"CHINA" Christmas

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That is correct.

That is not correct (or if you want to put it in terms of difference of opinion, your opinion differs from that of the founding fathers of the United States, and I'm pretty sure on this matter their opinion counts more than yours). Read. Learn. Cure your ignorance.

I've read and studied AND taught the Founders now for nearly 30 years....The vast majority were Christian in faith and practice, and the laws and founding principles of this nation were derived from the Judeo-Christian ethic. Just simple fact. Nothing at all to do with opinion.

Perhaps some need to read more than just selective "snippets".

How about some input on CHINA.......What was the topic of the thread?
Back on topic it took all of 2 minutes to break one of the made in China toys my children received...junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is correct.

That is not correct (or if you want to put it in terms of difference of opinion, your opinion differs from that of the founding fathers of the United States, and I'm pretty sure on this matter their opinion counts more than yours). Read. Learn. Cure your ignorance.

Hey mo'

I get so tired of you going against God and Country. You don't live in the US yet you run your trap.
Heck, My Chrysler is not made in this country, it is made in Canada.

If you want to bring more manufacturing to this country get behind the Fair Tax.

No Tax on products manufactured in the US, until they are sold.
This gives a great advantage to domestically produced items over imports.
Wow I am shocked this has not went to the politics forum yet like so many others that have started this way. I guess its because Crossram has not posted yet.

LMAO.......Here I am.......waddid I miss ?

Man I hate showin' up late to a Bar Fight !!!

Somebody hand me a bottle or a pool stick !!!

Lets throw down before smallblock gets here !

Hold on a minute .....for cryin' out loud ....IT'S CHRISTMAS !!!

Why don't we give the Mods a break and let smallblock spend some time alone with his family.

Can't we all get along for at least one day outta the year without needing a Babysitter ?

Merry Christmas to everyone on F.A.B.O. !!!

(I'm puttin' my pool stick down....but only for a day)
We buy foreign made products.... have a over population of Hispanics that are working for cheaper wages destroying any job opportunities for Americans. We're in dept something awful, UN owns most of our National Forests and Parks, I mean you can tell quickly where this is heading.
LMAO.......Here I am.......waddid I miss ?

Man I hate showin' up late to a Bar Fight !!!

Somebody hand me a bottle or a pool stick !!!

Lets throw down before smallblock gets here !

Hold on a minute .....for cryin' out loud ....IT'S CHRISTMAS !!!

Why don't we give the Mods a break and let smallblock spend some time alone with his family.

Can't we all get along for at least one day outta the year without needing a Babysitter ?

Merry Christmas to everyone on F.A.B.O. !!!

(I'm puttin' my pool stick down....but only for a day)

Hey I'm glad you came!!!!!!!!!!

It's good to see a true American in here compared to a flaming Canadian!!

Here let me buy you a drink!!

Oh by the way I having nothing against Canada or its people just one in particular!
LMAO.......Here I am.......waddid I miss ?

Man I hate showin' up late to a Bar Fight !!!

Somebody hand me a bottle or a pool stick !!!

Lets throw down before smallblock gets here !

Hold on a minute .....for cryin' out loud ....IT'S CHRISTMAS !!!

Why don't we give the Mods a break and let smallblock spend some time alone with his family.

Can't we all get along for at least one day outta the year without needing a Babysitter ?

Merry Christmas to everyone on F.A.B.O. !!!

(I'm puttin' my pool stick down....but only for a day)

And a Merry Christmas back. At least you are being calm but that may change as people keep the postings coming.
Hey I'm glad you came!!!!!!!!!!

It's good to see a true American in here compared to a flaming Canadian!!

Here let me by you a drink!!

Oh by the way I having nothing against Canada or its people just one in particular!

Put your flag away, and let's get on with the topic you dork.
We're all equal here, i'm Canadian, he's Canadian, you're American.
So what?
So he's gay and i'm straight, we all have somthing to say here, screw you and your bashing.
On anyone.
Got it?
Put your flag away, and let's get on with the topic you dork.
We're all equal here, i'm Canadian, he's Canadian, you're American.
So what?
So he's gay and i'm straight, we all have somthing to say here, screw you and your bashing.
On anyone.
Got it?

I say what I want ... you need to shut your dick warmer asshole! You probably as queer as he is! That's why you're upset!
I say what I want ... you need to shut your dick warmer asshole! You probably as queer as he is! That's why you're upset!

What are you? Some kind of redneck?
You're the assclown, you homophobic creep.
Dan's gay, and openly. That's on the record.
I'm not. And that's on the record.
I'm starting to wonder about you though.....
Or are you just an argumentative bully redneck a-hole like you are portraying?
Or are you just drunk on Christmas?
I say what i want too. So freaking what?
Get back on topic.
Lighten up.
Nope. Not gay. But Im a God fearing American that don't take lightly of another person (no matter whatever location they live) stating that my country was not founded by Christian forefathers. Probably just another atheist born website that mo posted. "One Nation Under God" is in our pledge of allegiance by the way.

Just because I live in the south everyone always calls me a redneck. I have friends that are from the north (Ohio) and when they state facts on other forums they get called rednecks because they live SC. We have laughed about this numerous times. Now that shows how much you know. Heck I could have been from the north or Canada and just decided to move down here. So if you moved down here in the south you be a redneck also.... to your standards.

Nope not drunk either... been sober for 9 years now.

