Boycott Sears

I hear you and lost my job here (not Sears) almost 2 years ago and have struggled hard.I just took a job at a garage at the paltry pay of $12 hr,and have heard it over and over that if I don't like it?there are 30 others waiting behind you.
I feal the big problem is what people are being taught in this country(my opinion and I am entitled to it!)
Breathe deep
Smell that?
Thats corporate america and it smells like ****!
Good luck in your search,I wish you the best

Yup corporate America is eating us alive for their profits. But thats ok for some even if it put them out of work also.
Just a thought .....what about contacting the company that is replacing you? I know everyone has their pride but they have bills too.
Just a thought .....what about contacting the company that is replacing you? I know everyone has their pride but they have bills too.

After a not so nice conversation with their Southeastern Regional Mgr. They have closed my profile and have banned me from working for any other contractors from Sears. That's OK because they also still have money owed to me. If I do not see it soon I will go to the media. No Christmas joy in my home this year.
When February rolls around If I do not get work I will be out in the street with 3 young kids. I've been pounding the pavement looking for work. Hopefully I can get this new contract but I am bitter and have EVERY right to be. Dedication and hard work mean nothing to this company. Meanwhile their CEO builds a $40 Million dollar home on a private island all the while closing stores and putting people out of work...

This is the type of thing that really PISSES me off, screw the little guy I only think of myself. I mean how else can the guy (read prick) boost his measly $40,000,000.00 yeraly salary. I mean come on dustermaniac, help the poor guy (read prick) out.

I wish there was more we could do, but most big companys follow this!!! :banghead:
We don't buy from Sears, haven't for years! I do have a couple of friends that work there and I go chat with them if I'm in the area. They seem to have a bit of free time. I deal with a local appliance store and they are great! I needed a new burner for my GE counter top range, I got it in a couple of days and they showed me how to change it. They did offer to do it for me but it's a piece of cake. Buy local, you'll get a better deal and make a few friends!
After a not so nice conversation with their Southeastern Regional Mgr. They have closed my profile and have banned me from working for any other contractors from Sears. That's OK because they also still have money owed to me. If I do not see it soon I will go to the media. No Christmas joy in my home this year.

If you don't mind me asking, why did they cancel your contract to start with? I could see it if you were under bid but from what you just said there are others out in your area still working for Sears but now Sears won't let you work for them either.
If you don't mind me asking, why did they cancel your contract to start with? I could see it if you were under bid but from what you just said there are others out in your area still working for Sears but now Sears won't let you work for them either.

That would make me wonder what the other side of the story after hearing he is now banned from working for even another contractor.
That would make me wonder what the other side of the story after hearing he is now banned from working for even another contractor.
There ALWAYS is two sides to every story.....sometimes there is three.....
A lot of companies are letting go employee's before the new year and bringing on part time people. the reasoning I have heard is that they are NOT going to pay medical benefits to full time employees under the new law so they are letting people go and rehiring different people who WILL work for lower wages and sub contract out as part timers. it's a win win for the company (they think) they get out of medical (obamacare will make you have medical and it ain't on the companies dime now)
with that being said the quality of work won't be there , but since when did a "bean counters" company care about quality of work? the companey I last worked for did exactly that to all the service tech's. when the tech's raised the roof about that "the company stated" So find a FULL time job. you're all part timers as of December 24th like it or quit
Absolutely right. Believe me I got a 1 paragraph e mail that states "Due to Business Decisions your contract is null and void effective immediately" No other reasons given whatsoever. And they worded the contract so they could terminate it at any time for any reason. I was a contractor at will. For those out here who wish to spend their money there, go right ahead. But I and everyone I know and a lot of people I do not know will never set foot in a Sears store ever again. My customer feedback scores were 4.7% out of a possible 5 star rating that they use to gauge contractor compliance. I have done almost 2500 jobs for them and this is how these a-holes thank me.

I first want to say I feel bad for your situation... I have been there in my own company and it sucks when it happens... you either have to adapt and roll with it... with that I wish you the best of luck...

