Captainkirk's Duster project

it's just that, if it takes another 30 years, I'll be in deep ****......if you know what I mean!

Doesn't that "Depends" . . .

Sorry couldn't resist:bootysha:
it's just that, if it takes another 30 years, I'll be in deep ****......if you know what I mean!

Doesn't that "Depends" . . .

Sorry couldn't resist:bootysha:

Oh, hey now...c'mon! Them's fightin' words!8)
are we making progress captain:dontknow: I was hoping to have this sunday off so I could get my scamp in primer, but the boss said no dice](*,)( I haven't had a day off in 3 months):angry7: so I guess I'll have to try to shoot it early one day, re block it another, then pray :angel9: it's straight enough for paint another day:sad11::sad11::sad11:but I would like to have a full day off to do the paint:angry7: then maybe I can turn my pile of parts into a car that I can drive:burnout: keep us updated capt:cheers:
are we making progress captain:dontknow: I was hoping to have this sunday off so I could get my scamp in primer, but the boss said no dice](*,)( I haven't had a day off in 3 months):angry7: so I guess I'll have to try to shoot it early one day, re block it another, then pray :angel9: it's straight enough for paint another day:sad11::sad11::sad11:but I would like to have a full day off to do the paint:angry7: then maybe I can turn my pile of parts into a car that I can drive:burnout: keep us updated capt:cheers:

I have updates!....but you will have to wait until the middle of the week to hear about them! :-D

Gotta go.....The Duke is calling. And when John Wayne calls, boy, you'd better answer!8)
Yo, Capn`, I'm pressing some years myself so "depends" depends on the situation, which I don't think pertains to either of us at this point in the game.

Can't wait to see the prog pics.
Well, not DUKE related, but a little anecdote to amuse you while I reflect on my weekend.....

