Kicking off another week of blood, sweat, and tears. This week's key event will be repainting the dash frame. So sad - hate sanding all that beautiful red paint but, oh well. I'll be much happier going this direction. Sorry, Rocker'sDuster - looks like I'll be doing the steering column, too, followed by reassembling the whole unit.
Secondary task will be shooting the chrome spray on the instrument panel.
I also brought the AM radio. Cracking it open and performing a clean n' decon on it will fix up the last thing I need to put the entire dash back in.
I discovered a boo-boo before I left home, however. Apparently, one cable-operated lever on the HVAC box got put in upside down. I will need to pull the whole bloomin' thing off the firewall, split the two halves open, flip that lever over and put it all back together. Not a huge deal, just a lil' sack pain.
Many photos coming - should be another productive week since the weather is supposed to be perfect for the entire period.