"CHINA" Christmas

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The majority of Americans believe they are entitled to superb healthcare, social equality, the best employee benefits, and a pristine environment, but buy products from places that disregard these ideals.

Money talks. What is yours saying?
Nope. Not gay. But Im a God fearing American that don't take lightly of another person (no matter whatever location they live) stating that my country was not founded by Christian forefathers. Probably just another atheist born website that mo posted. "One Nation Under God" is in our pledge of allegiance by the way.

Just because I live in the south everyone always calls me a redneck. I have friends that are from the north (Ohio) and when they state facts on other forums they get called rednecks because they live SC. We have laughed about this numerous times. Now that shows how much you know. Heck I could have been from the north or Canada and just decided to move down here. So if you moved down here in the south you be a redneck also.... to your standards.

Nope not drunk either... been sober for 9 years now.

I was on topic in post #32 but commented on crossram's post then you opened your mouth! Why don't you get back on topic... Uh no excuse me you never was on topic....... you just come on this thread running your mouth at me.

Im like most Americans at this point in time. True American that are worried about what's happening to our beloved country. It's not looking good for us especially the young Americans.
You want me to "lighten up" but yet you called me a dork! Give me a break!

Congratulations on the 9 years of sobriety.
And you are right about the constitution as well as the mess that your government is in.
I apologize for calling you a dork.
Hello Yall. And a Happy Day after Christmas. Some of the other boys must be away enjoying the family. Dont think for one minute i aint been watching and reading. That's your mistake. Not sure why name calling has to come into play but i guess we all aint made alike. My take on the original topic if i may. You sorry no good for nothing, low down piece of dog.......oh wait. I was somewhere else and i was standing in front of the guy so i better watch my mouth. There wasn't even a keyboard to hide behind. What was i smokin? OK i'm back and i've found my shield....i mean keyboard.
I would have moved this but if i do so there will be a bunch of folks here that have good info and real good opinions to a viable solution. For some reason they dont want to play in the Shark Tank but when a topic happens here they bail in as if it were a tank of foam and feathers, only to find that they've entered the REAL world. We keep it civil in the Polit forum so nothing is different there so you guys and gals please come on in and play.
Now back to China. Americans have been sold out....PERIOD....for a chunk of change. Not many can go to Washington without taking a drink from the Potomac and when they do they are trash. They forget where they come from. They forget they ran for office because they themselves were disgruntled with the way they were being treated as citizens of a great nation. They have good memories but they are just short memories. The China stuff is produced with the technology that we handed to em. We contributed very largely to the intire economic industry of a once inferior nation to what it is today, all at the cost of the American people. I doubt the quality of anything produced there can exceed that of our homemade products. Walmart buys from the guy with the cheapest commodity and that's China, Tiawan, and Japan and i'm sure there are others, and guess what. Each and everyone here heads on down to Wally World and pays not one bit of attention as to where something is made only to look at the price. It was said in another post that the largest army in the world is that of the American hunters. All totaling in the multi millions. NO FORCE CAN COMPETE WITH THOSE NUMBERS. According to the latest census there are 308 milloin of us Americans. NO FORCE CAN COMPETE WITH THOSE NUMBERS only if they band together. Can that happen? Your call. Another force that would be unstopable is that of the American VOTER. In Iraq in the latest most recent election they had an 80% voter turnout. If we could ever have a 50% turnout here in the U.S. it will only be because the worst has happened, and then our friends and neighbors have realized that they themselves have always been their own worst enemy by not taking the responsiblity of doing their needed research and voting out the scum that have sold us down the river and for us to make it very clear that this type of teason will not be tolerated and will be punishable by death. Now, i'm gona close this and leave it visable and put up the same title in the polit forum so it can be continued as this is important stuff. Yall come on and sign up and come on in. Just be real. Above all keep in mind that we are all American, with some thoughts from the north, and that we all do care about this country so hold the name calling. We do want your opinion and will take into consideration that it is what it is. An opinion.
Mike. Thanks so much for a good one.
See ya on the other forum in about.......
Small Block
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