A "Memorable" ride

Or something to that effect.
Memorial Day Weekend, 2010.
Yesterday (Saturday) had been a perfect day. I'd snuck off on Lazzy for a short ride, which ended up morphing into an extended ride. The weather was near perfect;not too hot for leathers (ATGATT!)*, not too windy, with a lazy sky the color of robin's eggs. Lazzy was humming like a swarm of mosquitoes on a sweltering summer's eve, purring like a contented kitten, running about as perfect as anyone could hope, for a 25-year-old bike. I milked it for what is was worth; believe me you! Not sure how far I ended up going, but it was damn near close to 100 miles. A superb ride, a great bike. One of those days when you hang on, twist the throttle, and follow the bike. I was not disappointed.
Yesterday had gone so well, I decided to try my luck again today. I didn't plan on taking the exact same route, just close to it. Only this time I was gonna let Rex out of the cage. It started out well, really, it did. Today was a bit warmer than yesterday; even with the visor cracked open a tad and all the vents unzipped on my Vanson jacket. (Remember; ATGATT!) I fueled up; Premium, at $3.03 a gallon, as opposed to the Regular I pumped into Lazarus yesterday, at $2.84 a gallon. Oh, well; that's the price of performance, I suppose!
Rex was running good...make that great...right out of the gate. Tuning spot-on, it was there, in the groove. I headed North, into Wisconsin, as I always do. Sticking to back and side roads, pretty much the same flight path as yesterday. The sun beamed down on me; beads of sweat were forming on my forehead. I hung a left on highway UE off of K and rolled it on.
The stupid things that run through your head; every time I cut left on UE I hear Robert Gordon belting out: Ooooweee, oooooweee baby, won't ya let me take you on a sea cruise!
I won't admit in public to bellowing the lyrics inside my helmet today or any other day. I'm not under oath here, ya know! I don't think I did it today, anyway. And that is in no way or shape a confession, by any means.
So, I roll on the power as I make my left on to UE (Oooowee!), whack it hard, and the buellosaurus snaps its jaws and stands up with a gutteral snarl...55 before you can say Boo! And it's all good, and then...Pop!...snort...fart...wheeze...
Which is where this story began, no?
I could feel power bleeding off. I pulled in the clutch and goosed it a few times; R's were right there. Let out the clutch; power sagged, popping and snorting again. At the risk of sounding repetitious...WTF!!!???
Now, even a cruise missile takes some time to land after popping through the clouds. I still had quite a bit of speed to bleed off yet, even with the clutch pulled in. Rex gradually coasted to a stop mere yards from the Highway142 intersection, where I had planned on turning left again and proceed to promptly whacking the throttle. Ironic, isn't it?
So, here I sit on the side of the road, clutch pulled in, engine idling away like nobody's business, ease out the clutch, and...Wugh. Followed by silence.
I pull in the clutch, blip the START button, Rex roars to life. Ease out the clutch...Wugh. Silence.
Where were we? Ahh, yes. WTF!!!???
Think fast, MacGyver; Not ignition. Can't be. Runs good with the clutch in. Safety switch? Ahhhh.Sure. Buells have a long and sordid history of side stand safety switch failures. I lean down and pop the two-pin Molex apart; now, what to jump it with?
Now, I must confess at this point, I don't have a tool with me. Not a one. Not even the ever-present Ken Onion Designs Scallion pocket knife I carry 24/7. Nope; it's back home on the dresser top. Why? Can't really say. Only that I need it and don't have it with me. I search my pockets for some help; joy. Wait..there's a little wound ring-thingie attaching my Mini-Mag Light to my keychain. I unwind the ring-thingie and untwist it to form a rather awkward U-clip and poke a hole in my finger that immediately begins bleeding profusely; sonofabitch! My attempts to insert said U-clip in the female side of the Molex prove fruitless. Rats!,as Snoopy would say. Several cars whiz by; not even slowing. A couple almost sideswipe me, here on the shoulder of this deserted road. That would Truly Suck..Man Found Dead In Ditch, the headlines would trumpet. I gotta get this gear off; it's like 100 degrees in this leather (ATGATT!). I get the gear off...whew! That's better! Ring-thingie takes up permanent residence among the chirping crickets and frogs in the high grass along the shoulder.
With no Scallion and no tools, I grab the key with the most teeth and start sawing on the safety switch wires. Once I manage to cut through them, I hold the Molex end with two wires in my hand;with no wire strippers to be found, I result to the Leave It To Beaver method; my teeth. Gnaw, twist, spit. Repeat. Soon I'm left with a chipped-feeling front tooth and two stripped wires. I twist them together, and plug the Molex back in. Suiting up, (ATGATT!) I fire Rex up. So far, so good. Cars continue to whiz by. Nobody stops, nobody slows. Nobody gives a ****; face it! I ease out the clutch; Wugh.
Sigh. Off comes the gear again.
A Toyota slows and the tinted window hums down. An Oriental guy holding a map leans out and asks; Are you flom Risconsin?
Who the hell CARES where I'm from! I think, with masked irritation. No, Illinois. I'm just about to ask if he has any tools, but the window hums up and he drives away. The ability of humans to offer assistance in times of need is staggering.
Think, MacGyver. Again.
OK: clutch safety switch? I pop the two pin Molex off THAT and curse myself for ditching the Ring-thingie. Ain't no finding it in the High Chaparral now, baby. Gone is gone. Some little froggie is probably asking his mom right now; Can I keep it mom? Huh? Puleeeeease? I pull out the key ring again and find another Ring-thingie. Soon I have another awkward U-clip and manage not to perforate my finger this time, which is good, as the first perf is still leaking profusely. In trying to jumper the molex, I succeed instead in popping the whole pin out of the molex...kewl! I repeat on the other pin, slip the molex in my pocket with my bloody hand, and overlap the rolls of the two spade connectors to complete a makeshift connection. This time I do NOT suit up. (ATGATT!) Oh, shut the hell up, I mumble. Gear lying in the high chaparral in the ditch by the side of the road, I'm about to throw a leg over, when a bike rumbles by. They stop, unlike the fifteen-or-so cars that didn't even slow down (except for the lost Jap tourist)...

Need any help?
I explain the situation.
You have help on the way? A tow? Need a cell phone?
Well, no..but I hope this will get it.

