buying from FABO members



Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
Reaction score
Red Deer, Alberta
I recently placed a WTB thread for rear ashtrays for a 68 Barracuda convertible. A FABO member said he had a pair for $40 so I paid him $54.94 for total costs (shipping and Paypal). I received in the mail a pair of ashtrays for a coupe which is nothing like a convertible. When I told him that the ashtrays weren't for a convertible he said that he was told that they were, but that I could send them back and he would refund my money. I got an estimate for return mailing and sent him a PM that he could pay me $71.56 for what I would be out (original payment plus return mailing). I received a message from him stating that he would only refund me the $40 for the ashtrays; everything else was my "incurred costs". Is this normal for this site? If it is I'll have to go back to getting parts from swap meets, friends, and the auto wreckers.

I concur, this is whack. While I'm not one to draw out trouble, shouldn't this person's name be known.... so at least the rest of us can judge whether we wish to do bussiness with said person or no? I've known a lot of members to be reliable though.
The seller should have known what he had.
I agree a FULL refund is in order an easy mistake that could have been avoided with a 2 minute Google research.
It is his responsibility to have known what he is selling and since it was his error amends should be made.
just my .02 cents.
I sent parts back for refund and never did get the refund so I'm out all the way around.
I offered a pair of very nice vert rear ashtrays for 60.00 plus shipping. The buyer must have thought that was too much. Good luck is all I can say.
This is a tough one...on warranty stuff that I have bought...I usually have to pay shipping one way..

I once bought a set of wheel adaptors from a member here and what I got was a refund, nada.. but the rest of my transactions have been great on this board..better than ebag.

The bottom line is that you confirmed with him what part(s) you wanted..he didn't send you that part so he should pick up the total tab.

Good luck.

I agree, The seller should refund all money and do it first before you send them back...
I have had many great sales here buying and selling a few things.
Who is this seller ? He should do his home work before selling, that is his job...
I didn't see anything mentioning that a picture had been sent to you beforehand. A lot of times, things like this can be avoided by viewing the parts first.

If the seller sold parts he was not sure about and didn't say anything about his lack of knowledge...shipping should be on him.

Either you know what make/model it fits, or don't try to sell it. least tell your prospective buyer that you're not sure and let the buyer decide if he wants to move forward.
I agree with what has been posted. If he sells you the incorrect part then the "incurred costs" are his fault not yours. Why should you be out anything for his mistake?
I agree with what has been posted. If he sells you the incorrect part then the "incurred costs" are his fault not yours. Why should you be out anything for his mistake?

Agreed from another FABO member. I too would like to know the identity of the seller to eliminate future problems.
I purchased a set of 5on4 to 5on41/2 wheel adapters 4ea, by the time I received them they grew to 5on4 to 5on4 3/4 o'well I figured live and learn. Could have been a honest mistake. So I just make shure with pics and a fair amount on dialog to make shire I'm
Getting what I think I'm buying. That's one reason I like to touch what I'm
you didnt ask for pics first to make sure you were getting what you wanted?
if the seller stated that they were from a convertible it is his fault also
therefor since you both made mistakes, you are entitled to a full refund of the purchase price plus 1/2 of the total shipping
.................If i made the mistake, i would give a full question

I'm with Kim....
That's the way to properly do selling/buying on here or anywhere else for that matter.
I might add, that exchanging pictures would have went a long way to divert a problem.
Never assume anything, unless you 100% know what it fits.
The seller should refund you all costs involved, it was his screw up.
It all depends. Usually there are three sides to every disagreement. I've screwed up, known it, and refunded full with shipping before. I've also gone back and asked for more to cover extra insurance on high dollar engine parts, after I already paid for it and the parts were shipped and been told no because "I should have thought of that earlier". Some people are just douchebags.
I would try to get him to meet you half way and just refund what you paid him. May be an honest mistake.

So far I have had great luck with FABO transactions and hopefully it stays that way. I also would not hesitate to call out someone who intentionally cheated me.
A while back I was hunting down some parts for my Fairlane. I found a mint grill. Sent payment and recieved a tracking #. Next day got an email from the seller that he shipped me a Galaxy grill and that the Fairlane grill was on its way. Seller also said to do what I wanted with the Galaxy grill. Sold it to a friend and sent the seller the money, of which he returned it to me. Need more people like him.....
I'm fairly tired of guys here MAKING OFFERS on stuff for sale, then DISAPPEARING when you accept their offer.

It's happened to me personally a number of times......THEN, when I use Ebay instead and actually SELL the stuff, I'm called a "crud" (among other things) for not selling it here.....Can't win sometimes. :violent1:
you get this crap everywhere - I recently bought several parts from summit and FIRST they screwed me on the initial shipping , then SECOND when the parts arrived, the tach was damaged and they only offered the cost of the part for refund - shipping , duty, brokerage was at my cost - I was pissed
The only FABO experience i had was from demonsizzler for a rebuild. I sent him the carb, he rebuilt it , shipped it back and it was damaged during shipping. He offered to fix it at no charge or offered tech advice for me to fix it and even helped me out on a valetrain issue i had - EXCELLENT service, EXCELLENT person :cheers:

buddy should at LEAST offer the initial shipping cost with his refund - if not only to minimize the bad feedback from this site

my 2cents
I guess I should count my blessings after reading this !!Both my Ebay and FABO purchases have been good by me !!!No problems not being as described,and no reason to return the items !!!THANKS FABO,EBAY !!!!:prayer::prayer::prayer::prayer::prayer::prayer::prayer::prayer:
DO NOT LIST THE SELLERS NAME, AT LEAST NOT YET. I agree with the concensus here and believe that the seller should refund your original out of pocket costs of 54.94. He should have known it was the wrong part and should further consider the reprecussions of having his name kicked around this site. I doubt that his rep. as a seller of parts is only worth $54.94.
Did you use paypal? If so, you could file a claim and they would require you to pay the return shipping but make the seller refund the cost of the part and the original shipping. Unfortunately I had to do this once when I bought a cupholder off of a member at He said the thing was mint but when I got it you could tell that he just ripped the thing out past the bolts that held it to the truck so there was nothing left for the bolts to hold onto when I tried putting it in my truck.
Some people just suck...
I always get a picture of what I want to buy...... That way, if I do get the wrong part, I can tell the seller that he sent me the wrong stuff...... I'm with everyone here that says you should get your $54.94 back.
I've always viewed selling parts here to others on the Forum as a way to help each other, and not to make a profit on parts being offered for sale. If all I cared about was a cash profit, I'd be selling items on eBay and not here. I view this as a community of Car Guys (& Ladies, on occasion), and we're all pretty much in the same boat. Why not try to take care of each other?