Cat Pics




Lagertha, wow not that's a original name
My wife named her after one of her hero's.
The viking queen, lagertha lodbrok.

The cat has quite the ruler attitude.
Today she goes to the doctor.
She has a very swollen lymph node that has us worried. Apparently, upon reading up on that, she is battling a very serious infection. I sure hope she is ok.
These are are cats. The black one is my wife's the white and black one is mine and the third one is mean



I had a big stripe young male tabby maybe 6 months old show up a week or so ago, he'd come up on the porch and devour the food and sleep in the bed outside at night, yesterday I noticed he was missing an eye (recently) and wasn't doing well. A few hours ago my wife and I went out and checked on him since he was in the bed outside and he is all kinds of messed up, possible broken lower jaw or dislocated hopefully and his head is swollen so We took him to the ER vet clinic a couple hours ago and they said just bring him back in the morning. We're praying this little guy will make it till tomorrow and not get too bad, it's going to cost money to fix him up so we decided we'll give him a great life from now on.
I'll post some pictures of him tomorrow.
He will be our 6th cat that has just showed up and wanted to be loved.
He'll get that, hopefully our other cats will accept him too.
My wife named her after one of her hero's.
The viking queen, lagertha lodbrok.

The cat has quite the ruler attitude.
Today she goes to the doctor.
She has a very swollen lymph node that has us worried. Apparently, upon reading up on that, she is battling a very serious infection. I sure hope she is ok.
I hope she gets better too

I know Penny the Cat's blue haired servant does all the work, but Penny never ceases to make me smile :D
There's a whole messa Penny shorts on YouTube.
These two have been stopping by for weeks for clean water and food. This morning was as close as I ever got. Believe it of not the black one is the mother of the other one. Twilight (the black one) was getting some weight on and one of my Facebook friends said she’s pregnant. Several weeks later the other one appeared. They make themselves at home on my front glider when it’s a warmer day in Pa.









We've had feral/dumped cats around here, since we've lived on our property. We've managed to place friendly adults and some kittens. The kittens are like a light-switch to becoming tame. We've caught several of a litter, then 2 days later....the rest are like putting your hand in a blender. About 10 years ago the `yotes showed up, and made quick work of all the feral cats and wildlife. Right now, we have 2 feral cats around, which we throw food out to. I put a heated house on the porch, but none will use it.

The coolest one we had, was an elderly male. He'd hang out, but ya couldn't touch him. Mr. Grump....
cat Grumpy face.jpg

Mr Grumpy 2.jpg

I think he finally aged-out and vanished.
We've had feral/dumped cats around here, since we've lived on our property. We've managed to place friendly adults and some kittens. The kittens are like a light-switch to becoming tame. We've caught several of a litter, then 2 days later....the rest are like putting your hand in a blender. About 10 years ago the `yotes showed up, and made quick work of all the feral cats and wildlife. Right now, we have 2 feral cats around, which we throw food out to. I put a heated house on the porch, but none will use it.

The coolest one we had, was an elderly male. He'd hang out, but ya couldn't touch him. Mr. Grump....
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I think he finally aged-out and vanished.
That's a badass looking cat.
Update from post 181, little kitty now named "Willie" has 2 eyes. His eye was infected and shut by healing sludge . That's great news, hopefully his jaw isn't broken now. My wife and I are at the ER now.
Final update for Willie, we had to let him go to heaven.
That's a badass looking cat.
He was obviously a badass at one point. He was skin and bones, covered by the beautiful coat. I watched him with others. They still walked around him, though they could probably have taken him. Attitude baby!!!
Final update for Willie, we had to let him go to heaven.
Always tough. Even when they're not "yours". I miss Mr. Grump. We have a new favorite, but I haven't been able to get a good picture, yet. Thus the name ..."Skitty".
He was obviously a badass at one point. He was skin and bones, covered by the beautiful coat. I watched him with others. They still walked around him, though they could probably have taken him. Attitude baby!!!
We had a big bruiser light grey tabby named Hank he didn't even have to move to make all the others scram. Lol
Straight up farm cat, appropriately named “Black Cat” Gray cat got ran over by a tractor and yellow cat by a fork lift. Black cat decided the shop/barn was not for him and adopted my wife. Clearly he felt she needed rescued. He literally went head to head with a cougar on our back deck with only the grill between them. I thought it was a raccoon on the deck banging on the grill. Hah!

Straight up farm cat, appropriately named “Black Cat” Gray cat got ran over by a tractor and yellow cat by a fork lift. Black cat decided the shop/barn was not for him and adopted my wife. Clearly he felt she needed rescued. He literally went head to head with a cougar on our back deck with only the grill between them. I thought it was a raccoon on the deck banging on the grill. Hah!

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Doc said that the stuff would go away eventually. My wife kinda massaged it here and there and it cleared up and mostly went away. From the size of a quarter to the size of a pea.
That is good news to come home to.
That's great! Good work
We just found out last night that my little buddy, 13 year old Mr Orange is diabetic.


He had been what seemed like fatigued starting about 2 weeks ago.
Not moving a whole lot and only walking about six feet at a time before laying back down and then going another six feet.
Back legs seemed to be unstable as well.
Also extremely thirsty. he's always been a "water cat" but the thirst increased about 5 fold.

I thought sure it was going to be FeLV from the kitten we had to put down.

I was actually happy to hear it was diabetes!

He's been prescribed the exact same insulin that I'm on!
I gave him 2 units out of my pen when we got home from the vet, and it was almost an immediate and almost night and day difference.
We got some learnin' to do and some work to do.
He's been a real good boy about taking the shot.
Have to go back in 2 weeks for the cat version of an A1c test (fructoseamine) to see if the dosage is right.

It's nice to have you back, my friend.

I think we're both gonna make least a few more years.
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