balancer coming apart

My buddies balancer blew apart just like that last year the night before we were leaving for Mopars in the park! It was from Hughes racing, he called them, and they said any internal (zero) balance balancer would work just fine. They just didn't recommend racing with the factory one. His ran right into the timing chain cover just like that! As far as I know the 318 balancer still on his 416, and he's on a 1000 plus mile trip to Atlanta with it right now, and will be driving it out to Mn next Friday for Mopars in the park!
the one thing they all had in common was that they all get warranty claims for spun balancers,
Have we changed the subject , or are you still trying to make this statement be correct ?
Try repeating it frequently and maybe increasing the volume.........that seems to work in some circles.
Have we changed the subject , or are you still trying to make this statement be correct ?
Try repeating it frequently and maybe increasing the volume.........that seems to work in some circles.

They said what they said, or maybe your crystal ball says different. Consult it... let me know..
Are we talking about warranty claims for spun balancers , or did you see a bunny and get side tracked ?
You've got the crystal ball... you tell me..Acording to you ,those guys make dampers that never fail, never have a manufacturing fault, and never wear out ( even though rebuilt kits are available). Maybe they should get into making cranks, rod and pistons, then I'd sleep better at night. LOL, you crack me up.
Anyway to answer what obviously your crystal ball couldn't, before I started using Romac balancers, I called them, and sure , they admitted they had failures that they warranted. They were genuine about it, they explained how it can happen and I was satisfied that all in all they make a good product. I also use ATI, do you think I called them??
I use Rollmaster timing chain sets too but guess what??? They had a rash of failures from a production issue..
A good way to learn about a product, is to call who makes them, and ask how many come backs they get..Don't ask them how good their product is..
Maybe it is the language barrier.
When you said " spun balancer " I took it to mean the outer ring spinning in a manner not consistent with the hub.
Is there a meaning I am not familiar with ?
I don't have a crystal ball.........or a degree in English.
I do have a W-9 motor ............ is that what has your balls in an uproar ?
I have only responded to what you said , but you seem intent on making it some kind of crusade against................against what exactly ?
Against my opinion that quality costs and is frequently worth the price ?
Against American manufacturing ?
Your pointing out the obvious.......... that no manufacturer has a perfect an apples to bananas argument.
I would never try to contradict that point , and in fact , never did.
But when the outer ring is physically mated to the hub ( not bonded by a rubber band ) , it can not spin short of a catastrophic failure that I #1 have never seen and #2 would probably have heard of with this newfangled thing called the internet.
You seem to have had good luck and bad luck with different parts.
Guess what ? That does not qualify you as unique.
It has even happened to me , and it has formulated my thoughts on which parts are worth plunking down my hard earned dollars on.
So when asked , I will offer my opinion.
And apparently , so will you.
Sort of what makes America great.............wouldn't you say ?
I've used the word "spun" and the word "failure". Apply it to whichever balancer it suits, because at the end of the day, your hip pocket won't differentiate between the two.