But as to your asking to boycott Sears...its tough to justify since you negotiated the bad contract in the first place, but I'm guessing you'll say the contract with Sears was a take it or leave it situation... which for 3 years you took it since it meant easy money, meaning you didn't have to sell the jobs all you just had to do them and get paid... that's just bad business if you are truly self employed...

if you were just a hired repair employee, then your weren't self employed, and employees are getting downsized everywhere...and yes that sucks, but companies are deleting costly services and going to fast and cheap... our society does not pay for good anymore.

if you're self employed and just lost Sears as a customer then I have been there, I lost a client that took 75% of my business with it... It crushed our family company, but in the end it made us focus on having more eggs in my basket which we have done and we are a more stable company...

folks have to realize the world is changed.... its tougher now than it has ever been out there for self employed people...but at the same time its tough for the companies too... they are trying to survive like everyone else...You, me and others, may not like what they are doing and may not think its fair what they are doing.... But we have to remember... Life isn't fair... the strong survive the weak complain and fail.....

I think your situation is more common that we all want to admit it is.... the key is we all need to adapt and change sooner and not later because waiting till later will destroy us all....

All in All I wish you best of luck with your own situation...
That would make me wonder what the other side of the story after hearing he is now banned from working for even another contractor.

There ALWAYS is two sides to every story.....sometimes there is three.....

Sounds like someone's feathers got ruffled so I would see if I could figure out who and why. Many times it is a communication break down that causes a road block. This happened after you got the new van that is lettered with your company name instead of Sears. Could this be the issue? Here every service truck I have seen of has came to my location have had Sears decals on it.

My son in law and his father are siding contractors for Lowes, Home Depot, other companies as well as have their own company but who ever they are working for they must wear their company shirts and use the magnetic decals for that company. They almost lost one contract over the decals not being on their truck which left their company name for the customer to see. They learned about having all their eggs in one basket when they were working just for one company because they were under bid by another contractor. That contractor's work was crappy so about six months later the companyhired them back but it could happen again without warning. This time they don't have all their eggs in the same basket should it happen.

No matter why this happened, I wish you all the best and for something much better to come along that will provide a stable and well paying job for your family.

if you're self employed and just lost Sears as a customer then I have been there, I lost a client that took 75% of my business with it... It crushed our family company, but in the end it made us focus on having more eggs in my basket which we have done and we are a more stable company...

From the quote you did above. "I was a contractor at will."
As stated before , the e mail I received did not list any specific reasons as to why the contract was cut. My name of my company on my van was NOT in violation of any policies as I was a sub contractor. The quality of my work was also not an issue as I was rated on my profile of a possible 5 star rating of at least a consistent 4.5 out of 5. The reasons why I was banned from working for any other contractors working for Sears are mainly based by my conversations and the attitude that was put my way from their Regional Mgr. I basically told him to go f off. As for any of you "armchair quarterbacks" out here questioning why, you are not in my position and it is easy for you to pass judgement on someone you do not even know. So I will ignore you. I want one thing at this point. My pay owed me for work completed. And Sears will get theirs in the end. There are plenty of pissed off customers who will Boycott them and they will hopefully not be around too much longer.
As stated before , the e mail I received did not list any specific reasons as to why the contract was cut. My name of my company on my van was NOT in violation of any policies as I was a sub contractor. The quality of my work was also not an issue as I was rated on my profile of a possible 5 star rating of at least a consistent 4.5 out of 5. The reasons why I was banned from working for any other contractors working for Sears are mainly based by my conversations and the attitude that was put my way from their Regional Mgr. I basically told him to go f off. As for any of you "armchair quarterbacks" out here questioning why, you are not in my position and it is easy for you to pass judgement on someone you do not even know. So I will ignore you. I want one thing at this point. My pay owed me for work completed. And Sears will get theirs in the end. There are plenty of pissed off customers who will Boycott them and they will hopefully not be around too much longer.

I am not trying to be an arm chair quarter back so if I upset you reat assured it wasn't intended that way and I apoligize. I am just brain storming what might be a possible solution to get your contract back and everything I said is ment exclusive for that end.
When February rolls around If I do not get work I will be out in the street with 3 young kids. I've been pounding the pavement looking for work. Hopefully I can get this new contract but I am bitter and have EVERY right to be. Dedication and hard work mean nothing to this company. Meanwhile their CEO builds a $40 Million dollar home on a private island all the while closing stores and putting people out of work...

Here's a news flash, that's the real world, with few exceptions.
Want to hear my life story?

