sorry it took so long to get back to you, Its been very busy around here.So much so Ive gotten nothing done on the car.
Embarrassed is not in my gene pool, However backwards there is a story about that.
One day: Larry and I were going from the beach to the mainland. we took the 79st causeway west, and just as it hits the mainland it splits and goes around a spit of land before it intersects Biscayne Blvd. At the fork is a Burger King.
In the parking lot of the BK were two Miami city motorcycle cops just talking but right at the edge of the lot next to the street. I noticed them when I started to make the corner, I was going just 'slightly' above the speed limit so rather than hitting the brakes I decided I would downshift and slow the car down. I had put a B&M trick shift in the so I could safely downshift manually.
The problem was that I missed the shift and accidentally missed second passed first and landed in reverse. Since I was running M-50s the tires broke lose and smoked the entire turn before I could get the thing back in drive. Of course my thoughts were about the health of the tranny, Larry's thoughts were **** we're going to jail. As it turns out they just sat there and watched me go around the corner never batting a lash it was the time of the muscle car.
I don't do backwards very well 8)