Busch beer...

Red stripe. $ 1.50 a sixer when I was in Jamaica 20 years ago. not a bad beer. imo
Red stripe. $ 1.50 a sixer when I was in Jamaica 20 years ago. not a bad beer. imo
I drink that if it's on sale. Dont see it much in grocery stores anymore though.
I said it in another thread..but I miss lowenbrau and Henry weinhards blue,red and black bore beer.
Bought many foster oil cans, Pappas n beer 22 oz, lucky loggers. The stuff was always on sale at bulldog liquor near where we hung out and FSU
All beer tastes like ***.

Anyone who argues otherwise is either lying to themselves or a drunk.
So, if you don't like something, nobody else should? I don't like fried okra or crayfish, but I'm not going to call the millions of southerners (and the dozens of FABO members) who do like them drunks and liars.
We mostly drank this,


and washed it down with one of these,


and I wonder why I have stomach problems now:D
it was cheap and effective!
Not a big beer drinker but I enjoy Blue Moon now and then, especially with pizza (NYC pizza not that cardboard stuff with tomato sauce poured on the top) on a warm summer evening
I also recently found regular Bud to bee to sweet for my tastes.

Funny, 30 years ago it was my cheap go to.

Busch is much better tasting to me now.

Dollar General sometimes has 18 packs on sale for $10.30.

That's close to 50 cents a beer!
Funny ting about Red Stripe (and many other brews conceived in warm climates), they don't "skunk" when they get warm.

You can drink a room temp Red Stripe and it tastes pretty good, unlike most "Northern" beers.
Nasty Savage, huh?

Maybe I've seen you a couple of times.

What timeframe? had to be late 80's to early 90's right?

Did you play on a bill with Genitorturers in Sarasota around 1990?
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I believe it was Milwaukee's best that was a lot smoother than Meister Brau but Meister Brau is a lot better tasting than hams or Olympia in my opinion at least.
How about vons beer?
Never heard of vons.
Olympia was nasty too.
I drank a lot of beer in my day...Genesee, Strohs and Iron City in the returnables, Yuengling, Ballantine, Schmidt's, Straubs, Shitz, Miller Dark in the 7 oz pony (not many remember this one), Blatz, Schaefer, Pearl, Jax.
Bastad! I would have given you 3 cases for that 60HP Perkins!
DIdn't even know it was a Perkins or much about cars then, life was based on the motorcycle. Still ran fine. I had a chance to buy 2 new ones on a pallet too. I think it was 76 HP, 165 lbs. Seem to recall something like that. Near the end, it really hated hills and grades. But I think the cause might have been the mechanical fuel injection needed help.
Well correction, 'net says 59 hp, 90 lbs. I remember those numbers I first posted tho. Kept the badge for the memories, truck goes back to my first wife. Married her when she was 17.
Olympia was Dad's beer of choice and I'm sure I snuck a sip or 20 when he wasn't lookin' :lol:.
We went on an organized labor induced vacation to Victoria BC one summer, along the way is "It's The Water" Olympia brewery, so we stop for a tour. Their "It's the Water" artesian well was wing tip to wing tip with geese :lol:. I never snuck another sip after that :rofl: