Best Birthday EVER.... So far....



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Ft. Bliss
So I got the plates for my car and some cards with gas money in them. Further, work ends at 1500hrs (3:00pm) every Thursday for what our post commander calls "Family Time." Also, tonight is PAYDAY!!!

Gonna go drive my car to the PX and get me a haircut and a bunch of booze and go drive around for a little while, then go get drunk at my barracks room.


- CK
Ya... Too many dummies here who don't know how to drive... It'd be a shame if I had to murder some dumb @$$hole for hitting my car the first damn night driving her legal....

As for getting drunk, I never drive drunk. Ever. First thing that happens is drunk tank, then I gotta call my superiors and tell them I'm an idiot, then I get chaptered outta the Army AND smoked all day every day until that point.... Plus, I again risk wrecking my car..... Just not worth it tbh.

- CK
Happy BD, and thank you for your time in our military service.