Baseball Fans ????

Spanked? More like HUMILIATED. I'm telling you, it's tough to be a Yankee fan right now.
Some things just cant be explained. We have NO pitching or hitting against teams like Toronto and KC and then turn around and outscore your Yanks 32-6 in 2 games on your big opening weekend.
Tigers and Red Sox fan here. In fact, Tigers are the only Michigan professional team I root for. NBA is a joke, Red Wings "buy" their championships and I started rooting for the Islanders when the Wings sucked (1980) and why would I root for the Lions (Patriots fan since 1974!)
Wow, what a difference a month makes. The Royals are on a six game losing streak! But are still in 2nd place.
No no it's go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!!!

OH NO. Go Rays! American League Champions

I threw in the Baldelli one for ya's. haha

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I used to be a Giants fan until the strike of '94 which ended the season. Ever since then, the sport has soured, and the NFL and NBA has gone in the toilet, too. It's all about money and who makes more than the other guy, the sport is secondary. Meanwhile, we continue to bust our a$$ for a fraction of what those guys make.
Red Sox have tradition and lifelong fans...but they suck ***. While I don't agree with everything the Yankees do, they are my team...good or bad, been that way since I was a little kid. I remember going to the stadium and being in awe as a kid. I went to Shea stadium a few times to see the Mets and that was a great park back in the day...I used to love the golf cart that was shaped like a baseball that brought in the relief pitcher.
Red Sox have tradition and lifelong fans...but they suck ***. While I don't agree with everything the Yankees do, they are my team...good or bad, been that way since I was a little kid. I remember going to the stadium and being in awe as a kid. I went to Shea stadium a few times to see the Mets and that was a great park back in the day...I used to love the golf cart that was shaped like a baseball that brought in the relief pitcher.

The Red Sox suck...they seem to be doing just fine in the league standings...
The Red Sox suck...they seem to be doing just fine in the league standings...

Wait till September. haha No seriously they have a good nuclous with some great new comers like Drew, Bay and Ellsbury, and then patch in Rocco and Julio and Bam there you go.

They deffinitally are the most obnoxious fans though.:-D
At least you beat the Yankees there.:-D

Yanks are playing really well right now, they look unstoppable. 19 error less games is a great accomplishment. Everyone has woken up from their early season stupor.
The Red Sox suck...they seem to be doing just fine in the league standings...

The standings don't take into consideration things like being cocky and obnoxious...which are two of the Sox biggest attributes.
Go Yankees:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:8)8)8)8)8)8):-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:8)8)8)8)8):-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
First of June and the Royals are in the crapper!! Same old story every year!
Lets go Rays you had your chances to win that game last night...And go Rangers steal that wild card from roid sox....GO YANKEES!!!
Yankee Juggernaut is looking fairly unstoppable right now. Let's hope they stay healthy and can clinch early.

Would LOVE to see the Rangers in contention for what, the first time ever?

Sox have had their once-a-century run, here's hoping they'll be mediocre for another 85 years.