Brazilian Dodge Dart 76 (similar to 69 usa)

well done dude! Brazilian´s muscles rules man!
I now how does it cost (no talking about money) to you to do this restauration cause in both countries, brazil and argentina there aren´t a lot of pieces or new parts for our cars!

congrats my friend!

Hi Mauro, are you from Argentina??? I've heard that some parts are produced in Argentina... like suspension parts... do you know how to buy them?
uhooooo... they just arrived home...

this weekend I will have some more fun

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Any luck finding /posting the bodyshop manual of a charger front grill? Still think it's the best looking of any grill made in any country.The Brazilian designers rule!!
Any luck finding /posting the bodyshop manual of a charger front grill? Still think it's the best looking of any grill made in any country.The Brazilian designers rule!!

dodge charger (brazilian) have 2 head lights. I don't know if it is easy to find head light plate (the sheet metal plate where they are fixed).

note that turn signal is attached to this plate also...

now I will find a picutes of grill frame and components

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Good job thanks. Looks like it could be made ,seems flat
(basic) enough.Now the grill(s) will be a different story. Some pics of an apart setup please.
let me try to explain

brazilina charger front end have 3 main pieces

first.. headlight plate . a flat sheet metal plate where are fixed 2 headlights and a turn signal

second... grill bezel.. The picute I sento is a fiberglass repro.. pretty good. In this bezel, we fiz the grill

third.. the grill.. there is a lot of models.. I thinks about 5 different models as we can see in pictures I uploaded

hope to help you to decide for a brazilian front-end

ahh, one more thing.. in brazil, parts are expensive.. as we sold a small number of cars compared to US chrysler in 70's
e.g., fiberglass5 bezel - $300.00 US dollars
grill ...allmost 200$ each side..

pretty expensive I think.. thats one reason I dicided to buil a USA 68 clone.. the second reason.. we do not have any front end similar to 68.. so I will be unique!




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It has been a while since I have checked your thread Alex, I am very impressed with the things you do. When I see the things that you do it inspires me to try and do more on my car and not worry about not having enough room to do a project. It is amazing to me how much you do in the space that you have. You make me feel guilty about being afraid to try fix certain things on my car. Keep the pictures coming, I can't wait to see it on the road!!

O trabalho que você faz é surpreendente!! Mantenha-o acima.
Hi BigRichieO

Don't feel guilty.. do as a friend.. try to copy me :D
as he said... "if Alex can do, anyone can also"
hi alex! I bought some front end parts last summer it cost $1300 argentinos, more than us$ 400. I don´t know waht do you need but i can help you if you want it
I'm very impressed by the things i've seen on here especially the floor pan. nice work. do you guys have any of the what we call the 75 dart sport down there in brazil? i would like to see the differences in the two. maybe I'll clone mine to look like a brazilian dart. from what I've seen the brazilian designs look much better than the state side darts do. once again nice work man and keep it up.
hi alex! I bought some front end parts last summer it cost $1300 argentinos, more than us$ 400. I don´t know waht do you need but i can help you if you want it

Hi Mauro, thanks for you help... I'm trying to locate vendors in brazil.. nowadays I buy parts at ebay.. but I tought that "ermanos" parts' were cheapers..

I found a factory in Rio Grande do Sul (south of brazil) that restore front end suspension parts as tie rods.. but I'm not sure if restoration of suspension parts is safe...

keep in touch
So the grills are made repo now. Can you post the company contact info. Or PM it to me. Do they have a websight? Are light plates still made? What about center emblem? Is there no trim anymore on leading edge of hood?Hood release now inside? Like the double bulb setup with vertical grills. Keep the good info coming. 2 sections looks small enough to ship.
Here's pictures of grill headlight bezels. Which one do you want? Striped one has minor scratch/dent one top. Still painted one has minor flaw on side.You decide. thanks.




sad but true... nothing better than clean parts...

I had to organize better my junkyard-room.. I wasn't able to move myself there..

thus I decided to clean window machine parts..

Front side windows will be electric operaded.. I forgot to take a photo of bosh window eletric motors..

I do not have some pieces of rear side window machine. I think that just 1 machine is complete.. but I have some spare parts ..

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All photos are from diferent window machines... not a "before after photo".. I lost one photo about the 4th window machine (rear side).. I will see which of these 4 are ok to use.
new toys.. I was supposed to be happy, but today became a "it" day.. as a great philosopher said once "it" heapens..

first shot.. just coming out of box..
they aren't clean..
3th shot.. trying to make it at least reasanable clean.. rth shot.. now at least I can handle without making my hands dark

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That's just wrong that he (your ebay Seller) sent you dirty covers.
The guy couldn't take five minutes & clean them before he threw them into the shipping box? Sad....
I agree!
I would have at least degreased them before I would handle them much less ship them that way!

Bruce B.
unfortunately some ebay sellers does not like to ship items to brazil and I have to ask and say "please.. could you please.. please.. I have a good ebay reputation"

now the valve covers are cleaned and almost completely without old paint. I has a shining aluminum... but it has a small piece missing in the pcv valve hole.

I agree!
I would have at least degreased them before I would handle them much less ship them that way!

Bruce B.
my k member was terrible.. dursty and with dents.. but it was very


to remove dents, I used a small work bench clamp.. don´t do it without an adult supervision.. they tend to break (as my clamp did) =P~





front seats just came home today.. can't wait to install it.. but I have to finish some welds in car, paint interior..

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