A car pulls up behind him; impatient. He's blocking their way...Figures.
I'm good, I say, and he waves a reluctant OK and rumbles off. I hope, I add, to myself. Coulda used your tool kit a few minutes ago, I think, running my tongue over the chip in my tooth.
Throw a leg over, Thumb the starter. Rex roars to life. Ease out the clutch...
Hallelujiah! No Wugh!
I mumble a silent Thank You to the Big Boss Upstairs as I suit up (ATGATT!) and throw a leg over, ease out the clutch, and roll. By God, it rolls this time! Right up to Highway 142.
Turning left, I cautiously roll it on...then more, more! Roll it on right up to eighty as Rex bellows out his throaty clarion call, snarling as if nothing had ever been wrong to begin with. (Silly Human!) I whack it hard, like I'd planned on doing in the first place. Stupid safety switches, anyway!
I decide the direct route home is probably the most prudent, at this juncture. After all, I'm still a good 30 miles from home base at best. I glance down at the two connectors sandwiched between the tach housing and handlebars, hanging out in the open breeze, and roll it up to a pleasing, throaty eighty five...stupid safety switches, anyway!

MacGyver; eat your heart out!

*ATGATT: All The Gear, All The Time
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bout time you gave up a story:cheers: now if you would do something to the duke, that would be a gerat story:bootysha:
Lest I be flailed alive and/or tarred and feathered for playing with motorcycles again, I will give you guys the update (but no pix!)
1) No pix, because I don't want to shoot pictures of every square foot of underbelly I clean and paint. Let's suffice it to say we're closer to the rear bumper today than last Wednesday!
2) Pix WILL be soon as the entire underbelly is cleaned, converted, and undercoated. Man, THAT will be a day of celebration!
3) Pix will ALSO be forthcoming when I finish cleaning and painting the rear end, springs and shackles in gleaming Rust-Oleum White. Bring your shades.
Now; back to the tar-pits. More as it happens. Stay tuned, Sports Fans!
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I just finished reading through this whole thread. It took a while lol. Wow, what a great read!!! What a great story teller!! I must say I was mesmerized. Thank you Captain!!
Ugh. I hate this part....laying on a creeper with a whirling drill on my chest flinging rust and scale everywhere. There's no clean way to do it! It's something that needs to be done for me to progress to the next level.
Now, stick me on top of a motor with wrenches in my hand; I'm happy as a chimpanzee with a box of Twinkies.
But this scrapey-painty can keep it. Already watched this movie once with the Li'l Red Minx, and I didn't enjoy it then!
But it's something I need to get through to get back on the "right" side of the car (the top). I think then, I'll be out of the woods and progress will speed up. It's kinda like psyching yourself up to go get a haircut....Oh yeah, get to crawl under the Duke and get filthy tonight! Yeah, Baby....Hold me back!
But, I did some. And I'll do some more. And when I make that last pass with the spray can of undercoating, I'll heave a huge sigh of relief...and get back to business!
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More motorcycle crap to bore and amuse you as progress continues on The Duke....

