Badguy Alert Moparcrazy

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2,0001 views and counting.

Anybody know how to put a clicker up here? Lol.

You might be able to salvage this before it gets much worse, but we are getting impatient and the more posts...
the harder it gets to salvage.
2,096 views now, only a few minutes later. Dude your gonna be famous if you don't fix this. 8) Wait till they start linking it to other boards...
You know that really sucks I have one Im not using or going to use send me your email and I will send pics If you want it its yours send your address I will ship on Monday
Intake Shipped confirmation and tracking number sent via email Good Luck and glad to help you out dgtwo
Way to go there dgtwo, that's how we like to take care of our members here. You're gonna get a lot of positive karma for stepping up in such a selfless way!!! Now, if some OTHER people would only learn from your example, we wouldn't be having this convo would we??? Thanks again, for coming through, my hat's off to you!!! Geof
As they say know a day's dgtwo Kudos to you bud.
He will not be able to sell another part on the net if he don't jump in here...
and we all know that this guy has sold many parts here and he is on the whipping post, and the whip is about to come out.
I've been just checking out this thread on and off and it's a shame that this stuff happens. What amazes me even more is a another member came forward and helps superdart340 out with his situation. Way to go dgtwo!!!!
Thanks alot dgtwo got the shipping info and can't wait to get it if u need some cash for the shipping please pm me its greatly appreciated

No word on the refund........
2,096 views now, only a few minutes later. Dude your gonna be famous if you don't fix this. 8) Wait till they start linking it to other boards...

Famous or infamous?

Note: Moparcrazy Last Activity: 03-16-2010 07:47 AM

dgtwo, that was one very kind gesture! :cheers:
Famous or infamous?

Note: Moparcrazy Last Activity: 03-16-2010 07:47 AM

dgtwo, that was one very kind gesture! :cheers:
I call him and left a message.
just saw this thread..
You know superdart, I just read the response to this thread posted by Moparcrazy, and a little something has been brought to light. In your opening post dated 3-13-10 you mention that that you just took this intake out of the box an noticed the damage to the waterjacket runners. However, in your for sale thread for your 68 340 motor dated 1-22-10 the intake in question is clearly sitting on the motor you have for sale!!! Thats almost 2 months ago!!!What gives??? Although I am of the camp that insists that an item for sale be fully and accurately described, I am also of the camp that honesty and integrity be followed when bringing an issue of this nature to light!!

Also, nowhere in your ad does it state that the intake included is compromised in any way. Although you are selling the motor and not just the intake, it is obvious to me that you must have known on January 22 that this intake was junk but made no mention of it in your ad either. I see you sold the motor on 1-31-10 but it did not include the intake??

In the end, I will have trouble taking your word just as much as Moparcrazy's if this is the way you are going about doing business.

Honesty, Integrity, Full and ACCURATE descriptions of items and circumstances, is that so hard to do??? JEEESH!!! Geof
I have to go with what cosgig is saying here, and would like to hear from you superdart340 :read2:

I am also of the camp that honesty and integrity be followed when bringing an issue of this nature to light!!, and if someone is trying to pull the wool over our heads and playing with a stacked deck with this family of mine here at fabo :angry7: Well I just better wait and see, I have made it through life with out burning bridges you may have to cross again What you say superdart340.
I hope we are not getting played here :angry7:
You know superdart, I just read the response to this thread posted by Moparcrazy, and a little something has been brought to light. In your opening post dated 3-13-10 you mention that that you just took this intake out of the box an noticed the damage to the waterjacket runners. However, in your for sale thread for your 68 340 motor dated 1-22-10 the intake in question is clearly sitting on the motor you have for sale!!! Thats almost 2 months ago!!!What gives??? Although I am of the camp that insists that an item for sale be fully and accurately described, I am also of the camp that honesty and integrity be followed when bringing an issue of this nature to light!!

Also, nowhere in your ad does it state that the intake included is compromised in any way. Although you are selling the motor and not just the intake, it is obvious to me that you must have known on January 22 that this intake was junk but made no mention of it in your ad either. I see you sold the motor on 1-31-10 but it did not include the intake??

In the end, I will have trouble taking your word just as much as Moparcrazy's if this is the way you are going about doing business.

Honesty, Integrity, Full and ACCURATE descriptions of items and circumstances, is that so hard to do??? JEEESH!!! Geof

Hum.... Very interesting indeed. Bob can you explain how you just took this intake out of the box a few days ago yet you have pictures of it sitting on top of a engine you had for sale nearly 2 months ago?? Inquiring minds like to know.
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