Busch beer...

obsessed with these for quite awhile

now relegated to this swill
Bottom of the barrel Double Bach. Nothing clears a church pew on a sunday morning like a Double Bach beer fart.
I likes me some Boddingtons.

VERY unique nitrio effect.

Tastes like what I think WD-40 should taste like.
All beer tastes like ***.

Anyone who argues otherwise is either lying to themselves or a drunk.

Edit: A lot of people are taking my comment personally. I grew up with an alcoholic in the house so I have a pretty low opinion of beer and all alcohol for that matter.
Maybe calling you a drunk is a bit harsh, but everyone I know that drinks beer can kill a 6 pack (several a 12) in one sitting. They wouldn't do that with a 6 pack of Coke.
Beer makes you thirsty, everyone knows that...
Natty Lite and Keystone. I can't remember the last time I had a Busch that didn't taste like it was canned in the 80's and sat in some 100 degree warehouse.
hope i won't make any of the northern members mad, but a local to me country station sponsored a summer concert and 1 of the major sponsors was "moosehead". i took 2 swigs and almost threw up. again sorry to the northern members.
Forty years ago I was working in a bar in Syracuse near the University on dollar import night. I was talking with a couple guys from Ottawa. I remember them telling me "Your Mooseheads taste like Miller, eh." Pretty weak, for sure.
That was the era when we would make beer runs over the border to get the good stuff. A favorite was Molson Brador, a six-plus-percent malt liquor not available in the States.
The cheap stuff was Schmidt's or Genny Screamers, $4 a case.
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Oh my, Brador haven't heard that name in decades lol :eek:
Forty years ago I was working in a bar in Syracuse near the University on dollar import night. I was talking with a couple guys from Ottawa. I remember them telling me "Your Mooseheads taste like Miller, eh." Pretty weak, for sure.
That was the era when we would make beer runs over the border to get the good stuff. A favorite was Molson Brador, a six-plus-percent malt liquor not available in the States.
The cheap stuff was Schmidt's or Genny Screamers, $4 a case.
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Beer is still fairly priced. According to a beer site, the cost of a six pack of beer has gone up 5 times since 1966. Meanwhile, the price of cigarettes has gone up 25 times. Cars and trucks about 10 times. I couldn't find any data about hooker prices.
Oh my, Brador haven't heard that name in decades lol :eek:
Every year a family friend would show up with a case at our annual pool party-barbecue. As teenagers, we'd get creative as to how to sneak a few out of the cooler. A couple of those would put me right on my teenage ***.
6% is a fairly common ABV.

IIRC regular Budweiser is 6%.

Miller Lite is 4.2.
Funny ting about Red Stripe (and many other brews conceived in warm climates), they don't "skunk" when they get warm.

You can drink a room temp Red Stripe and it tastes pretty good, unlike most "Northern" beers.
Beer skunks because it is exposed to UV light. The light reacts with the hops which break down and then recombine to form acids. Thats why most bèers come in a brown bottle. Only brown glass blocks UV rays.
If getting beer warm skunks it brewers couldn't Pasteurize beer. Pasteurization is done by heating the beer to about 147° and holding it for about 7 minutes which kills any bacteria.
I used to build Pasteurizers for a living and they were used by breweries around the world.
Regular Bud is about 5% and. Light about 4.2% and Ice about 5.5%. Natural Light is 4.2% and Natty Daddy is 8% if you can stand to drink it.
Iron City all the way, those steel cans a perfect for patching exhaust problems by the side of the road at 0200
You guys are missing out. Home brew. Roughly $22 for a refill kit. $1.37/16 oz. pour.

Molson Golden or Blue for " import " beer. Now for the worst, sorry Pennsylvania, but rolling rock, my lord what is that. My brother lived in PA. and that's what he drank. :eek::eek: .. had a Michelob Ultra once, I thought I had grounds for a lawsuit it was so bad. Not much of a beer drinker, but certain foods need a beer to go with them, like a good steak or wings. Have to have a beer when I'm at the grill BBQ' anything.
Drank Pearl till they quit making it in San Antonio. Could not stand Lone Star.
Quit drinking like a fish about 35 yrs ago, but I still like an ice cold Shiner Bock or a Shiner Blonde.
Molson Golden or Blue for " import " beer. Now for the worst, sorry Pennsylvania, but rolling rock, my lord what is that. My brother lived in PA. and that's what he drank. :eek::eek: .. had a Michelob Ultra once, I thought I had grounds for a lawsuit it was so bad. Not much of a beer drinker, but certain foods need a beer to go with them, like a good steak or wings. Have to have a beer when I'm at the grill BBQ' anything.

Rolling Rock got bought out and moved to New Jersey in 2006. Can’t imagine any Mountain Springs in Jersey.
They also quit making the 7 ounce bottles. A lotta places had a “Bucket of Rocks”. Six 7 ouncers in a bucket of ice.
I just had a few sips of this stuff and I think if I drank more it wouldn't have been as good as the 1st 2 sips

I do a few seasonals....if they're good. Right now I have some Sam Adams Octoberfeast.