Threading the Needle Backwards

Yesterday was a wash-out weather-wise, with rain on and off most of the day, and heavy cloud cover. We got a deluge shortly after lunch that left standing water in the ditches, and wet roads…; the sort of conditions that make you decide NOT riding sounds like a good idea.
I did manage to sneak in a “quickie” right before sundown Friday…. The sun had descended to the point where it no longer resembles a policeman'’s 3 million candlepower searchlight in your eyes as you grope about blindly for your driver'’s license, but rather, a calm, tangerine orb hanging as if it were floating, just above the horizon…..the kind you can look straight at without going blind. I jumped on Lazarus and took full advantage of the situation, arriving back home as dusk morphed to darkness, bug-splattered and satisfied.
This morning arrived cool, sunny and windy. The Merry Little Breezes had knocked over a pair of hanging flower stands on the deck, and the trees swayed and rustled...…not ideal riding weather, I thought. Besides, the wife was at work and had left a Honey Do list as long as your arm (assuming you are not a small child or a Little Person), and woe to he that doth not completeth the list before She Of Queenly Stature arrives home…-in Earth Hours, about 2:30 PM CST (14:30 Military). I set about my Manly Tasks, and knocked off the majority in short order.
It was then that my MPD* kicked in. (*Motorcycle Psychological Disorder).
For those of you who are normal, I will explain this.
1) You glance at the clock
2) You judge how much time before She Of Queenly Stature arrives home
3) You divide by how many tasks on “the List” are yet uncompleted, and how much estimated time there would be to complete said tasks
4) Multiply by the minutes this leaves you to ride.
It is, I might mention, irrelevant whether or not you actually complete said tasks…; only that you look busy as hell and are hard at work when S.O.Q.S. walks through the door.
By my calculated eye, I had a good hour or more to bust a move. Not wanting to psych myself up unnecessarily, I glanced out the window for a last-minute weather check….
Billowy Clouds.
Diminished winds.
As I walked out on the deck, I heard Lazzy’'s siren call…. "”Dude. I can’'t breathe in here. It’'s all stuffy and ****.”"
Now, Cruelty to Motorcycles is one thing I can’t abide…. Why do you think I have FIVE of the damn things? Every time I see a poor, abused, mistreated motorcycle, I feel like Sarah McLachlan holding one of those cute, cuddly, one-eyed kittens on TV…”...please, …won'’t you help save these poor motorcycles?” (close-up of an abused Nighthawk)
I open the door. Lazzy squints in the bright sunshine. I run the mental calculations again. Check; …we'’re good. With time to spare. I thumb the starter; Lazzy rumbles and purrs like one of Sarah'’s abused little kittens…..
Rex sits there, silently. He knows he’s being punished for last week’s little insurrection. Parts are on order…. I know I could probably do just fine, with both safety switches bypassed, but hey…, I don'’t play that way. It’'s like playing Russian Roulette with THREE rounds in the cylinder. Besides; uprisings must be quelled, examples must be made…...sins must be atoned for. Rex is on Time Out. Besides…, I’'m on a tight schedule here. S.O.Q.S. will be home in a couple hours. No time to waste bickering with Rex. Bad Rex. Bad Buell. Sit.
I close the door, leaving Rex with himself to reflect on his boorish behavior from the previous weekend.
Lazarus has been on his best behavior lately, starting up at the mere hint of the touch of a well-placed thumb, warming up quickly, and purring like a kitten with a saucer of warm milk once he gets there. Today is no exception. I scan the gas gauge; just a smidge over a half-tank. Enough to get me by. But, as any pilot knows, gas in the tank is like money in the bank. I decide to top off on my way out. I snick Lazzy into gear and wend my way out into the street, and out of the neighborhood, stopping at the corner 7-11 for a Unleaded Slurpee.
A quick swipe with the debit card and before you can say Boo! fuel is running out the top of the filler neck and down the sides. Not even five bucks…. It’'s like having an extra bandolier of ammo. A minute later I’'m on the highway, winding through the gears. This is awesome! …Cool, breezy, bright blue sky with errant white cotton balls skittering aimlessly across...…what a day! I can smell fresh springtime in the air, the fresh crispness of the cool front that has moved in. Lazzy seems to be enjoying it as well, leaning deep into the corners and feeling unusually perky on the throttle. I start out taking my usual route, then arrive at the crossroads of where I usually head north, ultimately going west, then south to east on the return leg. But, I’'m feeling rowdy today, and at the last second, cut east. I’'ve decided to ride the route in reverse; threading the needle backwards, you could say. Why? Why not? I'’ve never seen the run from this side of the road!
It’s different, strange as it may sound! Things seem…, well, turned around, if you will. I don'’t mean that in a smart-*** way; things really do seem different. At one point, I approach an intersection; common sense tells me I need to make a right turn, but the intersection appears totally unfamiliar from this view. Unsure, I proceed through the light, realize I SHOULD have turned, but keep going straight to see where I’'ll end up. This plan gets foiled several miles down the road when the road becomes torn up and grooved by construction and re-paving in progress. Much as I’'d like to follow my hunches as to where I think it will lead me, I turn around, not wanting to risk a spill on the rough, grooved pavement. I do a U-turn and head back the way I came, marveling in the beautiful countryside I’'ve discovered and vowing to explore this route further when I have more time (and the construction is finished).
Back to threading our needle. …I pick up where I should have turned right before, and turn left (as viewed from the opposite direction…..ah, yes; now it looks familiar. Lazzy is performing spectacularly; itching to cut loose. But we’'re behind traffic here, and I realize the wisdom in restraint, lean back and enjoy the ride. We blitz on merrily, eventually coming to a four-way stop at the intersection of two country highways. My speed-governing traffic elects to continue straight ahead. Me; I was gonna turn here anyway!