I was on topic in post #32 but commented on crossram's post then you opened your mouth! Why don't you get back on topic... Uh no excuse me you never was on topic....... you just come on this thread running your mouth at me.

Im like most Americans at this point in time. True American that are worried about what's happening to our beloved country. It's not looking good for us especially the young Americans.
You want me to "lighten up" but yet you called me a dork! Give me a break!
I started this thread due to frustration. I work in the road construction equipment industry, we are having a very tough time getting parts for repairs. It's not just one manufacture, it's everyone. The reason is, America doesn't have any manufacturing abilty like it had in the 50's, 60's, & early 70's.
Everything is being outsourced & Mfr's are not stocking their warehouses. This creates a delay for parts. Just try telling MR. customer, that his $150,000.00 Excavator has to set foe two months until the part comes off backorder. This is all done in the name of profit.
I believe in capitolism, but when is enough profit really enough.
The thing that I don't understand is, if it only cost $10.00 (outsourced) to make a pair of shoes, why do we American's willing pay $150.00 for them?
What happens when the middle class does go away? Is the other 10% of the rich going to keep corparate America profitable?
With that off my chest, I had a very great Christmas & wouldn't trade living anywhere else.
Gosh I understand your frustration Mike. I really think all Americans are getting frustrated and also getting short tempered.

I wished I could answer your questions buddy .... but I'm just another dumb redneck. LOL

I'm glad you had a great Christmas.... I did to and wouldn't trade living anywhere else myself.
Christmas is just commercialized for the economy to make money. We owe China a ton of money, and us buying their goods is the way we pay them back.
I started this thread due to frustration. I work in the road construction equipment industry, we are having a very tough time getting parts for repairs. It's not just one manufacture, it's everyone. The reason is, America doesn't have any manufacturing abilty like it had in the 50's, 60's, & early 70's.
Everything is being outsourced & Mfr's are not stocking their warehouses. This creates a delay for parts. Just try telling MR. customer, that his $150,000.00 Excavator has to set foe two months until the part comes off backorder. This is all done in the name of profit.
I believe in capitolism, but when is enough profit really enough.
The thing that I don't understand is, if it only cost $10.00 (outsourced) to make a pair of shoes, why do we American's willing pay $150.00 for them?
What happens when the middle class does go away? Is the other 10% of the rich going to keep corparate America profitable?
With that off my chest, I had a very great Christmas & wouldn't trade living anywhere else.

I just hilited the line that causes alot of household problems in the capitalistic world. We are blind to our own greed! Whether you wish to admit it or not. Whether your religious or not! Whether your political or not! It's just the way it is!

PS- since it's Christmas, take a drive through your poorest areas on garbage day and check out the boxes at the side of the street!
I would love to see how many keyboard badasses would back it up in person.
this country was founded on freedom of religion, by Christians, for everyone to worship who they want how ever they want. Freedom of religion is right there with freedom of speech, allowing us to "discuss" subjects like this without fear of prosecution.

no illegal (hispanic or otherwise) has taken my job. a fair market drives the prices. if you get underbid on a construction job, then you were too high

i try to buy american products when i can to support my fellow Americans, but if i can't, i can't. My Dodge car was made in Mexico, assembled in Canda and shipped to America. Toyota's are assembled in Ohio....

Merry Christmas too all. I hope everyone got what they wanted, no matter where it was made.
I started this thread due to frustration.

What happens when the middle class does go away?

With that off my chest, I had a very great Christmas & wouldn't trade living anywhere else.

Mike, If I answer that question this thread will get Launched into the Shark Tank !

And a Merry Christmas back. At least you are being calm but that may change as people keep the postings coming.

C'mon boys calm down ....only an hour and a half to go !

Hey chryslerfat, "You didn't happen to see where I layed my Cue stick" ?
Christmas is just commercialized for the economy to make money. We owe China a ton of money, and us buying their goods is the way we pay them back.

Well I sure hope they are deducting it off what the US owes them. lol
no illegal (hispanic or otherwise) has taken my job. a fair market drives the prices. if you get underbid on a construction job, then you were too high
Oh Yeah....Crossrams definitely gonna respond to this opinion when Mikes thread gets moved into the Shark Tank !
I've been crying about good ol' China for years , and its 'capitalistic-communist' mindset .

We can thank the following for the degradation of the U.S.'s economy :
- Environmentalists
- Clinton
- C.A.R.B.
- S.C.A.Q.M.D.
- Clinton
- Jerry Brown
- Nancy Pelosi
- Clinton

Even if something says it's made in the U.S.A. , doesn't mean it was made by American citizens ; doesn't mean its raw materials are from the U.S. ( just how many operating , functioning steel mills does one see these days ? ) ; and doesn't mean that someone's being paid a decent wage for their efforts .

As far as protesting all this **** that's from China : it's going to take A LOT of true effort and discipline to do it !
Buy used stuff from a thrift store as much as possible ( clothing , etc. ) . Even if the article was originally made in China , the money spent on buying the item(s) as second-hand won't make its way to China again .
Also : DO NOT sell ANY of your Gold items ! The government is pumping-up the value of Gold in order to use it to pay off ****-*** China !
Granted , while this is just a hunch on my part , one cannot ignore the real possibility of something like this happening !

A coup d'etat is the only way to clean house , and rid this once-great country of these environmental control freaks , socialist pigs , coffee house communists , and these dip **** college professors that spread their socialist tripe !
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