Bazza, the car, has been reunited with Bazza, the man.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jul 17, 2023
Reaction score
Somewhere north of Minne-a-no-place
Long day yesterday, and my *** is dragging today, but it was worth it.

Started loading-up the car around sunrise:


Fuel stop in Danbury, WI around 9:00 (almost the exact same picture as when we brought the car home):

And the car's temporary home for a couple weeks (we couldn't get into the actual storage facility yesterday):

Feels good, and I hope and pray that Bazza, the man, makes a full recovery so he can drive this again some day.

Thanks, everyone! I couldn't have done this without your help.

Thanks for sharing. Will you be doing more work on it when he pulls it out in the Spring?
Long day yesterday, and my *** is dragging today, but it was worth it.

Started loading-up the car around sunrise:
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Fuel stop in Danbury, WI around 9:00 (almost the exact same picture as when we brought the car home):
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And the car's temporary home for a couple weeks (we couldn't get into the actual storage facility yesterday):
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Feels good, and I hope and pray that Bazza, the man, makes a full recovery so he can drive this again some day.

Thanks, everyone! I couldn't have done this without your help.

You are a true friend, well done sir!
Thanks for sharing. Will you be doing more work on it when he pulls it out in the Spring?
I'm not sure yet.

I gave him a two page document of the things I had done, and things that have yet to be done (prioritized by Safety, Reliability, etc), and unbeknownst to me this got passed around to others who were present. Several people stepped-up and said, "I can do this!", or "I'll help with that!", so the remaining items may be taken care of locally.

And at his wife's request I'm certainly going to act as the GC/GM on this project until such time as Bazza can take over once again.

So we'll see!
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Well done, your are a true friend.
Thank you.

True story of the sort of people Bazza and his wife are:

Bazza's wife, and my (now) wife, grew-up together, and were best friends. Years ago, before I met her, my wife caught her (soon to be "ex") husband cheating on her. They were college sweethearts, he was the love of her know the story.

She filed for divorce and moved out.

Tore her entire world apart.

As this was all happening, Bazza and his wife were planning a romantic get-away, late honeymoon trip for 2 to NZ for three weeks (visit his family, take a tour of the country, and just "be"), but they told her (my wife), "You're coming with us, and we're not taking "no" for an answer!"

How can you not want to help people like that?
Too bad we couldn't see a picture of him viewing the arrival of his car.
Good for you! Glad you got it back to them so they can enjoy it when they are able. So....are you gonna change your screen name now that the project is complete? :eek:
Too bad we couldn't see a picture of him viewing the arrival of his car.
I thought of that, but he's still in a wheelchair, so out of respect to his privacy I decided not to record anything when I drove the car around the corner and he first saw it.

(I revved it up in neutral a couple times before he could see it, and I guess his head whipped around in that direction pretty quickly, though!)
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Good for you! Glad you got it back to them so they can enjoy it when they are able. So....are you gonna change your screen name now that the project is complete? :eek:
Well, the car/project isn't really "complete", and there's still plenty more work to do on it, but I accomplished what I said I would do...and then some. Right now the car is driveable (my initial goal), but with all the wiring gremlins and what-not I found I wouldn't exactly call it "reliable".

Since the car is 3+ hours away now, and some local people are going to pitch-in and take-up the cause, not sure what my participation level is going to be, other than being a remote "GC", if you will.

Are any car projects ever really "complete"? :lol:
For some strange reason I thought you were in Australia :)
Jim, I know a couple guys like you. The world is better for them being in it, and for you too. Well done, sir.
That's awesome!
What's really awesome is that the weather cooperated yesterday!

You probably got the same thing as us last week week: Soaking rains Thursday, all day Friday, and by Saturday the rain was on & off (but still mostly "on").

I wasn't looking forward to pulling that trailer in the rain (when is the weather forecast ever correct?), so when the clouds broke-up yesterday morning somewhere around Hinckley - THAT was awesome! Turned out to be a perfect day, weather wise.
You probably got the same thing as us last week week: Soaking rains
Yeah, I was up on equipment getting soaked at the end of the week, when the lightning came! We hurried and scurried outta there!

Having a clean dry car on a trailer sure beats cleaning I bright after you unload it.
Looking excellent
what a nice car
What a great guy doing all that work....!

If he needs Dizzy cap and rotor I believe a rover v8 cap and rotor fit the later lucas electronic, so i'd be 80% on them fitting the points version as well. just been through this with a mate

that aircon vaccuum water tap on the inner wing... i doubt you will find another but a tap from a US car might be mountable on the bracket. I never found one for mine.

If he needs Dizzy cap and rotor I believe a rover v8 cap and rotor fit the later lucas electronic, so i'd be 80% on them fitting the points version as well. just been through this with a mate
I had the distributor professionally rebuilt by "THE" Lucas guy here in the States. Turns out his shop is about 20 minutes from the office, and while he's rebuilt "at least 20 thousand" 4 cylinder Lucas distributors (MG's, Land Rovers, etc), he had never gotten his hands on the V8 version (I forget the model). Apparently the points are Rolls Royce, and the cap....Damn! I've forgotten! (Land Rover?)

that aircon vaccuum water tap on the inner wing... i doubt you will find another but a tap from a US car might be mountable on the bracket.

The powerhead (vacuum canister) turned out to be good, and I did find a couple valves, but at Bazza's request I didn't make the repair(s), as this will be something simple he can do as he recuperates.

Thank you for all of your help on this, Dave!
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Thank you for the kind words! Much appreciated.

By the way, "my" Claire told me to say, "Hello!", and asked about this planet she's been hearing about lately....

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What a sweet looking, pretty girl!

Here's the song about the planet named after her. It was weird in 1979. Now it's vintage. :rolleyes:
I still remember the first time I heard it.
What a sweet looking, pretty girl!

Here's the song about the planet named after her. It was weird in 1979. Now it's vintage. :rolleyes:
I still remember the first time I heard it.

Oh my God! My wife is going to LOVE this! She dances around the house, in her own goofy way, whenever something like this comes on the radio (she streams some pretty avant garde stuff in the kitchen), and this is right up her alley! Sometimes the dogs join-in, and other times they just give her the, "What the hell are you doing now, lady?" look.

Thank you so much!

Now I can't wait to get home and show her, and Claire, this video!

What a sweet looking, pretty girl!

Here's the song about the planet named after her. It was weird in 1979. Now it's vintage. :rolleyes:
I still remember the first time I heard it.

I think that's the first time I've ever been sober enough to catch all of the lyrics, even though they're aren't very many.