Cat Pics

Our cat guarding the front door.

Mr Orange was tested last year, during a fairly severe cold he had (did you know cat colds can last 4 weeks?).

Was negative at that time.

He had a brother (Nougat) that died of diabetes about 2.5 years ago, so there is a family history.
Knowing what I know now, we'd have simply brought him home rather than putting him down or having him put in an oxygen tent and rushed to an emergency vet (from the emergency overnight vet we took him to), which were the only two options we were given.

Cats can actually be in remission from diabetes. Buff (Nougat's nickname) was quite a punk, though and my have been difficult to medicate.
Mr Orange is almost the exact opposite "personality"-wise.
I have a mother and a getting bigger kitty that stop by daily for water and something to eat. I’ve showed you guy’s pictures of them before. Usually by this time they trust me enough to get close but I must be losing my touch. Yesterday one of them brought me a present (a rabbits foot). I set it aside and today it was in their water dish. Lol. I think they want yo thank me.






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We have one that sneers like the King.

Many nicknames for that cat.


Among others.

Real name is Mr White.
Peter & Emma are shredding the Kitty-Kastle I built them, I need to re-do the carpet!!
I had this on Facebook yesterday and a young lady I race with had a cat that would bring her “live snakes”. Lol. I got no time for that in my life.
Maybe bringing black snakes to assist in mice mitigation, lol
Torties are savage hunters...they get -r- done quick ...mine goes in squirrel nests 30ft high and waits patiently
Abby used to be a savage but she's 16 now and has got a little chubby and lazy, she still hunts lizards but doesn't kill and eat them anymore, she just slaps them around a bit and walks away, you know just to let them know she's still the boss!
Our big fluffy girl, Missy (actually Miss-chief) used to bring in the prettiest live ribbon snakes.

Seemed to only be interested in that specific species.

They are black on top, white on the bottom and have a lime green stripe between the two colors.

I had never seen one before she started that.
I had a cat named Wilber, he used to bring me deer legs out of the woods!
I had a Tux kitty like yours. She acted like a dog, and would come when I called her outside. She vanished one day, back in the 80's. I miss Spaz...
Cowboy is 10 ..he has perfect tuxedo markings....he loves his alone time and space outdoors...he knows at 5:30 it's time to come inside...he's on my pillow at night..
This one finds any piece of wire, bolt, nail and puts in her food bowl

Need to keep this one in the shop, maybe find all those dropped nuts, bolts and sockets that have found their way into the alternate universe!
I just got the last of Mables kittens and her into new homes and wouldn't you know it Gladys finally brought her kittens to move in this afternoon. They will be going to a foster this Saturday. I'm glad she finally brought them here, Shes been coming in to eat every day since she's had them.


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After getting the rabbit leg two days in a row I threw it off my deck onto the hill behind my house. This is what was sitting there in the morning by their food bowls that needed refilling
