common courtesy



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 25, 2017
Reaction score
jerseyville, illinois.
for the most part is dead. went to texas road house to eat. going in, held the 1st door open for a man in a wheel chair. just was taught to do that. started to walk in after the man had gotten by me and wife and a couple with 3 f!@#%$g kids come running past me and almost knocked wife down. and what did they say" them old people need to get out of the way". what a bunch of ****@#$%^$s. went to the gas station on the way home and pump on my side has yellow bag on it. pulled around to next pump and started to pull in and a f*&^%@ng punk pulls in and pulls all the way to the pump i was trying to get at. even though there was room for him at the 1st pump and we both could have gotten fuel. what did he do? flipped me off. i started to get out of truck but wife stopped me. that punk did not know what he could have gotten in to. looked at a couple ads on fb for some parts i think i need and asked were they still avail. crickets. what is wrong with people? is it too hard to say " sorry, i sold them" or " sorry i don't have anything like that" or "i sold the whole car". getting off my soapbox now. hope i don't fall off it as it is pretty tall.
The wife and I went for blood tests, there was a line of spaced chairs outside, (Covid) .
My wife has a bad hip, which is obvious when she walks, all the chairs were occupied, so the wife and I tacked on the end of the line .
Lotta men were seated, only one GENTLEMAN stood and offered his chair, - he wasn't white ! !
They have no respect for anyone, especially their elders. I truly believe that when they stopped people from disciplining their children is a big cause of this. Broken homes and kids raising kids
They have no respect for anyone, especially their elders. I truly believe that when they stopped people from disciplining their children is a big cause of this. Broken homes and kids raising kids
Corporal punishment - particularly at school !

Consequences !
I exerted a bit of common "non" courtesy just a bit ago. I was leaving a parking lot, which has "bi directional" parking lanes. Here comes a car and a mini van RIGHT in the MIDDLE of the lane. I already had started to nose the converted ugly 01 RAM down the lane, and the guy in the car got over, but the woman in the mini van--driving with one hand and a cigarette in that hand........would not. SO I JUST CASUALLY kept inching the big 'ol truck over a bit more and a bit more and GUESS WHAT?? SHE FIGURED OUT HOW TO STEER THAT MINI VAN!!
I exerted a bit of common "non" courtesy just a bit ago. I was leaving a parking lot, which has "bi directional" parking lanes. Here comes a car and a mini van RIGHT in the MIDDLE of the lane. I already had started to nose the converted ugly 01 RAM down the lane, and the guy in the car got over, but the woman in the mini van--driving with one hand and a cigarette in that hand........would not. SO I JUST CASUALLY kept inching the big 'ol truck over a bit more and a bit more and GUESS WHAT?? SHE FIGURED OUT HOW TO STEER THAT MINI VAN!!
I don't blame you. I crowd the ones who insist on driving down the wrong way in parking lots, if the morons don't understand what the one way arrow means you think that they could figure it out when the cars are facing the same way in parking spaces
Don't even get me started. People parking in the handicap space, without the sticker or tag. Or parking in the no parking area in front of the grocery store.
They don’t realize they’re going to be older some day and I just hope someone pulls the same crap on them.
When I was grow up my forks taught me to respect my elders and to hold doors open them and women. And I still do. The majority of the time I get a thank you and if I don’t get one I say sarcastically your welcome.
It’s not that hard to say those two words thank you!

One time I had an elderly lady compliment me on my manners after helping her. She said your mother sure raised you well. I thought to myself dad had a big part in it too cause if I didn’t I would have heard about it from him.
This all boils down to one thing. No god dam respect. Respect people, elders, etc. These kids dont know anything about it. I grew up learning and being taught about those that came before me. I do not take for granted those who lost their lives or freedoms to get me where i am. I thank every person i meet who served and hold doors open for those who deserve it. All these kids think they should be given everything because "someone somewhere owes them"
Don't even get me started. People parking in the handicap space, without the sticker or tag. Or parking in the no parking area in front of the grocery store.
Here were I live, you can get a ticket for parking in the solid yellow striped area and it's a $225 ticket. I agree with that and I don't care if you're handicapped, you should know that it's a no parking space no excuse.
Today's society is bringing up the most disrespectful people that I've ever seen, they have no morals, self respect. They also haven't learned how to dress themselves as they wear their pants below their waist.
Where I live the police can't be bothered with tickets in a parking lot. I pointed a non taged car in a handicapped spot, to a cop cruising thru. "I don't have time" was the reply.
here where I live, police won't write a ticket for parking in a handicap zone, but about June last year, a couple were fornicating in a car on the upper end of the Walmart parking lot. I guess the old lady that called the cops was mad that she could not join in the fun. The cops wrote them up for "indecent exposure".
Things that used to be "common" aren't anymore, especially sense and courtesy.

