Charger + shopping cart + temper = cops

Dang !!! yall's so funny.:toothy7:

Nice car!!!!!!!!!!!
teh main thing that pissed me off was when his ole lady said something and motioned her hands in such a fashion " like so it's not my car"...that was my breaking point. If It was an accident I wouldn't have done antthing about it... or at least so some remorse.

With my luck, I'd be jail. As someone else said, the fact that you didn't kick his *** on the spot is truly anger management.

I'm glad the cop saw the situation for what it was and made the right decision.

From your last post, I'm guessing that if they just said "Hey, I'm sorry, the cart just got away, can we exchange insurance information?" All would have been cool.
With my luck, I'd be jail. As someone else said, the fact that you didn't kick his *** on the spot is truly anger management.

I'm glad the cop saw the situation for what it was and made the right decision.

From your last post, I'm guessing that if they just said "Hey, I'm sorry, the cart just got away, can we exchange insurance information?" All would have been cool.

I'm not trying to be some arm chair QB today...but yes that's what I woulda done.

haha, right on! That sounds like something i would have done. What a pos pair of people. no respect, good ol cart to the hood sounds like a good venting!
Jason, you're my kinda guy! If I had gotten the call, I wouldn't have done anything to you either. Last time I had a problem like that it took 6 cops AND their boss to settle me down. Some @#$%^ hit my Hemi when it was on a trailer:angry4:. Glad it all worked out. Maybe the next time that walking turd will be more responsible--- you did society a favor!:toothy7:
Good call Jason! I'm just a old fat bastard but if that had happened to be I would have (and could have) done the same thing! Anyone screw with my 67 and it's war. I do the same, park way out. The pic.....I'm the guy in the middle, with my sons, fishing in AK this summer........on the left my 67.
How's the rear tire fit going?

042 resized.jpg
I hear that... sorry I haven't got that check out to ya yet, been busy trowing cart at cars. lol

Man Jasen!! you must be a big fellow and young enough to pick a cart up and chunk it on the pricks car.:naka:

I've got a friend who just retired at work. He is sixty-something. Three years ago he competed for the last time in a weight lifting competition. They have different age brackets but his is 45 and older. He did what he always did at these competitions....he watches everyone bench press what they want and then adds 40 pounds to the highest one! The final round this last time came down to him and one other guy that was 12 years younger than him at the time. The other guy bench pressed 550 pounds and struggled doing it so Tommy made it an even 600!
Many moons ago, I met a buddy after work at a restaurant at the mall. We parked our cars far enough away from everybody else. Of course, some idiot parked next to him. When we came out later, there was a nick in the pain of my buddy's Chevelle. It lined up perfectly with the passenger door edge of the other car. The other car was empty. I went into my toolbox and retrieved a large pair of dykes and snipped the tire valves off all four of the other car's tires.
If I was the guy with the cart and mistakenly hit your charger I would have felt like crap and offered to pay the damages.

It seems to be that alot of people now don't respect other people, for instance, I hate being tailgated.

The other day while getting on a highway entrance ramp where cops always sit to nail speeders, I was going 45 MPH and had a Honda Odyssey driven by a fairly attractive blonde jump across four lanes at around 70 MPH and got right on my ***, and I mean almost touching my trailer hitch.

I was in my work truck with my phone number plastered all over the place so I just flashed on my emergency wig-wag lights for a second to let them know I was not too happy about it, and she backed off for a second and I saw her passenger make some hand gestures then the girl decided to keep kissing my tail and I got severely pissed as I do when someone is putting my life and the lives of other motorists in danger.
So we get to the merge point where I'm doing 65 and they pass me on the left across the double whites as her male passenger makes a cocky gesture as if he's riding a horse as if to say "giddy up muther focker", so at that point , I'm ready for blood and I follow the fokkers for a couple miles keep ing up with their lane changes, but at a non tailgating distance to play it smart, sorta.

So I finally pass them on the right and both of them ,at this point, are staring straight ahead and would not even look at me.
They knew I was pissed and did not expect me to confront their stupidity.

Then the fermale decides to start tailing me again, so I'm thinking, I could just slam my brakes on and ruin everyones day, but I decide not to be a danger to the other motorists so I drop back and get next to them, rol down my window and tell them I will rip both their fokken heads off, and the dud gives me a cocky look and the chick flips me off.

I truly felt like pulling the pistol and doing the world a favor, but I just ponted to my phone number on my truck door, smiled, and motioned for them to call me.
The ***** blew me a cocky kiss and got off an exit.

Maybe they will think twice about putting others in danger on the highway as not everyone is a complacent little puppy dog.

I'm usually a cool customer but I get pretty pissed when other asspukes use their vehicle as a weapon, which in my view necessitates any road rage they get in return from other motorists.

I'm glad you stood up to the shopping cart jackass, maybe his smart *** Wife will think twice next time.

I guess all we can do is teach our kids to respect other people's property.
When I go to any store I park far from the congestion too. I always go out of my way to gather loose carts during my journey to the door. I smile and wave at the security cameras too.
I figure someday I'll kill some jerk in front of one of those cameras and I'll need some evidence that I'm basicly a nice guy. LOL
Nothing burns my *** more than some jerkoff in a little rice burner darting back and forth between lanes, trying to get ahead of everybody else. You know the type; no turn signals, jumping in right on your back bumper, causing those behind him to slam on their brakes.

When someone jumps in behind me doing that during daylight hours, I just flick on my headlights. They immediately sense brake lights and slam on their brakes or ride off onto the shoulder. The beauty is that I am not applying my brakes and am keeping up with traffic. I need to figue a way to activate my brake lights with a switch for daytime and nighttime use.
It's VERY easy. Buy an inexpensive spring loaded push button switch and wire it in parallel to the brake pedal switch.
The brake light will function normally and will function when you press the button.

P.S. You come up with a lot of this kinda stuff when you're young and full of energy. While you're at it, mount another switch on the dash and an aftermarket windshield squirter tank and pump in the trunk and plum a line so that the nozzle sticks up and aft slightly from under the rear bumper or the lisence plate. Fill the tank with water and what ever food coloring you that's some funny stuff right there!!!
Charger: I feel your pain. I have one of those and we park way far out in the lot but there are those jealous bastards that envy anyone that will work for something nice. You ran onto a good cop. Good for you.
That sounds exactly like something I would do. And it's not the fact that the cart hit the car, you knew there was a chance of that even going to the store, it was the disregard shown by the people (term used loosely) after the fact.
I'm just average sized now (6 foot 205#) but this reminds me of something funny. When I was in high school, the biggest guy in the school hated me. He was huge, football star and older than me. I was probably 135# at the time. I always stood toe to toe with him every time he threatened me, even if I had to stand on a step to do it. He always backed down. I come to find out he ended up being a center guard for the Dolphins. Either proves my bravery or (more likely) my stupidity.
Wow this thread is but none the less 2yrs later I wouldn't change a thing... but now I live in VA and the Cops are fockers here and would bite at any chance of screwing me
Wow this thread is but none the less 2yrs later I wouldn't change a thing... but now I live in VA and the Cops are fockers here and would bite at any chance of screwing me

That's my fault, DOH!!!
I must have clicked on one of the threads listed below the thread and I was not paying attention to the date. LOL:toothy10: :read2: