Cheap eating tonight

Easy clean, lazy, quick smoking in just the right portions and a hand full of chips.

I had half a box of mac and cheese with some Spam cut up in it. Cost me about $2 and I'll get two meals out of it. Cheap is as cheap does.
I had half a box of mac and cheese with some Spam cut up in it. Cost me about $2 and I'll get two meals out of it. Cheap is as cheap does.
That's the magic word right there

I have four different spam varieties in my cupboard. I forget about them, then remember and have some Spamwiches!
I used to work at a place where us warehouse guys would cook lunch together a few times a month

One of our main stays was fried spamwiches

An interesting thing about fried spam...about 30 seconds after the first slide hit the griddle, everyone who ever served found thier way to our break room

I used to work at a place where us warehouse guys would cook lunch together a few times a month

One of our main stays was fried spamwiches

An interesting thing about fried spam...about 30 seconds after the first slide hit the griddle, everyone who ever served found thier way to our break room

We have a Pizzazz at work, and we cook anything on it. It's the second one I've seen, and we have three trays for it. My coworker uses it twice a shift, and the rest of us use it frequently, at least once per shift. Great tool for cooking.
We have a Pizzazz at work, and we cook anything on it. It's the second one I've seen, and we have three trays for it. My coworker uses it twice a shift, and the rest of us use it frequently, at least once per shift. Great tool for cooking.
That's a pretty cool contraption, I had to look it up

We just used a regular plug in griddle
I had an unused wok at home that I tried giving away to my group in the mill. I couldn’t give it away so I took it to work and cooked up some sliced up potatoes, kelby, onions, and garlic salt. Everyone loved it. Someone stole the wauk that night. Lol
Mine is well seasoned, use it more than anything else at home.

I have a Tfal pan and electric burner that I bought when I got divorced in 1999 and my ex took my stove. I cooked everything in it from eggs and sausage to my spaghetti sauce. My marriage lasted 13 years. That pan is still going 24 years later. Lol