Very cool story, thanks! Glad that you are able to help them!
Absolute truth. on all things I hold sacred .
About a coupla weeks ago I was down the road repairing boat trailer brakes for an old fella (I'm 73), lol - he has Parkinsons.
We had yakked about CBD, I just got back from delivering a bottle of CBD and a bottle of CBD/THC oils.
He took a dose of the CBD, he, his wife and I sat in his den talking fishing and stuff, about 20+ mins later, he held hand out to his wife, she started crying, I didn't realize the significance, his hand was near steady.
The light came on to me, I got emotional as well.
I'll report back as it goes .
I know, I know, I didn't believe it either .
He wants to smoke some pot.
She is fighting Cancer, above all things, they have hope .
Very cool story, thanks! Glad that you are able to help them!

Yeah, wasn't quite prepared for that.
I emailed them all those links I posted, and I'll drop back in a few days, see how they're making out, and snap a coupla pix .
Report back to you folks .
Cheers .
This is good, informative information. I use a thc/cbd topical salve twice a day for skin cancer. The cancerous "spots" completely went away with Rick Simpson oil that a local lady made for me a few years ago, but after time it came back, and she had moved away. I live in Texas, so, obviously, the law makes me a felon, merely for trying to save my life. I don't get high. Period. Nothing against it, I just, personally don't like the paranoia that came with it. But, anyway, thank God for the people that continue to do their own research. The Gov't set us back decades. Think of all the lives that "might" could have been saved, or at least made a better quality of life with THC. I am trying to avoid the traditional cancer treatment, for obvious reasons. Keep up the good work inertia and Cuda Hunter!
I use a thc/cbd topical salve twice a day for skin cancer. , and she had moved away. I live in Texas, so, obviously, the law makes me a felon,
Take a drive on up to Colorado. Come take a look at my mopars.
Might bump into some oil while your here.
I've heard that rick simpson oil is pretty impressive.
I just got thru talking to the gent with Parkinson's, he has noticed some reduction in the shaky hand, I didn't realize that shake was "exhausting", he is thankful for less fatigue .
He hasnt noticed any miracle as such, but anxious to continue as it's prob the most effective "meds" he has taken to date, with no nasty side-effects, he says.
I encouraged him to try the THC/CBD blend, he's going to continue CBD, for another week, then try it.
Will report again in a coupla weeks .
Cheers .
Drove past my neighbors, he's out painting his bloody fence, stopped to chat and he's beaming (smile).
He's doing great, says he is sleeping wayyy better, he's got more energy, his shaking isn't measurable better than that initial improvement, but he is much more relaxed.
He pointed to the fence, said he'd been wanting to paint it for a coupla years, and had been looking at hiring someone, but felt so energetic, he's happily doing it himself now.
He told me he went to a function he had avoided for a coupla years, cuz of his condition, and lack of tolerance for idiots, but went this year, and really enjoyed it.
His wife is very grateful, as is he .
He also mentioned less pain, Which I didn't know about, but glad to hear .
He went to the sites I posted, and educated himself with others experiences, and gained a lotta knowledge.
This is not the first time I have introduced someone to a better quality of life.
If you have an affliction, please visit those sites, your quality of life will be better ! !
Cheers .
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I have an older farmer friend who has resisted for years. He went to get a cortizone shot and said that was the worst experience of his life. I think I will finally get him to just try rubbing some of my salve on his back since he went through that experience. I'm hoping it will work for him.
He works harder than most anyone I have ever met.
I have an older farmer friend who has resisted for years. He went to get a cortizone shot and said that was the worst experience of his life. I think I will finally get him to just try rubbing some of my salve on his back since he went through that experience. I'm hoping it will work for him.
He works harder than most anyone I have ever met.
He might look into the Graston technique too. 13 PT sessions, nope. Dry needling, nope. Cortisone I turned down. Graston technique, yup!!!
Just saw an ad for a documentary "The Whole Story" this Sunday, 5 or 8 pm Eastern or pacific, CNN - with Dr. Gupta, about a "CannabUs", taking seniors to a dispensary to get products to help them with whatever.
Interviews with participants, their issues/relief, all trying to get away from pharmaceuticals.
I have followed the misc docs done by Gupta, this is good info ! !
If you are curious, seek better quality of life/pain control, please watch, or record it, These are just people like us .
You have nothing to lose but an hour, - that may change your life.
Good luck .
Cheers .
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My massage therapist has it in salve form. Might be a solution. I have used that 'Voltaren' cream with some positive results, although it is an NSAID and can be hard on your liver if you are prone to that. Ibuprophan is also a NSAID....for comparison.
NSAIDS also not good for kidneys
480,000 deaths a year due to tobacco.
750,000 deaths a year due to abortion.

Both are forms of killing yourself.
Both are bad.

I can't find any large number of people on the internet news sites that will confess that folks die of marijuana.

Perhaps, since America stopped scientific research in the 90's we just don't have any specific numbers. Farce.
Isreal has been studying Marijuana for a long time. They have no statistics on people dying of chronic marijuana smoke.
Somewhere, somehow, someone has some numbers that need to be proven. Would like to see it.

And 400,000 deaths per year from medical malpractice.
And 400,000 deaths per year from medical malpractice.
Agree cemeteries are FULL of doctors mistakes.
I'm going thru a situation with one now.
Still there are good ones. I just didn't do my homework first.
This Dr Gupta did the story of "Charlotte's Web" low THC, hi CBD cannabis oil, and the resulting reduction of childhood epileptic "seizures" from over 100 episodes a day, to just a few a day to a few a week.
All knowledge is good, I hope to learn something helpful for others, and myself .
There has never been a documented fatality from smoking or ingesting pot .
Before cannabis was outlawed, big Pharma had been making/selling cannabis extracts, - done decades of testing to find a "toxicity" level, with ever increasing strengths of cannabis tonics, - not a single dog died.

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I take a gummy at night when I'm having a bad day. I never use it during the day when I might have to drive. Don't need problems like that.
I take a gummy at night when I'm having a bad day. I never use it during the day when I might have to drive. Don't need problems like that.

The Cannabix pot breathalyzer, and the Illinois Legislature, and Canadian guidelines suggest waiting 4 hrs after ingesting/smoking.

"Cannabix’s MSBS technology has been specifically built to detect recent cannabis use – detecting Delta-9 THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana that causes impairment – using breath samples, within 1-4 hours after consumption."

as I had originally posted.
Sunday Night .

The Whole Story, regular folks maladies/cures from CBD .
Sorry for any inconvenience.
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Disappointed I missed that show, Weed #7.
Did anyone catch it, if so, what did you think ?
Here's a few links I hope may help with info.
These are previous shows in the Series, if you can find Weed7, I'd very much appreciate you posting a link here, or DM pls tia.
The Dr. - Why he changed his mind .

Weed 2

Weed 3

Weed 5

Hope it helps, cheers .
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If you followed the previous vids on "Weed", this is the one I feel you can relate to cuz these folks are you, curious, seeking info .
This is 2 part Vid and well worth the time to watch both.
A busload of seniors going to a cannibis outlet to explore and learn.
You quality of life can only improve, all knowledge is good .
Hope it helps, cheers

Weed 7 pt1 -

Weed 7 pt2 -
Please report back how it goes .
Here's a site for some supplemental reading about what you are about to learn and experience.
This site offers more than the retail sales section, skip that till later, but read the info sections, recipes for what you are likely going to be offered.
Good luck, message me if you have questions.
Good luck.
