Choosing a shop name

I knew I recognized that source image from somewhere.

Ripped and modified without permission from the originator.

View attachment 1715188349

Sure, it's similar but how many images have been created that are similar with a 3/4 window view (most common angle)? I'm sure there's many.
Maybe he was looking at that image and the style inspired him? Who knows?
I wouldn't go as far to say it's stolen. Look up his website.
(edit; not trying to be an ***, I appreciate you bringing it to my attention)
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I like the name. I'd buy a t shirt when they are available!


Thanks Cley.
I'll let you know. We'll probably do black ones and white.
Here's the thought in black...
Any suggestions are definitely welcome (from anyone).

Sure, it's similar but how many images have been created that are similar with a 3/4 window view (most common angle)? I'm sure there's many.
Maybe he was looking at that image and the style inspired him? Who knows?
I wouldn't go as far to say it's stolen. Look up his website.
(edit; not trying to be an ***, I appreciate you bringing it to my attention)

Well, I can only tell you it’s the same image. Below is a quick overlay of the two images matched for sectional distortion. They are virtually identical with minor changes in some details. It’s the oldest trick in the graphics arts business. If I were presenting this overlay image in a copyright infringement lawsuit, I would win my case immediately. Even the colors are nearly the same.

I’m just letting you know so you don’t wind up with any legal troubles later from using the image.

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Well, I can only tell you it’s the same image. Below is a quick overlay of the two images matched for sectional distortion. They are virtually identical with minor changes in some details. It’s the oldest trick in the graphics arts business. If I were presenting this overlay image in a copyright infringement lawsuit, I would win my case immediately. Even the colors are nearly the same.

I’m just letting you know so you don’t wind up with any legal troubles later from using the image.

View attachment 1715189519

Interesting... I'm going to contact him and see what he says.
If he says he bought the clip art legally, ask for proof. You are only protecting yourself.
Glad to help, just don’t want to see you with a headache down the road that you don’t need.