I cut right and roll on the power, looking straight ahead as Lazzy rights himself, I see nothing but black asphalt ribbon, blue sky, and nary a car in sight in either lane. Lazzy ticks through the gears smartly, and I’'m in OD before I can even think about it, still screwing on the throttle; sixty, seventy, seventy-five, then I dial in a bit more…; eighty...…now Lazzy'’s soothing purr begins to take on a howling tone as the twin pipes begin to trumpet out their song of freedom. This is Life; this is Liberty, this is the Pursuit of Happiness…..we're talking HOT pursuit, baby… DAYUMM! Thoughts flash across my mind like lightning dancing in distant thunderheads; Lazzy, under a tarp in some guy’'s garage for seven years; Lazzy; motor'’s top end spread out all over my workbench; the bent valves I replaced, the teeny-tiny valve keepers, the lifters I replaced and those that I cleaned and reused. The myriad of valve springs, the cam chain; so small and fragile-looking…..all this, whirring between my legs at eight thousand RPM, with the very distinct possibility of grenading itself into a thousand pieces of schrapnel if I'’ve done just ONE thing wrong….
But I haven'’t done one thing wrong. The motor continues to howl mercilessly; seamlessly…, like a cheetah in full stride, Lazzy blazes on, effortlessly; never missing a beat. Most of my rides on Lazzy have been shorter, closer-to-home rides. I save the longer treks for Rex. But, something is happening here, today, between Lazarus and I; something unexpected, something unexplainable…..bonding, if you will, for lack of a better word. A trust, a confidence; I’m finding myself becoming endeared to this precise little engineering marvel. And something is happening to Lazzy, as well. With every mile, every twist of the wrist; every lean and roll, he runs better. Tighter. Smoother. And then it happens; on that long, winding ribbon of ebony; we become one.
This is something I’'ve only experienced in the past with Rex….(and a couple of cars that come to mind)…I thought it a special bond between one man and one machine that could not be shared with another…..Wrong! Lazzy and I were morphing into a ballet-like choreography; I would think “right” and before I could even feed the input into the bars, Lazzy was leaning right…..a sort of telekinetic Metalspeak between man and machine.
Blips appear on the radar at 12 o'’clock, and we end up behind a caravan of four Harley baggers; radios blaring and tiny American flags fluttering in the breeze. We slow and automatically fall into staggered trail position behind them as they belch out their rumbling, laid-back tractor noises; sort of like slowing down your wild mustang to trot along behind a lumbering herd of buffalo. Still, I find it somehow disrespectful to go screeching around them, like flipping off a brother, almost, so I loiter, hang back, and pace myself.
It’s all good; …at the next intersection, they bank lazily right, like squadron of B-17’s turning on a downwind leg, thundering out radial engine sounds as if they were sporting real Wright Cyclones. Lazzy snorts with delight as I screw it on again, and listen to him howl.
Finally, I reach the end of the ebony thread and have to turn off onto a smaller, slower thoroughfare; we pass the very spot, where only the weekend before, Rex tried to put me on foot. I wonder for a brief moment if the Ring-thingie still resides in the High Chaparral in the ditch; then toss the thought aside as casually as I’'d tossed the Ring-thingie in the ditch and get back to the business at hand…...riding. Clouds drift lazily across the bright sun, shading the brilliant blaze of light for a few minutes, then bid their fond farewells, destined for parts unknown. I wonder for a mere second the hour, then discard the thought as quickly as it came…. WHO CARES?!! I think. …This is what my inner child lives for; to be free, and wild, with the horns of the bull in my hands and the heart of a warrior shrieking out it’s war cry between my knees! I feel a kinship with the Plains warrior of the 1800’s, tearing across the Great Plains at full gallop, wind in his hair, sun in his face, with a spirited stallion under him. Inside my helmet, I let out a war whoop…; HOKA HEY!!* then, feeling rather foolish, grin and dig in for another fist-full of throttle. If this were a war pony I'’d be digging my heels into it’s flanks and smacking it on the *** with my quirt.
All too soon, South and East begin to look like Home. And then, just that quickly, I’'m rolling up the drive, gravel crunching noisily under my tires. I open the garage door and switch off the key …and I’'m greeted with silence, save for the ringing in my ears from the combination of howling exhaust and wind inside my helmet, and the echoed cries of the ghosts of a thousand Sioux warriors. Off come the helmet, gloves and jacket, I roll Lazzy into the stable, …but not before I stroke the small of his back… as a Plains Indian brave might stroke his favorite war pony. Things are different today, somehow.
Rex eyes me warily as I gently walk my steed into the stable….He can feel the magnetism; the bond. And he doesn'’t like it; not one bit! We stare each other down…. ”’re not the only animal in this barn, Hoss”, I say, and glance at my cell phone. Reality snaps back like a slap in the face. …Jehosephat! That was calling it close! 2:05…..She Of Queenly Stature will be on her way!
Moments later, as I’'m skimming leaves out of the pool (one of the many anointed tasks on The List) I hear The Queen arrive….
“Hi, Hon”…..she says, …”Whatcha doin?” Ahh, just skimming leaves, I reply. “Were you home all day? Everything looks …kind of a mess, she questions.
Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I went out for a quick ride, is all. I got everything on your list done, I add…. (like the child in the classroom who drives home the issue that he did ALL the homework!) “OK”, says She Of Queenly Stature, and then; “I'’ll start dinner soon”. A sly grin steals up one side of my face as I eye the garage and wink… and whisper; Hoka Hey!

