card. For the second time!!! I'll call them in the morning and get that cleared up.