Now, your post made me research what I had heard about Sears.
Seems to be true.
That's why I have no problem shopping there, on the rare occasion I go shopping.
I liked my K-Mart, till it closed.
It felt old and well used.
Keep it up.
If we don't shop at this evil store, what will be your only choice?
Just another log to throw on the fire. Sears is a self insured company. If you get hurt while shopping on there property good luck with your claim. I learned that lesson when I got hurt at K mart years ago. While in litigation they filed bankruptcy, federal judge allowed them to stay in operation. Still unable to figure that one out. Bottom line. The end result was the judge thru out the binding arbitration award, which was based on claims paid in similar cases. Then in her magnaimus gesture gave me $600.00. The fact that I still had over $60 thousand in medical bills not covered by my insurance made no difference. Her response to my and other attorneys with clients in similar situations . That's, at least at that time, was what bankruptcy court is for.
Screw Sears. Their replacement tools are not the quality of my originals. I say buy your tools from local tool guys. I buy mostly Mac now only because I know the seller personally. The tools are a lot better quality and easier on the hands. I will still go back to get my broken tools replaced at sears but only when they are replaceable for free .

It is ashame that there isn't enough jobs for all the people in this world. Machines and robots took over the jobs. The chinese can make products lot cheaper with this technology . We need to make sellers of these foreign products pay the difference to our government that they are saving Pay a high import tax. It may bring the jobs back. It would take some time which a lot of us don't have. I say keep fixing what you have. Slow down the foreign imports on new product unless they are free replacements.

I can go on but I will start flippin on Christmas. If I would know a family with kids in financial trouble. I would never let them out in the cold. They would move in and we would share Keeping a roof over their heads and fed . Don't ever be ashamed to ask for help. This is america there will always be a hand to grab one that is reaching out. Its our nature to help others in need.


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I rarely shop there anymore...I used to go all the time for craftsman tools, but I don't even waste my time with the craftsman junk. I used to love craftsman, too bad a good company is now chinese.

Now, the DieHard Platinum batteries they sell are awesome. It's a sealed drycell AGM (absorbed glass mat) battery, made by the same company and standards that make the Odyssey batteries. I have one in my 68 Cuda fastback, and that battery puts most other batteries to shame. So I will still purchase the DieHard from sear for all my battery needs.

I will also get the craftsman platinum series drill bits. I bought a 25 pc index for a 100 bucks. they are nice bits, use em all the time.
It's not just Sears. It's not just K-Mart. It's not just Wal-Mart. It's not just........
It's all of them. Profit comes before the common good of America. I feel that if every American Company would realize the seeds they sow result in the harvest that they reap. They stopped sowing seeds in America years ago and America is worse off because of it. Unfortunately they still have a desire to reap the harvest. Too bad it's at the expense of the people.

Today is Christmas. I got a Black&Decker Toaster Oven and a Rival stand type mixer. Both American names and both American Companies from their inception. Even though they're American their stuff is Chinese. For some reason the wool has been pulled over our eyes to the point that Rival and Black&Decker are still the good guys and Wal-Marts the bad guy for selling the stuff.

It's all about profit and deception. Corporate America doesn't give a **** about us as people, as humans and as a fathers with hungry mouths to feed. Right now my wife is at work. On Christmas Day my wife has to work while the Corporate Bastard that said she had to work is home with his family. That's not America as it once was. Fortunately it can be once again. Once we use this internet to unite America instead of spreading divisiveness across the screens.

Tom and I battle on the N&P Forum but this shouldn't happen to anyone. I care about Tom and his Family (none of which I've met) more than I care about Sears. Mainly because Sears doesn't give a rats about me. Of course if I was to boycott every business that firetrucked over it's people I wouldn't have anywhere to shop. Remember, this is America. They'll all get you. Somehow, somewhere a corporation will find a profit by means of your loss.

One thing to remember. A hard working dedicated worker is the hand that feeds the employer. They don't remember it, but we should.
If Boycotting old employees for letting you go is applicable, tell your Cable Co. to F (F-connector) off.....I "conversed" with a new female salesperson about what we (dont) sell and she cried (literally) to her boss and got me canned after 5 years of service....and she worked there for 1.5 weeks...The unchallenged "harassment" power of a woman in today workplace...and the pussy management that lets them get away with.

As a post script to this story, she ended up marrying my good friend there! Have not talked to either since..and looking back on that day, it was probably the best career day of my life as it forced me to look for better employment which I found in my current job. Better wages, better healthcare and better..everything!

Leadfoot, could I get away with putting Obama's face on that monkey, probably not! ;-) Its all good.