Social media is proving day after day that Generation Z will become known as the best documented and least productive of all its predecessors.

I expect this will get censored for "the greater good," but it's true.

cudachick1968, you are correct especially the gen-z above, but take it 1 step further and fix the female part also. so they can't breed.
Another one this morning. I was going to try and go to a local gun show, but I had insomnia last night and this morning my eyes are bothering me, so I ended up leaving. In other words this is gonna be a crap day

There was some person with MT plates who parked dead center of a pair of handicap spots. The one he was mostly in had a "blank" area to his right so he could have crowded that direction if he thought he needed more. Instead, he took up two of the actual spaces

I left this note under his wiper:

Where I live the police can't be bothered with tickets in a parking lot. I pointed a non taged car in a handicapped spot, to a cop cruising thru. "I don't have time" was the reply.
Here in Missouri if they are not on a call they have to check out what ever complaints arise in a parking lot, especially handicap parking. I hate to say it but there's seniors who are just as disrespectful and rude as the younger generation.
Another one this morning. I was going to try and go to a local gun show, but I had insomnia last night and this morning my eyes are bothering me, so I ended up leaving. In other words this is gonna be a crap day

There was some person with MT plates who parked dead center of a pair of handicap spots. The one he was mostly in had a "blank" area to his right so he could have crowded that direction if he thought he needed more. Instead, he took up two of the actual spaces

I left this note under his wiper:

and you had better use crutches, a cane, wheel chair, or drag a foot to the store. A lot of people at Wal Mart are too fat, lazy, or both. Many times people park in the handicap spots with a sticker, hop out of the car and almost run into the store. :mob::mob:
Reading the op, I was reminded of an incident that happened in my city transit bus driving days. I had a standing load on the bus, and was approaching a stop where I could see a person in a wheelchair. As I was pulling in, I announced over the p.a. that the area in front of the bus would need to be cleared to allow the wheelchair passenger access. Those in the area were very cooperative and made space, also lifting the folding seats. So far, so good. As the front door opened and I was lowering the bus and extending the ramp, one asshole teenaged female hurdled over the now almost 3 ft high ramp as it unfolded, nearly landing on me. I was livid, told her to get the hell out and wait until the wheelchair passenger was on board before she came back.
She looked at me, made some sarcastic remark, and attempted to make her way to a seat. Two other passengers blocked her way, and made it clear that they were not going to allow her to go through them. She did step out finally and allowed the wheelchair in, then bitched about how crowded the bus was.
I sure don't miss those days or the assholes like her.
and you had better use crutches, a cane, wheel chair, or drag a foot to the store. A lot of people at Wal Mart are too fat, lazy, or both. Many times people park in the handicap spots with a sticker, hop out of the car and almost run into the store. :mob::mob:
My wife has several medical problems. If we can get a parking spot close to the store, she can walk that far without assistance, and then use the store scooter. Otherwise she needs to use a walker.
Don't even get me started. People parking in the handicap space, without the sticker or tag. Or parking in the no parking area in front of the grocery store.
You forgot to mention the *** clowns that drive thru the parking spaces....
For some reason, parking lots seem to be the place where idiot's hang out. The one's that crack me up are the ones that have either a handicap plates or a placard and will park in the solid yellow striped area. If they don't know by now that means no parking they deserve to get a ticket, I would have no problem in doing so. A friend of my brother in law got a ticket for parking in a striped area and it cost him $225, I didn't and don't feel sorry for him.