Bonneville Landspeed Racing - Let's Try a Thing.

So, now I am being told by a streamliner friend that I should stick with the C500 set up. He has been racing 'liners for 40 years and is very good at aero, but I really can't get my head around it being the better way to go. The hood height drops 8" in current form over the C500 and the radiused side have to be better than the sharp sides. i don't know now.....
Aero is so NOT intuitive. It’s like cylinder head porting. The things you think might make the air do what you want, don’t. And the things you think are terrible for airflow sometimes end up being really good. Testing and data collection is the only way to know. Time to get you a ball of yarn!!!
Aero is so NOT intuitive. It’s like cylinder head porting. The things you think might make the air do what you want, don’t. And the things you think are terrible for airflow sometimes end up being really good. Testing and data collection is the only way to know. Time to get you a ball of yarn!!!
I can understand that! What I should be concentrating on is getting it running and complete - but this is making me happy right now and I need that currently. Plan is for it to be removeable so, it can go in the trash and revert to C500. Or just set it off to the side now and work on it as a C500. Seems like a long ways from yarn at this point. 6 Months from today, we will be there with or without the nose....
You have no baseline for drag. At least right now. How can you do that? Idk? Time and distance in a windless situation. Brake drag has to be consistent.
You have no baseline for drag. At least right now. How can you do that? Idk? Time and distance in a windless situation. Brake drag has to be consistent.
Yes, the only baseline I can guesstimate from is merely from those who did this before and knew the numbers. Then do what they did, and as much as allowed that they couldn't
So, I had a long chat with a Fellow at work today. PhD in Aerodynamics. We discussed thr new nose. It's shape, a couple minor tweaks, rear spoiler design, end plate design, etc. I feel pretty good with my direction going forward. I hope to get some done this weekend.
So, i worked on the nose today. Almost to a bolt on stage. I started fitting it to the hood and trimmed the bottom to have 4" ground clearance. This also reduced the radiator duct opening. The center portion will need to be removable to install/removal. Ways to go, but made good progress.



I got the oil temp gauge installed and the new Tilton clutch master cylinder. Now I find iut the brake masters are Howe not Tilton. So, it mounts the resiviors differently. Now I need to call them to see if I can get an adapter fitting. Grrrrr. Also, shot some primer on the nose as I keep going blind in the sun. I bent up the roof rails the other day also. Just setting on top as of right now.



I called Howe. Brake fittings are 1/8 NPT. So, a 90° adapter and 3/8 hose barb in each one fixed that. Then ran the all 3 hoses up to the remote reservoir. I picked a spot just below the gauges on the center console bars, cut, painted and welded in a piece of angle iron between the cage tubes rising from the console to the dash bar. Should make it nice and easy. I didn't have the correct length 1/4" bolts in any of my buckets, so it can be mounted tonight. Then hoses trimmed to appropriate length.

Also, I believe I have decided on an ESS fire suppression system. It uses AFFF foam agent. The plan is for 10lb system with nozzles for me and engine vs 2 separate systems. Next year, when going faster (I hope), then I will get a second system.

Looking into driveshafts now also. Critical speed is a concern if using OD.

Tonight will be glow plug harness replacement on my daily; then back to the car. Running out of time.
And this baddass Ute at DRLA ran a 240mph pass. So fricken cool...

DRLA Ute.png
159mph record in a diesel brick. This makes me want to go to Australia and race.
I can’t even imagine the turbulence coming off the roof of that thing at 240mph. Incredible
But he has the vortex generators up top.....

I would be curious as to what it looks like in the wind tunnel though, yes. Also, curious about that hood scoop/bubble too. Maybe what I should do?
159mph record in a diesel brick. This makes me want to go to Australia and race.
View attachment 1716376941
I wonder about class rules. AA/UDT - AA engine but..... Unlimited Diesel Truck?

Car Classes - Dry Lakes Racers Australia

Diesel Truck: /DT
This class is intended to represent typical diesel pickup trucks which may be of either American or foreign manufacture. This class is limited up to and including one (1) ton vehicles. The body must remain unaltered in height, width and contour, with all stock panels mounted in original relationship to each other.

Engine and driveline swaps are permitted. Flywheel shields are mandatory. Roll bars must be mounted inside the cab.

In this class, all other rules will be the same as Gas Coupe and Sedan class.

Nothing other than commercially available diesel fuel will be allowed. Supercharged engines are not handicapped. Rules for this class will be strictly enforced to ensure that trucks entered herein are typical of street machines which may be purchased from any automobile dealer.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E & F

Body CodeBody ClassDescription
322DTDiesel Truck
343MDTModified Diesel Truck
349UDTUnlimited Diesel Truck
357DSDiesel Streamliner
358HH2Highway Hauler II
359HH3Highway Hauler III
The scoop/bubble looks like a good way of not having junk hangin out in the air stream. Doesn’t look like a lot of thought went in to it but it seems to work well. And yes on the unlimited diesel truck. That’s the class he runs.
The scoop/bubble looks like a good way of not having junk hangin out in the air stream. Doesn’t look like a lot of thought went in to it but it seems to work well. And yes on the unlimited diesel truck. That’s the class he runs.
My junk will be covered, one way or another. With a hood opening in the standard fashion vs lift off, there will be issue with opening with a cowl style if taking the full advantage of being able to nearly touch the windshield. 1/2" clearance if forward facing scoop (was my plan) or if cowl opening, then 2" from windshield and completely open scoop.
Got the notice that the hyd clutch braided line and fittings showed up as well as the Sweet mfg power steering pump and reservoir. The power steering will likely have the belt taken off during a run, but this will be nice for the street and keep the steering rack from damage. Some clecos and tool will help with the rest of the sheet metal. A pair of 1350 yokes will be here on monday, then the driveshaft can be measured and ordered.
Well it is supposed to be very windy today. So, I may tuft the front and see what the yarn does. I worked on cleaning up the nose last night. It is no longer welded on. Will bolt on and off. Played with the bead roller some. 2nd time ever?? Made the sheet metal stronger and looks great.



PPR wind

Wind outside is to erratic. BUT, when it does hit straight on, the air is staying attached pretty well.

These yarn tufts are fun. Seeing how they change when blocking the grill, adding a splitter of sorts. 3/4" splitter accelerates air going under. 2" air goes around the sides. Done playing for today but I feel pretty good about it.


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