Cool wagon. You are right, these Tx. drivers will run over ya ***!!! BUT thy all drive trucks with the loudest most obnoxious exhaust system anywhere in America!!! ha
I had a 67 cuda 383 2.94 4 speed car. ( NO od!!) No tack.... when I picked it up in Ca, and drove it back to MO. so I do not know the rpm is was running. I ran it 75 down the interstates, got 18 mpg with TQ and those 2.94 gears. Even with that torque 383 it was not like I wanted taking off. I was used to always having a 3.55 with my stick cars. I do not remember the tire size. I have had many 4 speed cars, a few 4spd OD cars, and truck.. I much more enjoy banging the gears in a 4 speed. but I just remind myself if I have the OD it is NOT like banging the 4 speed trans.... Guy came by my house right after I got home and bought it so I never got to mess with that car....
I would look at a taller tire, a 3:23 gear and drive it and not worry so much about rpm if me... If you go the 833OD just remind yourself of all the tech gear ratios you are told of here. It is a different duck.
I had a 67 cuda 383 2.94 4 speed car. ( NO od!!) No tack.... when I picked it up in Ca, and drove it back to MO. so I do not know the rpm is was running. I ran it 75 down the interstates, got 18 mpg with TQ and those 2.94 gears. Even with that torque 383 it was not like I wanted taking off. I was used to always having a 3.55 with my stick cars. I do not remember the tire size. I have had many 4 speed cars, a few 4spd OD cars, and truck.. I much more enjoy banging the gears in a 4 speed. but I just remind myself if I have the OD it is NOT like banging the 4 speed trans.... Guy came by my house right after I got home and bought it so I never got to mess with that car....
I would look at a taller tire, a 3:23 gear and drive it and not worry so much about rpm if me... If you go the 833OD just remind yourself of all the tech gear ratios you are told of here. It is a different duck.