Been A While


64 SRT8 Dart

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Colorado
Hey everyone!
Sure has been a while since my last log in. Hope all is doing well.
Have had a couple life changes since, lol.

Almost made it on with the Sheriff's Dept in September. Got cut again...3rd try...after making it the furthest through the process. They want me to start testing again on the 16th. It sucks they don't give a reason why they drop you either.
Got fired from my job of 11 years in October...thank goodness, lol. It was a blessing in disguise. Long story short, they hired a new production manager...the 10th one in 11 years...and he and I got along at first. Then he turned into a backstabbing kniver. He and I didn't get quite along at all after I confided in him and then he used what I told him to try and fire me and make me out to be this bad guy. He came to me in the first place for info!! He made sure I found my way out the door but there was a lot more to me contacting lawyers and stuff.

Anyway. I've been interviewing with the Department of Corrections and if all goes like it seems...they forwarded my info to the hiring manager at the Limon, CO facility, I hope to start work soon. So far, all the interviews have went very well.

Still have the Magnum, the Cummins, and the Commander. One day will get another project lol.

Just thought I'd share a little. Lol
Well I went to the owner first about the issues I was dealing with and he sent this guy out to talk to me to "help."
Basically, I got the shaft as they hired the old dept manager back who had gotten fired from the last production manager. Well he thought I got this last one to fire who got demoted back to the floor from lead? Me. I couldn't prove that's what's it was but he ended up slipping up. The old manager told another employee he didn't like me because he thought I got him fired. I knew I was right about the whole thing. I confronted him and he backpedaled but ended up admitting it. I always like him and was just as shocked as everyone else that he got let go.
Several weeks later...he got fired this new guy. 3 days later it was me. My old manager told me afterward...we met up...that this new production manager had a list made up of people he didn't like. And it was us guys who had been there 10 plus years.
Back in July he tried forcing only me to work a non scheduled day. He said it was mandatory for me but the guy working on the same part could have that day off. I went to HR and everything. I threatened discrimination.
I didn't work that day and guess who got written up the next week? They tried telling me it was job abandonment and just lied through their teeth about everything. I recorded the whole meeting. Even the HR lady lied. Then she lied to the unemployment office. I caught her dead on that one because I recorded a conversation with her that she lied to them about. Sucker! Lol
Enough with the drama already, it's time to find a career that's good for your soul!! Welcome back from your vacation Jeremy, it's good to see you again!!!
Dang skippy! Sounds like that place has more drama than a high school cheer team!! :D
Yes, there is, lol.
One of my friends who was the top welder and fastest welder in the shop even quit several weeks after they let me go. The production manager started targeting him and saying he was a terrible employee and stuff that wasn't anywhere near the truth. He quit and went to a another shop for like $3-4 less an hour just to get away. He was there as long as I was.
Another friend was fired for "forging documents" after signing QA initials on a toe tag to move a part to another dept. All it was was an 1/8" plug weld. Our supervisor did it all the time. He had put his 2 weeks in as they just used that to fire him so he couldn't claim unemployment or something.
The management at the shop has always been terrible and they just can't see it.
Enough with the drama already, it's time to find a career that's good for your soul!! Welcome back from your vacation Jeremy, it's good to see you again!!!
Hey Geoff,
I've been ready for change for years. I'm pretty sure that the floor manager at the shop was giving me a bad wrap to the Sheriff's Dept. He did it to my friend who quit several weeks ago.
The guy is a real piece of work. I reported him to HR for asking employees to sell him prescription pain killers because his doctor banned him from them due to addiction. The other weld lead with me was also a dealer of them as well. I reported him too. The HR lady was so crooked she told them it was me who reported them!! They didn't even have to drug test or anything. HR just swept it under the rug. Some of that i know is part of the reason I was fired.
Well I work in law enforcement and if you think it's any better, your sadly going to see the grass is not even a shade of green. Expect long hours, tons of report and getting **** on by management everywhere. If your looking for a career change this is a great one, but it still has tons of drama!

Well I work in law enforcement and if you think it's any better, your sadly going to see the grass is not even a shade of green. Expect long hours, tons of report and getting **** on by management everywhere. If your looking for a career change this is a great one, but it still has tons of drama!


Yeah, I know there's drama any place you go. But I need a career where I can potentially move up and not stuck at a dead end job where I was for 11 years. Lol
Sorry to hear you have had such a bad time!! Hang in there, things will get better. I would like to talk to you. Please send a PM with the best way to reach you.
Mike Todd
AKA Denvermike