* Hoka Hey!…..Lakota Sioux war cry, meaning “It’s a good day to fight”, or words to that effect; in other words, the battle cry of a fearless warrior
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Do you remember this exchange?
"just for the record you're nuts. After laying on my back cleaning up the firewall and under the dash with the grinder and wire wheel there was no love left in the labor. Only a large collection of pieces of wire that had been launched from the wheel at supersonic speeds into every part of my clothing and hair. I would have gladly written the check for blasting and saved the labor of love for many other projects on the duster."
Well are you still against writing checks?
LOL Andrew
Do you remember this exchange?
"just for the record you're nuts. After laying on my back cleaning up the firewall and under the dash with the grinder and wire wheel there was no love left in the labor. Only a large collection of pieces of wire that had been launched from the wheel at supersonic speeds into every part of my clothing and hair. I would have gladly written the check for blasting and saved the labor of love for many other projects on the duster."
Well are you still against writing checks?
LOL Andrew

Yes.....but in principle only!LOL!
Dude...this part of the job really, really sucks!
I remember, oh, say thirty years ago (give or take) doing the same thing on the Li'l Red Minx saying "Thank the Lord I won't ever have to THIS again!"
Joke was on me, I guess...
Sigh...suck it up and keep moving.......
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Little progress to report, but we're moving in the right direction (that is, towards the rear of the car!) but I couldn't resist taking a stroll down Memory Lane late last night and re-read the whole damn, that was a lotta fun to write! (and LIVE, as well!) Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for reading and for all your helpful comments & encouragement. We'll all raise a cold one when the Duke finally wakes up. And hell, I'll buy!
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Soooo hows the progress coming??? Your stories are awesome! Like im right there watching the whole thing happen! Though its been a little to quiet over here recently :cheers:
well now you should know, when you say something like that, we're going to make you talk:poke::poke: so come on already out with it.