Can "Wonky" wheels be fixed?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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I recently changed my wheels to aluminum slot mags that have some age on them. I had new tires mounted...and noticed the tire shop added many, many balancing weights. Especially on one wheel, which leads me to believe these wheels are not true. At highway speeds the vibration is noticeable and it bugs me. Can anything be done? Thanks for any advice.
Not sure but I think the real question would be can it be done at price that's substantially lower than the cost of replacing the wheels. How sure are you that it's the wheels not the tires or just a poor installation?I work with a tire shop here in my town that's top notch but some tire store chains employ "tire busters" that aren't fit to turn a wrench.IMO
How sure are you that it's the wheels not the tires or just a poor installation?I
especially if there is still a vibration (at least if it's a wheel vibration). All those weights should be there to stop balance-related problems.
Sometimes an excessive amount of wheel weight can be corrected by spinning the tire a 180 degrees around the wheel and then rebalancing. Might try another shop to do the balancing.
If you can't get the problem solved, send them back and I'll refund your money. I put almost 3000 miles on them on my 68 Dart without a problem though. I had a small spacer on each front wheel.
Now tell me old 68dartfan aint a stand up sort a guy. Know one slammed him or called him out. These are my kinda people. I'm thinking the same as others on the balancing issue. I did have a bent wheel one time on a Vette and did send it off to get trued. $150 later i had a like new wheel.
Small Block
If you can't get the problem solved, send them back and I'll refund your money. I put almost 3000 miles on them on my 68 Dart without a problem though. I had a small spacer on each front wheel.

Good to know they were fine on your Dart, since I love these wheels. I will get them rebalanced and hopefully that'll help.

68Dartfan is a great guy to deal with...sent me the wheels beautifully polished even...he's one of many members who has helped me along the way with Goldie.
I haven't heard from you about the wheels. Were you able to have them balanced and the vibration cured? Let me know. Thanks.