Well-Known Member
Trying to degree this cam for a friend and can't find the cam card anywhere on the web!
Anybody got one they can snap a pic of?
Anybody got one they can snap a pic of?
You're right..... I asked for the wrong numbers. I have a spread sheet ready to roll for .050" readings. And of course, you can compute it from either if the numbers are accurate..005 or .050?
EXCUSE ME... but it's 'kattywampus' LOLIf you have the indicator pointer at an angle it can give kadiwampus readings.... As will as an unstable mount.
The numbers are on that site for the solid cams.
I'd either get reading at .050 tappet lift of .050-.100 down from max lift and degree it from there. I usually put that cam in about 106-107 depending on compression.
One of the reasons I wanted to see the actual cam card, besides being wary of the cam itself, the box he got it in is mostly tape, and the part number has been blacked out. If I could find two sources of specs that matched, I would at least be able to be sure what I should be seeing. Being such an old cam, with so many different versions for different engines, in hydraulic and solid, and basically being identified as THE Purple Shaft 284's probsbly my mistake, but I hate chasing my tail due to bad info.As Rob says...find TDC to set your degree wheel...turn the engine over until max lift is recorded on dial indicator .....set dial indicator to zero....turn engine over indicator at .050 before max lift and after max lift...add two number together..divide by can double check by using .100 before and after max lift...
also I dont know if those opening and closing of the intake valve are correct at Victory.......
...i get 258 duration instead of the post 252 for the mopar 557 cam...and the 272 instead of 265 for the mopar 590 cam
I have a HF dial indicator, Comp wheel , piston stop, and solid lifter.