Choosing a shop name

Busted Hip Hot Rod Shop

Just as an fyi... I'm not quite busted hip, depends diaper, where's my dentures, hiding my own easter eggs old yet!
In 2 years I'll be 55 and my shop partner will be 53. Plus, I'm only 'retiring' so I can take my early pension and work doing what I love doing!
My role as regional waterworks supervisor was, and still is, amazing but I want a change for my remaining working years.
I have no intention of ever 'retiring'!
Just as an fyi... I'm not quite busted hip, depends diaper, where's my dentures, hiding my own easter eggs old yet!
In 2 years I'll be 55 and my shop partner will be 53. Plus, I'm only 'retiring' so I can take my early pension and work doing what I love doing!
My role as regional waterworks supervisor was, and still is, amazing but I want a change for my remaining working years.
I have no intention of ever 'retiring'!

Good for you man!! I pulled the pin at 54 1/2 about 2 years ago and never looked back. Retirement is like dying and going to heaven without the dying part. Sounds like you enjoy your job which is awesome, but I would humbly suggest that within about a week after leaving you will realize that all those Performance Plans, Selection Grievances (with the "People Services" morons that go with that), "engaging the key stakeholders to harvest the low hanging fruit", "Increased Granularity" (ever heard that one from the Adminisphere?) etc. etc. is pure B.S. that is killing you just a little more each day.

Best of luck with the new venture!
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Just as an fyi... I'm not quite busted hip, depends diaper, where's my dentures, hiding my own easter eggs old yet!
In 2 years I'll be 55 and my shop partner will be 53. Plus, I'm only 'retiring' so I can take my early pension and work doing what I love doing!
My role as regional waterworks supervisor was, and still is, amazing but I want a change for my remaining working years.
I have no intention of ever 'retiring'!

Just an FYI...
I'm 58
Suffering from Anheuser's Disease
Remember, the most important thing with choosing a name is brand recognition. It has to stick in the customers minds and resonate. It isn't about what you like, it's about what the customers like.

We spend millions in the pharmaceutical industry vetting names to get the best consumer response.

The name speaks to what the customer can expect from your business and product as well as have the ability to be easily recalled and not confused with other names.

"Busted knuckle garage" sounds like a bunch of amateurs muscling through routine mechanical work where as "Torque Brothers Speed Shop" sounds like a family run high performance shop.

(Both of those names are already copyrighted)
Remember, the most important thing with choosing a name is brand recognition. It has to stick in the customers minds and resonate. It isn't about what you like, it's about what the customers like.

We spend millions in the pharmaceutical industry vetting names to get the best consumer response.

The name speaks to what the customer can expect from your business and product as well as have the ability to be easily recalled and not confused with other names.

"Busted knuckle garage" sounds like a bunch of amateurs muscling through routine mechanical work where as "Torque Brothers Speed Shop" sounds like a family run high performance shop.

(Both of those names are already copyrighted)

I totally agree, there's a lot to a name... that's why I'm asking for extra input! More brains usually work better than one... aspecially if it's mine! hahaha
We need a name and a logo... cuz every shop needs t-shirts and hoodies!

Funny you mention those...
Torque Brothers Rod and Custom was on our list... domain names were all open when I checked last week... and I haven't found any copyrights yet? I'm probably not looking in the right places.
The search continues :)
I totally agree, there's a lot to a name... that's why I'm asking for extra input! More brains usually work better than one... aspecially if it's mine! hahaha
We need a name and a logo... cuz every shop needs t-shirts and hoodies!

Funny you mention those...
Torque Brothers Rod and Custom was on our list... domain names were all open when I checked last week... and I haven't found any copyrights yet? I'm probably not looking in the right places.
The search continues :)

Torque Brothers is on Tee shirts and merchandise everywhere. whether it is or was a real rod shop, I don't know. It could be copyrighted.
Now we know who comes up with things like:
CHANTIX, Avandia, Retoril, Belsomra, Vyvanse, Cymbalta, Flomax, Ablify
and wait for it....Viagra.:rolleyes:

I like where yer coming from with that with the puns but I'll (we'll) have to pick something suitable to both of us. I'm 1 of 2.
If you got any more I'd like to hear them.

The first one I gave could "work" since you both are retiring.
"Wise Men (Man) Wheels"?
And I'm assuming you both are wise men.

Stop using my suggested names and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:

  • extreme drowsiness, falling asleep suddenly, even after feeling alert;
  • nausea, sweating, feeling light-headed, fainting;
  • hallucinations;
  • muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness with fever or flu symptoms and dark colored urine;
  • chest pain, cough with white or pink phlegm (mucus), wheezing;
  • feeling short of breath (even with mild exertion), swelling, rapid weight gain;
  • feeling weak or tired, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss;
  • fast or uneven heartbeats; or
  • tremors, twitching or uncontrollable movements of your eyes, lips, tongue, face, arms, or legs.
Torque Brothers is on Tee shirts and merchandise everywhere. whether it is or was a real rod shop, I don't know. It could be copyrighted.

I was in the mall Christmas shopping and went into a little sign shop. There was lots of 'torque brothers speed shop' stuff in there. I'm not sure if the 'rod and custom' makes it enough different? In the meantime we'll keep thinkin'...
Here's a sample of the input I have from home; my son says it sounds like 'dork brothers' and my girlfriend says don't use a name with 'boner' (Old Bones Rod and Custom) in it. lol helpful!
Thanks folks!
"Follow the star to...."
Go west young man to.....


Feet don't fail me now.
(Or other body parts)


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I never followed up on this... so here it is gentlemen;
A fella' came to the shop looking for parts... turns out he does this for a living. That was lucky 'eh? lol His business is called 'Factor Creative'... pretty neat stuff!
This will end up on some t-shirts

This will be on the shop truck doors... eventually.
Brothers in Cars
Motto: Built it, broke it, fixed it...

Old Dogs speed shop
Logo: anything with a black lab

Exiting now that I've turned this into a dog thread...
Good luck in retirement...

logo with a picture of a snarling ROTTWEILLER , LOGO HASN`T COME TO ME YET, JUST THE BIG BADASS DOG --------------
I never followed up on this... so here it is gentlemen;
A fella' came to the shop looking for parts... turns out he does this for a living. That was lucky 'eh? lol His business is called 'Factor Creative'... pretty neat stuff!
This will end up on some t-shirts
View attachment 1715185868
This will be on the shop truck doors... eventually.
View attachment 1715185869
I knew I recognized that source image from somewhere.

Ripped and modified without permission from the originator.
