Cheap-ish 360 mods

I don’t plan on doing anything with the heads until I pull them when I’m gunna do the turbo unless it needs the heads pulled for any other repairs. The engine still starts and runs fine in the truck so condition of the engine isn’t a big concern.
The car won’t be driven in the winter so I don’t need to worry about cold weather and carbs. I figured going to a carb setup would be a better performance choice, I’m not familiar with older TBI setups.
Bottom line now is I’ve made up my mind and just gunna get the engine up to spec with stuff and if I need to mod more after that then I’ll address that later. If I do find a decent carb and intake setup for sale I’ll buy it and go that route. The only thing I’m curious about now is what good electric fuel pump I should get.
They're on the last paragraph where you said bottom line? -I like that part maybe next time it will help instead of 360 mods maybe 360 getting it up to spec? At least that would help me a little bit and get my mind trained on exactly how I can help.
They're on the last paragraph where you said bottom line? -I like that part maybe next time it will help instead of 360 mods maybe 360 getting it up to spec? At least that would help me a little bit and get my mind trained on exactly how I can help.
The plan all along was to getting it up to spec aka a tune up like I posted in my first comment. I got the info I was looking for and right now I’ll just stick to the tune up and headers with exhaust for now. I’ll worry about intake and a cam later since it sounds like most would keep the TBI setup instead of a carb setup.
91 360 should be factory roller cam with 308 heads, great score for building sb hp!! after reading threw all of this seems like oil, gaskets, spark plugs, distributor and wires, fuel pump, belts and hoses are the cheap up grades you want,..engine paint probably over budget along with proper cleaning!! reminds me of what g'pa always said when i dreamed to big for my britches...wish in one hand, chit in other and see witch one gets full first!
It’s not that I’m poor as hell but everyone knows how a guy can get caught up getting parts and then realizing you spent more than you wanted. I wanted to see if I should spend more money in one area that I should’ve spent else where and see what people thought or just stick with a good tune up and headers. I have about $1k for the engine side to spend that id feel comfortable spending.
Microphone check 1
Microphone check 2
Is this thing working ?
Cheapish 360 mods ?
4bbl Intake and a carb. If you can't afford that, get out while your alive !!
What's with these mind numbing threads on FABO lately ?
Best upgrade, rear gear set....

Bar none....

If you can swap an engine you can set up a gear set.
Microphone check 1
Microphone check 2
Is this thing working ?
Cheapish 360 mods ?
4bbl Intake and a carb. If you can't afford that, get out while your alive !!
What's with these mind numbing threads on FABO lately ?
Hell I can afford more than just a intake and carb but I’m not here to blow all my money away at once. I’ve already found the answers I need.
Not a terrible idea to change the timing set, but you might not need to. Just wash it off, change the pan, distributor, intake and go. Those last few years of pre magnum 360s were pretty strong.
Hell I can afford more than just a intake and carb but I’m not here to blow all my money away at once. I’ve already found the answers I need.

