chat room


Kegan B

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
I was told there is a member passing rumors about me in the chat room and both you and I know they're false, So if this is you who is passing it around then STOP. If your the one doing this and reading this post or know who done it, either leave a post or PM I don't really care which just one of them.
Well, I know who it AIN'T.
Well-I guess I better get over to the room-I hear there are some bad hombre's over there
Like Oh emm Geee!
Kegon, I have not been in chat in weeks and you can bet they/he would not have said a thing negative about you if I was in there or anyone that knows you, who ever it is there words are not worth the weight of rotten hay...... and you can bet whom ever it was is lost and not worthy of any of your time young gun, I would put your knowledge of this great hobby against any numb minded trouble maker any day...
Words can hurt, but we can get past this my friend.
As you can see you have lots of friends on this great site so don't let what one person says about you ruin friendships with the ones that do care. Think positive and the negative will go away.

As you can see you have lots of friends on this great site so don't let what one person says about you ruin friendships with the ones that do care. Think positive and the negative will go away.

You know some thing thats bout the best thing ive ever heard ya say .. too bad we cant rate posts this would be 5 star :cheers:
As you can see you have lots of friends on this great site so don't let what one person says about you ruin friendships with the ones that do care. Think positive and the negative will go away.


X2 on these words Kegon :colors:
This is for the person who thinks their cool and started the rumor [ame=""]Fall out boy - I don't care lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Well said. Leave the kid alone... disgust

If ya wanna pick on someone, pick on one of us old farts... :angry4: :poke:

Ditto, I haven't been on much lately but I can be in the chat room so they can pick on me. There is no reason to be intentionally hurting people so I hope that this stops or the parties involved get a vacation.